"Ming said that there is nothing serious about the company, but he was still mentally affected by the Black Rubik's Cube. Let me go and see what's going on... Speaking of which, what does Ming want that small warehouse for?"

Tiancheng shook his head lightly: "I don't know, but she has been cleaning, and it seems to be ready to use."

"Well, never mind."

Ming didn't go back, and Su Hao didn't force it, anyway, one more ship girl is nothing more than an extra mouth.

Besides, Ming is also my favorite ship girl. If you have nothing to do, you can pet the cat, bask in the sun, and don't live too chicly.

"So be it."

After about ten minutes, Su Hao simply edited the combat report and submitted it.

In fact, the main reason for doing this thing is the application for material compensation, military exploits and so on, and the commander's terminal has been reimbursed, and the Maritime Safety Administration needs to replace it.

After leaving the office, Su Hao came to the dormitory.

The Enterprise was accommodated in the room she had stayed in the last time.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw York City guarding the bed.

"Commander Su Hao." She stood up to greet her. At this time, her gentle face looked a little tired and worried, "Is there something wrong?"

"I'll take a look at the business."

There were only York City and the company in the room. The arrogant Haman went somewhere, and Essex was outside to preside over the affairs of the White Eagle Fleet.

"Haven't you woken up?"

Su Hao walked to the bed.

An enterprise is like a sleeping beauty, with a face full of tranquility and softness.

It's completely different from the heroic figure in battle.

"Yes." Yorktown sighed softly, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Commander Su Hao...how did you find the company? Do you know what happened to her?"

"Well... let me take a look first."

Su Hao didn't answer directly.

Anyone who understands knows that anyone who picks up something must be [-]% fake.

But what is more important now is how to wake up the enterprise.

"Well, I'll get you a glass of water."

York City left the room. She was very smart and knew that something must have happened between Su Hao and the enterprise.

But compared to the truth, she prefers that her sister is safe and sound.

Since Su Hao has something hard to say, don't ask too much, and leave this place to him, York City also has a little expectation.

Su Hao looked at the closed door.

Then, he sat down beside the enterprise.

The Black Rubik's Cube has always been in the company's body, and Su Hao didn't know how to get it out, and he felt that he probably couldn't get it out, otherwise the Sirens would be full and have nothing to do, why would they do such a big circle?

Obviously, their original purpose was to integrate the enterprise with the Black Rubik's Cube.

"Hmm... where should I start?"

After finishing speaking, I felt a little obscene.

After thinking about it, Su Hao controlled the power of the Black Rubik's Cube in his body, and extradited it to the body of the enterprise.

As soon as I touched it, this power seemed to come alive, frantically flocking to the body of the enterprise.

At the same time, the Black Rubik's Cube in the enterprise's body also reacted, and two different gray energies were entangled with each other. Soon, the power of the Black Rubik's Cube in the enterprise became docile under the influence of Su Hao.

"Huh? It seems to be a little smoother than last time."

I don't know if it's because the company is in a coma and can't resist, anyway, Su Hao feels that he can do whatever he wants now.

At this time, the power of the black magic cube of the enterprise was appeased and regrouped into the black magic cube in her body.

Su Hao was not surprised to find the Black Rubik's Cube, but he didn't dare to mess around, for fear of irritating it.

dong dong~

dong dong~

dong dong~

The atmosphere in the room became quiet, and the sound of each other's heartbeats could be heard clearly.

Su Hao controlled his strength and probed towards the Black Cube.

Soon, his consciousness was sucked into a black closed space.

The darkness faded away, and the burning flames lit up one after another, reflecting everything around them.

All I saw was a messy scene after the great war. The sea was full of broken warship wreckage, and the flames of war were burning. They were connected into one piece under the dark sky and reflected in the dark sea water.

Su Hao walked on this battlefield.

Suddenly, an incredible picture appeared in front of his eyes.

Business vs... business?

Su Hao frowned. Is this the dream of the company?Or is it a product of a certain consciousness space?

He has long been familiar with this situation, but he still couldn't help being surprised when he saw the two companies appear.

The two looked at each other, and when they saw Su Hao appearing, they turned their gazes together.

Then, one of the enterprises opened his mouth and said something, but he couldn't hear clearly, and disappeared into a burning flame in an instant.

The picture disappeared, everything faded away like a tide, and Su Hao's consciousness soon returned to his body.


He saw the company on the bed who had opened his eyes and looked at him, and didn't know what to say for a while.


PS: keep going! ~

Chapter 187 Maybe Su Hao is your destiny

Awakening the company from a special level of consciousness, Su Hao was very surprised by what he had just experienced.

If you just think about it from the perspective of a player of Bilan, one of the two companies he sees is familiar to him, and the other may be the "black company" that players are familiar with...


Of course, there are basically no detailed data records for the appearance of black companies in the game. They are terribly strong, nuclear powered, and even the observers of the siren will respectfully call "you" when they see her, and shy away from her strength.

One can imagine how powerful black companies are.

It's a pity that although the major players are eagerly looking forward to it, Guayou still has no more information updates about black companies.

On the contrary, the existence of black Kaohsiung and suspected black ark appeared one after another, and in a series of pretentious plots, the image of black companies was once again invisibly raised.

I have to say that the plot of Guayou is all based on imagination.

Let's play a short clip, it's time to force the game, and the rest is up to the player to think about it.

At this time, after regaining consciousness, Su Hao met the beautiful purple eyes of the enterprise for the first time.

"Thank you."

The company said two words without thinking.

But Su Hao seemed to understand what she was talking about.

"Who was that just now?"

"I don't know either." Enterprise's eyes were full of confusion, "It's like...a mirror."

Mirror, the company can think of the most appropriate word.

She just couldn't relate to her other self.

But deep down in her heart, she told herself that the other party had a close connection with her.

Or, maybe just one.

Enterprise looked at the ceiling blankly, she was a little unclear about what happened to her, since she came into contact with the Black Rubik's Cube, she has become unlike herself.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Su Hao comforted softly, "Isn't it just a Black Rubik's Cube, the Rubik's Cube exists to assist the ship girl, I don't believe that the legendary ship girl company can control even a small Black Rubik's Cube Can't live."

For some reason, upon hearing what Su Hao said, the company wanted to laugh a little.

"How dare you say..."

"Because I know you well, you have such a strong heart, how could you lose to a mere Rubik's Cube?"

"However, I seemed to lose control before."

Enterprise bit her lip lightly, she was very clear about what she had done before, but she just couldn't control the violent power from inside her body, it was the palpitating power from the Black Rubik's Cube.

Su Hao stretched out his hand, straightened her somewhat messy hair, and said with a smile, "That's because you just came into contact with the Black Rubik's Cube, and you were caught off guard. Besides, if you hadn't controlled her, everyone might have died at that time."

"Besides, even if you really can't do it alone, don't you still have me? Have you forgotten how I brought you back?"

"By the way, Su Hao, you..."

The company did not respond to Su Hao's intimate behavior, but was a little surprised by the latter's ability. Whether it was in Nippori or the clip just now, the energy still in her body at this time told her that Su Hao was not It's 'ordinary people'.

Su Hao withdrew his hand and smiled: "As you know, I am a bit special. In fact, I also have a black magic cube in my body."

The enterprise was full of consternation.

A human with... a Rubik's Cube? ? ?

This completely subverts the perception of the enterprise!

"Are you the mother of a ship? Ah no... No matter how you look at it, you are all men, ship... ship... man?"

The company has been out of control, and she even said something that she didn't even believe.

But there is always one thing that is certain. In this world, only the Rubik's Cube is in the body of the ship's mother. There is no ship girl.

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