
PS: The 4 chapters have been updated, and the end of the month is coming soon. Remember to vote for the blade monthly ticket. At the end of the month, count and see how many words the rewards for this month exceed. Hehe~

The game is updated at [-] o'clock in the morning, don't forget to go online to feed the wives, Dajian will go to the wave tomorrow, the live broadcast will start, and you will definitely graduate!

Chapter 193 Enterprise Entry Area

Businesses have been worried about their situation.

It's not that she will sink because of this, the main reason is that there is an uncertain factor of the Black Rubik's Cube, and she is more restricted.

He couldn't fight as he wanted like before, and he was carrying something that could explode at any time, and it might explode at any time and hurt his companions.

So I let Essex and the others go first, saying it was a rest and adjustment, and I was mainly worried about this.

If you can't even fight, what is your value?

She has been thinking about it.

Although it is strange, it is not surprising that this kind of thing happened to the company, after all, this is what she has always believed in.

ttk, one touch ttk...

Seeing the confusion in her eyes, Su Hao suddenly felt distressed. This guy, I'm afraid he hasn't thought about anything other than fighting all this time, right?

In this case, it is not as good as a simple robot.

At least the robot doesn't feel tired, but the enterprise does. In a sense, she is an ordinary girl.

When an ordinary girl gets confused, she needs chicken soup for the soul. Although Su Hao doesn't know it, he just wants to fulfill his duties as a commander.

"Enterprise, you have a problem."

The company that was expecting Su Hao to give her an answer, suddenly became dumbfounded.

Have a problem yourself?

Is this... scolding me?

No, Su Hao shouldn't be like this, but...

Ah, sure enough, I have failed in my life. Who would like someone like me who knows nothing but fighting?

The strong company fell into strange thinking, if it was normal, she would definitely not think so.

"It's weird." Su Hao looked at her with a serious expression, "A girl like you, who is as good as you, is smart and capable, and can even lead a large fleet to fight against any enemy, yet you don't even know such a simple question. Strange isn't it?"

"You asked me what you should do, even if I knew it, I couldn't answer you. I think you have a problem, not because of your ability as a ship girl, but because of your humanity. There is something wrong with what you have shown Ah. It’s not for me to answer you, but for you to think about what you should do. If you don’t know, then you need to find it yourself.”

"I think this is very important. Whether as a ship girl or a human being, if you don't even know what you want to do, you will be a failure."

Nothing to do but fight?This question has a large group of mothers who touch the fish and express their dissatisfaction.

There is no doubt that the current enterprise is at its most confusing time. In fact, Su Hao can take this opportunity to trick her into entering the port area to experience a new way of life.

But this is called taking advantage of other people's danger, Su Hao is an honest gentleman... well, an honest gentleman feels a little pain in his heart, dripping blood, this is a rare opportunity.

If at this time he understands it with reason and moves it with emotion, maybe he will be able to successfully win the company.

What a pity, what a pity...

Just as he was thinking about it, the enterprise suddenly said: "In this case, then...can I stay in your port area for a while, and experience the life here as a ship's wife?"

Enterprise can't think of any other way for the time being, but she can clearly feel the happy atmosphere of living in the port area, which is completely different from the feeling when living in Baiying.

"Uh..." Su Hao was stunned.

"Can't you?"

"Oh no, yes, yes, it's great that you can think like this, it proves that you have learned to get out of the stubborn thinking circle in the past, it's very good, very good."

Su Hao's expression was calm, but his heart was as high as H.

Enterprises have entered the port area!

What is a turnaround?This is!

The light of righteousness!

"Then Commander." Enterprise stood up and saluted him with a standard military salute, "Enterprise is reporting to you, and I will leave it to you."


Although the company enters the port area as a ship's wife, although it is only a temporary worker, it is undoubtedly a very good start.

A ship's wife can live in the port area, which is undoubtedly a great trust in the commander here.

You must know that leadership-level ship girls like enterprises have a much stronger will in their hearts than ordinary ship girls, and it is not that simple to change their original ideas.

Of course, this doesn't have to be changed, the thing to guard doesn't need to be changed, it's just a way of life.

Just like Richelieu, she still cares about Iris Nation and those companions in Iris Nation, she will still go back if there is danger, but this time it is her own will, not as a ship girl of a certain force to obey orders to fight.

Anyway, some things can't be rushed, Su Hao is very aware of this, anyway, it would be great if the company can come to the port area.

But then again, Baiying has no objections to companies coming to Hong Kong, right?

Well, probably not.

No one doesn't want the company to live well, right?No way no way.

They also sincerely hope that the company will live well, after all, this is what companions and good friends would think about.

