After that, the White Eagle Fleet and Bagui District received news from Su Hao.

Enterprise he took away.

The White Eagle Fleet immediately felt relieved when they heard this, and they didn't care about any pythons or black cubes. Essex gave an order and brought an army of hundreds of thousands of ships to Lingshui City.

When the Duke of York saw that the white eagle had left, he had nothing to do on his side, so he also returned.

The Sakura Fleet also seemed to understand something. Akagi stole chickens and lost money, and arrested the commander. It turned out that the commander had stolen the house and drove away the python he had worked so hard to create, along with the Black Rubik's Cube and the company He was also taken away, no wonder he looked crazy.

In addition to sympathizing, Kaga BB comforted a few times, and then hurried back to discuss countermeasures.

According to legend, the battleship capable of controlling the Siren was acquired by Donghuang. Does it mean that Donghuang's power will rise in the future?

And Prince Eugen further confirmed his inner guess that this human commander who had never shown his face was manipulating all this from beginning to end.

He was even able to take away the python and the company under the eyes of Nagato, one can imagine how meticulous his layout is!

Donghuang has produced an amazing commander!

She had to hurry back and tell Bismarck the big news.

In this way, a group of ship girls who were originally mighty and powerful came to Sunset Island, but were persuaded by a message from Su Hao, and Sunset Island returned to calm.

Many years later, when Prince Eugen recalled that incident, he suddenly came to his senses, and sighed at Su Hao's strategizing, a piece of news easily resolved the possible battle.

The next day.

Akagi stood in front of the God Tree without saying a word.

"Have you really decided?"

Nagato knelt under the tree, with a small wooden table in front of him.

Fusang poured her a cup of tea.

Nagato took a sip, raised his head and looked at Akagi, "You have to know that Tiancheng's status is different from before. She is the ship's wife of Commander Donghuang. Once you get in touch with her, you can't turn back."

"Master Nagato, you should know what is the most important thing to me. I have been preparing for so long...for so long...that human actually..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Akagi gritted his teeth angrily.

She trusts Su Hao so much!

As a result, let alone you turned my sister into your ship's wife, what happened to running away without saying hello? ? ?

What's the difference between this and stealing a house! ?

Damn it, when I find you, I must take you...

"Of course I know."

Nagato felt helpless.

It's really tiring to fight with you.

Akagi's reaction did not exceed her expectations at all.

Because of this, when I discussed with Su Hao, I knew that the latter would definitely face this scene sooner or later.

Hope others are ok.jpg

"Let's go, take Xili with you, she has long wanted to go outside."

Akagi was slightly taken aback.

She thought that Nagato would consider the future of Higurashi Island and would not let her go.

But in the end, he not only agreed, but also asked Xili to go with him. What's the situation?

By the way, Ayanami seems to be...

Thinking of this, Akagi took a deep look at Nagato.

She turned away.

On the side, Fusang said with some doubts: "Master Nagato, once Akagi leaves, Kaga will definitely leave too. With the addition of Ayanami and Yudachi, we will lose a lot of fighting power on Higurashi Island."

"It doesn't matter." Nagato raised his head and looked up at the falling cherry blossoms in the sky, "As long as they still care about Sakura...Changou needs to change."

"Sister." Kaga looked at Akagi who came out of the shrine, "How is it?"

Akagi chuckled, and an inexplicable brilliance flashed in his eyes, "Kaga, let's go see my sister, by the way...hehehe~"

Commander, I will take my sister back!


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 186 Enterprise and... Enterprise?

While the major camps were busy with their own affairs, Su Hao also ushered in a large wave of guests.

First, Lingshui City Maritime Safety Bureau came to inquire about the situation, then the White Eagle Fleet arrived, and then, even in Bagui District, Nelson brought a few ship girls familiar to Su Hao to ask about this matter. some 'details'.

Details, details, of course.

How fine is it?They naturally hope that it can be as thin as possible.

But Su Hao can't be careful, how can he live well after he is careful?

Well, what happened to him at Sakura's side cannot be detailed.

The reason has already been figured out. As for the existence of Tiancheng, there is no need to hide it and it cannot be concealed. Besides, there are not many people who know Tiancheng except the people on the side of Shige Sakura. After all, she has not been active in the world for a long time. on stage.

In comparison, Shigesakura's famous ship maiden, besides Nagato, Akagi and Kaga in the battle of the first flight, and Mikasa senior stationed in Shigezakura's local area, etc., are the well-known ship maidens.

