No way, the first shipman appeared in this world?

Hearing the company's nonsense, Su Hao couldn't laugh or cry.

Fuck, return to the ship, why don't you say the ship man?

Ship Nanchun.

Ship hooves.


"Please, I'm just a human being, I'm male, I like women, that's right." Su Hao looked helpless, "Otherwise you touch...ah, anyway, I'm a man, not a woman, and I'm not a ship girl."


"There are not so many buts, and there are not so many whys. It's as if you don't know why the Black Rubik's Cube will become like this after you hold it. There are many unknowns in this world. There are some things that we don't even know. It's normal."

Regarding his identity, it is impossible for Su Hao to tell anyone other than Sister Li.

It's not that I don't believe in the company, it's one thing to believe, and it's better not to say something than to say it.

Anyway, I am not dedicated to the siren, at least the right to freedom of the body belongs to him, so there is no need to do extra things.

"That's right." The company is not going to delve into this point, "However, why can the black magic cube in your body suppress the black magic cube in mine?"

"I don't know that either."

"I don't know? Then you still..."

The company wants to say that you are not sure, but you just rushed over in a daze before?

Su Hao smiled and said: "Because I don't know, wouldn't it be clear after I did it? Practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. Besides, you are my friend. I can't see you being tortured to death by the Black Rubik's Cube. Shall I watch from the sidelines? Please, I’m a man anyway, a commander, courage and so on, it was decided when I became a commander, and when it’s time for me to go up, I won’t back down.”

"Ah, that sounds like something you would say..."

Enterprise suddenly understood why she felt that Su Hao was different when talking with him back then. It wasn't just because Su Hao said a few words that touched her, but because she heard her sincere thoughts from Su Hao's words. .

The willpower endowed in the soul and the innate personality charm are what attract enterprises.

Thinking of this, the company suddenly felt a little stupid.

Why ask these?Obviously should know.

"Speaking of which, can you take the Black Rubik's Cube out of your body?" Su Hao asked.

It may be better for the company if it can be taken out like Richelieu.

However, because Richelieu has already merged with the Black Rubik's Cube, it can be controlled to a certain extent.

It's hard to say about the enterprise, anyway, Su Hao feels quite special.

Sure enough, the company shook his head: "No, I can't even feel its existence clearly, it's just like I feel that it will explode at any time."

Su Hao scratched his hair: "That's troublesome."

If the Black Rubik's Cube cannot be taken out, it is equivalent to a time bomb, which may explode at any time.

Enterprise also realized this, and her face was covered with sadness.

For a while, neither of them spoke.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door of the room, and York City walked in with a glass of water.

"Eh? Enterprise, you... are you awake?"


The secret conversation between the two was interrupted by the arrival of York City.

The latter was surprised that the enterprise had woken up in such a short while, obviously she was still in a deep sleep when she left.

"Aren't you playing Sleeping Beauty? I'm not your prince. I have to wait for Commander Su Hao to come and give you a kiss before I wake up?"

Faced with York City's joke, the enterprise blushed slightly.

But she really couldn't refute York City's words.

In any case, Su Hao rescued her one after another, as if it was predestined, and people couldn't help daydreaming.

Of course, York City just said this casually, she didn't know that her younger sister was so active in her mind.

"It's just in time for you to wake up. The Essex side is already in a hurry. The ship's mother headquarters sent several messages asking her to lead the fleet back to the voyage, but she refused. She is worried if you don't wake up."

As the vice-captain of the operation, Essex was worthy of his name in terms of strength and prestige.

But she will always be the little girl of the enterprise.

In other words, as a loyal junior, the existence of wanting to surpass and catch up with the senior.

The company was in a coma, the python disappeared, the Black Rubik's Cube appeared, and a lot of uncertain factors appeared. White Eagle did not know what news it received, and wanted to recall the fleet.

When York City said this, the company immediately returned to its serious look.

Seeing this, Su Hao said, "You should take a good rest first, and I will deal with some things. Don't worry, there is always a solution to your problem, so don't worry."

The company responded.

Until Su Hao left, York City suddenly said: "How do I feel... Enterprise, you have something to hide from me?"