I'm talking about the girls of the White Eagle Fleet. As for the White Eagle Government, what does it matter to me, Su Hao?

What, something?If you have something to do, you can talk to my leader, and talk to Donghuang's senior management!

I'm just an ordinary commander.

After chatting with the company for a while, the atmosphere gradually became more relaxed.

Soon after, Amagi and the others also chose.

Originally, Su Hao was ready to bleed heavily, but to his surprise, Chicheng didn't dig a hole to wait for him to come.

Maybe I wanted to dig it but was filled in by Amagi. Anyway, Akagi chose three bracelets of the same style in the end. The store said that it happened to be the fate of three people, which means that one fate is accompanied by three people, so Akagi decided without hesitation. down.

Su Hao is a little confused, big sister, although I don't watch many TV series, but I'm not stupid. Is the third of Yuanban Sansheng this one?

But Chicheng wanted it, but Su Hao didn't say anything, just pay anyway.

Fortunately, although the price is a bit expensive, but not too outrageous.

Well, write this store down, if you let me know that the things here are shipped by sea, hehe...

After buying a bracelet, he went shopping for a while. Su Hao honestly took on the responsibility of paying the money. He went out with women. Whether he is handsome or not depends on his performance. He is handsome when he pays, and he is handsome when he is generous. .

Su Hao is indeed handsome at this time, but Tiancheng is still worried about his grievances, so he quietly came to comfort Chicheng while Chicheng was not paying attention.

Amagi's wife is really great!

In fact, Su Hao was very happy in his heart. Not to mention the company, he was very happy in his heart.

A calm and subtle day passed, with Tiancheng staring at him, but Chicheng didn't do anything special, and Kaga just watched. After a day like this, Su Hao didn't care much.

Then the reward from the Maritime Safety Administration came down.

"Here, I originally applied according to your situation, and the Maritime Safety Administration authorized to replace all other rewards with hulls, a total of two, but when the White Eagle Fleet was leaving, they specifically told Bagui The district first thanked you for your contribution on their behalf, so the Bagui District Maritime Safety Administration specially approved another hull, so there are three in total."

Atlanta, who was in charge of the delivery, got off the transport vehicle, and it took her a lot of effort to pull these hulls.

In fact, the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration is eager for Su Hao to have the hull.

Due to the recent shift of the security line, the area responsible for defense has become larger, and their responsibilities have also increased. How can we do it without so many people?

Recently, Lingshui City has prepared to apply to Bagui District for dispatching manpower.

As the strength of the Su Hao port area increases, they can also become more relaxed, so why not?

The sea area is extended. When the time comes, the management is good. When the performance appraisal comes up, their salaries will also rise accordingly.

Get promoted and raise your salary, win...ah no, become Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of naval life!

"Three hulls." Su Hao smacked his lips, "I thought there were ten or eight."

Atlanta staggered, "Hey, hey, what do you think the hull is? There are still ten or eight. Some port areas have been operating for so many years and there are not ten or eight. You are considered a special case, okay?"

"I understand the truth, but I used all the rewards to change the hull."

"That's why there are only two, otherwise there is no one. Besides, didn't you successfully build a ship girl this time? The benefits of going out are not small, and you can get it cheap." Atlanta sighed, "Look In your port area, how long have you been in Lingshui City, and now people say that our Lingshui City Maritime Safety Bureau is attached to your port area."

"Uh..." Su Hao touched his nose.

"That's right, that's right." Atlanta suddenly came over and asked in a low voice, "Just now I saw two ship girls I haven't seen before. They weren't there when you came back. Who are they?"

"What?" Su Hao pretended to be stupid.

"It's just two foxes with nine tails."

"Children, don't ask so many questions."

"Tch~" Atlanta waved his hand, "Okay, give me the travel money, I'm going back."

The travel expenses she asked for were, of course, small cakes.

In fact, the delivery was just a drop in. The Maritime Safety Administration was fine recently, so she just came to have a look, and then dropped in for some pastries.

"I haven't done it yet, I will do it in the afternoon, you have lunch, and then take it home."

Atlanta thought for a while, it's okay, he just went to ask other ship girls about the two foxes.

She now regards staying in the port area as a daily routine.

Atlanta ran away, and Su Hao calculated the materials in the warehouse. He reckoned that three constructions were obviously not enough, and they couldn't all be used for construction. At least some materials were kept for backup, so that they could be dealt with in case of emergency.

But the funds in the port area are not enough. These days, the construction of the port area has started. The cost of the secret base has been settled before, and now other things are started. Not to mention, the dock is a big pit.


After pondering for a long time, Su Hao thought of the most suitable person.

"St. Louis, are you there? Borrow some money."


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