Su Hao built Tiancheng on Chongying Island by his own mistakes, and was led by the latter to escape from Sunset Island. As for the enterprise.

"I picked it up on the way."

No one knows anyway.

Labor and management just saw a company on the way, what happened?If you can't pick it up, that's your fault!

It doesn't matter to Baiying, as long as the company is fine anyway, it doesn't matter whether you picked it up or stole it, now they are here to take over.

The only thing that is worrying is that the company has not woken up since it fell asleep. Professional maintenance personnel Ming said that the company's physical condition is not serious, and the ship's equipment is not damaged. The coma is mostly related to the mind.

Her professional explanation made Essex, who wanted to bring the company back to Baiying for inspection as soon as possible, temporarily changed his mind. The persistent teacher Ming called, please help her to come up with an idea.

It needs to be mentioned here that Su Hao didn't know about Ming's existence at all, it was purely his girls who brought Ming back.

And this cute cat said that the heavy cherry blossoms couldn't go back for the time being, so he waited and watched first, and after walking around the port area, he asked Su Hao that he was coming to a dilapidated small warehouse, and he didn't know what he was going to do.

Ming is a professional, um, professional maintenance ship.

With her here, Bai Ying felt a little more at ease.

But Nelson is a little depressed here.

The Duke of York is still waiting for her report. The former is sorting out the details of the operation in Wujiang City. She knows most of the things, and it is Su Hao who is the most important.

If you don't figure it out, the Duke of York will not be able to deal with his superiors.

Otherwise, how to explain the python, how to explain the black cube?

Helpless, Nelson could only use his trump card.

"Sister, go and ask Su Hao what happened on Rimu Island. Remember not to be too deliberate, but to ask with a caring attitude, as if it were a casual chat."

Rodney was full of confusion about Nelson's request.

Doesn't my sister usually dislike having too much contact with Su Hao?

Forget it, I was planning to ask anyway.

But obviously, Rodney misunderstood Nelson's meaning. The so-called asking, Rodney really just asked, and then chatted a few words casually.

She went on to find Xiao Guanghui and the others to play.

As for Ayanami, Su Hao didn't intend to reveal her identity, but saw her with other ship girls shortly after returning, and then took the initiative to confess her identity and what happened.

The silent girl was crying, and Su Hao was relieved that everyone did not blame her, but comforted her, even U47, who was not very talkative, went to comfort her.

I am very relieved to see the unity and friendship of the whole family.


"White Eagle's people seem to plan to wait for the company to wake up before making a decision."

Tiancheng returned to the office and said to Su Hao who was sitting at the desk.

Although she is a newcomer, but Miss Li is not here, she is now the secretary ship in the port area.

Strength, wisdom, and even body and face are not lost to Richelieu. In just half a day, all the ship girls in the port area were convinced by this new 'big' sister.

Of course, some people are still not convinced. After seeing the beauty of Tiancheng wearing Japanese style clothes, Assaulter is also thinking about wearing it like this in the future. As for Opai, he just wears a tube top and matches it with loose and slender Japanese style clothes. It is simply not too beautiful.

Isn't it Yamato Nadeko?You can do it yourself.

At this moment, Tiancheng walked in, and Dido, who was in charge of taking care of Su Hao, immediately made her a cup of black tea.

The fragrance of tea was overflowing, Tiancheng smiled lightly and said: "I remember that Fusang's clear tea tastes very good, but the royal black tea also has a special flavor. Speaking of which, did you have a natural maid image?"

"Dido is the master's maid, no matter what time it is!"

Amagi understood.

Some ship girls are born to be soldiers, and some are born to be mischievous. Maids like Dido are rare but normal.

However, to Tiancheng's surprise, the Minato District where his owner is said to be a newcomer Minato District is really it.

But except for the Kaigang area, there is no sign of a newcomer in other places.

"I'll go and see the company later."

Su Hao raised his head, biting his pen in annoyance. The Maritime Safety Administration asked him to submit a report on this battle, but he never participated in it.

Speaking of enterprises at this time, it would be troublesome for the White Eagle Fleet to hold back.

It's not about food and lodging. Although Su Hao invited, Essex said that they can solve it by themselves.

The trouble is that such a large group of people won't leave, the world is focused on this, and he himself is a low-key rookie, so trouble is inevitable, isn't it?

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