"Eh? Ah" Thinking that York City had discovered the secret of the Black Rubik's Cube, the enterprise hurriedly shook its head: "It's nothing, really!"

Yorktown stared at her carefully.

"The more you say that, the more suspicious it becomes. Sure enough, something is hiding from me..." York City teased and laughed, "Is it about Commander Su Hao?"

"Sister, I..."

Has it been discovered?

Maybe it's normal, Enterprise thought, his sister was always thoughtful, Su Hao saved him, and was able to wake him up from a coma, maybe he had already thought that he could affect the Black Rubik's Cube in his body.

Thinking of this, the enterprise immediately said: "Miss York City, you must not tell other people, this will harm Su Hao."

York City sighed softly: "Of course I know... oh~ yes, although you are very independent in the enterprise, you can make up your own mind no matter what, but in the end we are all ship girls, whether it is you or me, You will encounter things that you are not good at dealing with, maybe you were destined to meet Su Hao in the sea."

Enterprise opened its mouth and wanted to ask Ms. York City what are you talking about?

"Don't worry." York City smiled gently, "I will keep this secret for you, but ah, there are some things that must be thought through clearly, no matter what decision you make, don't let yourself regret it."

The familiar eldest sister is gentle, careful, intellectual, and understanding.

This is what businesses have always relied on.

"I will, sister."


PS: Sister York City, woo woo woo, I like it so much! ~

Chapter 188

The two sisters, York City and the enterprise, had a heart-to-heart chat for a while, and soon the news of the enterprise's recovery spread throughout the port area.

Essex practically 'flyed' into the corporate room.

The other ship girls are also very happy, and everyone is worried that the company will still be affected by the Black Rubik's Cube.

"It's okay." Facing the group of White Eagle's juniors, the company smiled and comforted, "The influence of the Black Rubik's Cube has temporarily disappeared, and I should not become that scary company again in a short time."

Essex immediately said: "Senior enterprise, no matter what you become, you are the most admired senior in my mind, and you are not a terrible enterprise. Please don't say that again in the future!"

"Yeah, sister enterprise is not scary!"

"It's the sirens who are evil, they must be playing tricks behind the scenes again, trying to harm the seniors of the company!"

The girls on the ship are talking all over the place.

Then Essex suddenly asked: "Wait, senior, you just said... For a short time, is there any discomfort in your body?"

The enterprise sighed softly: "My body is fine, but my mind is still affected."

"Then let's go back to Baiying immediately, everyone will find a way to cure you!"

"No need." The company shook his head and refused, "I know my situation, and there is nothing I can do with White Eagle's technology."

The conclusion reached now is that only the Black Rubik's Cube can restrain the Black Rubik's Cube.

Not sure if it can only be Su Hao, after all, the company is only the first time to contact the Black Rubik's Cube.

But White Eagle doesn't have a Black Rubik's Cube, so he can't even try it when he goes back, and accidents may happen at any time. In this case, the company doesn't plan to go back for the time being.

"In the next period of time, I want to take a good rest and find out what can solve my situation." Enterprise looked at Essex and said seriously: "The White Eagle Fleet will be handed over to you to lead , there must be an important mission to summon you back from the headquarters of the ship girl, and I will leave everything to you when I am away."

"But senior..."

"Essex!" Enterprise frowned, "You don't listen to me?"

Essex hung her head and pursed her lips.

Of course she listens to the company.

But, but she really couldn't figure it out, since she wanted to solve the problem, wouldn't it be better to stay here than to go back to White Eagle?

At this time, York City smiled and said: "Well, Essex, don't you understand the company? There must be a reason for her to do this. Since you respect the company, you should trust her decision."

"Miss York City, I..."

"You are also in the company. Everyone is worried about your safety. Being so serious will scare the younger generations."

The company was suddenly helpless.

She can't help it, she can't say that I stay here and let Su Hao see a doctor for me, right?

Anyway, it is impossible to tell the secret between her and Su Hao to a third person.

Why does Su Hao have a black cube?Su Hao didn't say these things, she also respected the other party's decision.

After all, everyone has past events that they don't want to mention, and the right to choose.

At this moment, York City put on a white face, and the atmosphere in the room eased up a lot.

The enterprise continued to explain some things, and she was ready not to return to Baiying until her situation stabilized.


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