"A teacher for a day, a father for life, I will only have this master in my life." Feng Xiaotian knew Bibi Dong's purpose, so he said first.

Having said that, Bibi Dong also showed a trace of dissatisfaction, she is really a clever little brat.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let me see your martial soul." Bibi said.

Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to obey in this situation.

Wuhundian, at least for now, he still can't afford to offend, and it's even more difficult for him to come to Wuhun's headquarters alone.

Feng Xiaotian had no choice but to release the two-headed wolf spirit of Gale Wind.

Bibi Dong looked at it, and said: "Your martial spirit is better than ordinary top-level martial spirits."

The released martial souls are high-level and low-level, and a discerning person can see through them at a glance.

What about the second martial spirit?Let it go too.

Feng Xiantian released San Feng again, and San Feng appeared in front of Bibi Dong at the same time.

Seeing such a martial spirit, Bibi Dong fell into deep thought, as if lost in memories, as if there was a trace of sadness in her emotions, which was fleeting.

This martial soul is very similar to a certain person's martial soul, and that is master Yu Xiaogang's. This kind of martial soul is very strange among beast martial souls. After the master's martial soul has mutated, it is Luo Sanpao's.

What is his name?

"Three Winds"

Three winds, three cannons?Does this kid know Xiao Gang?

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it's impossible.

It seems that he still hasn't come out of the past, Bibidong looked at Feng Xiaotian and said: "The ability of your second martial soul is devour, come, see if you can devour my soul power."

Bibi Dong stood up, holding the scepter in his right hand, Feng Xiaotian could see Bibi Dong's entire figure clearly, it was really too perfect, and he didn't know how to maintain it.

Bibi Dong is less than forty now, and will be able to become a god in the future. If she becomes a god, the god will have endless life.

Is this twenty-something gap still a thing?For Title Douluo, the gap is nothing, let alone a god?

Phew what was I thinking?It was the first time seeing such a seductive woman, Feng Xiaotian thought he had enough concentration, but he still fell into a whirlwind.

Although this is a normal phenomenon, let me ask that the man is not lewd when he sees a beautiful woman, this is human nature.

Feng Xiaotian quickly caught his attention, the next moment Bibidong's spirit released nine spirits, the red spirit ring was particularly dazzling, this spirit ring Feng Xiaotian knew, it should be Xiaowu's mother's spirit ring.

Bibi Dong's first martial spirit: Death Spider Emperor, the skin of the upper body is covered with a layer of purple-black armor, and the face is covered by a carapace.Under the eyes, there are small eyes growing from the limbs.

And Sanfeng not only didn't retreat after seeing it, but let out a wolf howl.


It filled the entire Pope's Palace, if it wasn't for the Chrysanthemum Douluo and Ghost Douluo outside guarding and knowing the people inside, otherwise it would have been thought that someone had come to attack the Pope's Palace.

The next moment, a horn of a death spider emperor was in the depths of Bibi Dong.

"Can your martial soul devour my soul power?" Bibi asked.

Feng Xiaotian resisted Bibi Dong's aura in front of him, probably on purpose, and said, "Try it."

"Sanfeng, can you swallow it?" Feng Xiaotian asked worriedly, Sanfeng was one with him, and he would be fine if something happened to Sanfeng.

I saw Sanfeng raised his head proudly, as if to say, look at me.

Sanfeng immediately touched the corner of Bibi Dong's Death Spider King, using the power of devouring.

It was the first time to devour the soul power of a Title Douluo, and this was no ordinary Title Douluo.

Sanfeng devoured it with all his strength, as if he had exhausted all his strength, but only devoured a few strands of soul power.

Feng Xiaotian knew that Sanfeng had exhausted all his strength.Feng Xiaotian also knew the limit of Sanfeng.

It seems that the soul power to devour Title Douluo is not enough, Sanfeng's growth is not enough.

The hair on the body has just turned black. Sanfeng is equivalent to the level of a ten thousand year soul beast, corresponding to the realm of a soul king?

If the realm of the soul king can be devoured casually, will it be discounted if it is above the soul king?But when it reached Title Douluo, it almost lost the ability to devour, Feng Xiaotian kept guessing and analyzing.

Bibidong experimented with the abilities that Feng Xiaotian's martial soul possessed, even though she only devoured a small amount of her soul power.

But it's also very powerful, after all, Feng Xiaotian's second martial spirit didn't add a soul ring, if he added a soul ring, if he had a strengthened devouring skill, it would be very difficult to deal with.

Feng Xiaotian still has two spirits of the same type, just like hers, he is two spider spirits, Feng Xiaotian is a wolf spirit.

Even if this kind of person can't worship himself as a teacher, he must join the Spirit Hall. Bibidong has a feeling that Feng Xiaotian has to become one of his own. If he doesn't join the Spirit Hall, maybe he will be unified by the Spirit Hall in the future The biggest obstacle in the mainland.

"Alright, let's take back the martial spirit." Bibi Dong said.

Feng Xiaotian also took Sanfeng back.

Just when Bibidong took back the three winds, Bibidong's second martial spirit was released immediately, and a martial spirit appeared. Feng Xiaotian knew that this was Bibidong's second martial spirit, Soul Eater Spider Yellow, six black and one red, Configuration.

At this time, Bibidong's second martial spirit was not full, only seven spirit rings, it seems that he wanted to find a more suitable spirit ring, and he wanted to kill the Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python later for the hundred thousand year spirit ring .

This seventh soul ring is red, she definitely wants the following soul rings to be all red.

"Are you also a twin martial soul?" Feng Xiaotian pretended to be surprised.

After releasing her martial soul, Bibi Dong also took back her martial soul immediately. This was the first time she showed her martial soul to outsiders. If it wasn't for Feng Xiaotian's twin martial souls, she wouldn't have been able to reveal it.

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