PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 194 Where?borrow some money

"Okay, okay, I know that you have a colorful trip this time, and your life is boundless, but there is no need to say it so many times."

While driving, St. Louis shook his head and said to Cleveland who was chattering beside him for a long time.

They were coming out of construction at the water park, and St. Louis was taking Cleveland to the dockside.

Although only a few days away, St. Louis always felt like a different person in Cleveland.

"So many things happened before, and I didn't see you excited."

"Hey, it's different." Cleveland said with a smile, "It's really different this time, you haven't seen that scene before, when the White Eagle Fleet, the Sakura Fleet, and the Iron-Blooded Siren, even Finally, Donghuang's side also came, and a group of people surrounded us."

"We got that Rubik's Cube, everyone wanted it, you know how tense it was? After all, we were the weakest side, the weakest person held the most precious thing, everyone was looting, it was so tense died."

"Fortunately, there was no accident in the end, otherwise you might not see me."

St. Louis raised his forehead, "Then you are still so excited?"

"Hehe~ I just feel very happy, that kind of scene of fighting with my companions. At that time, everyone was thinking about how to bring Su Hao back." Cleveland suddenly exclaimed, "You don't know St. Well, we ended up doing almost nothing, and he just sorted it all out."

"In the end, we were still looking for companies everywhere, and then Ayanami suddenly appeared and said that the commander asked everyone to return, and we were all stunned."

St. Louis asked curiously: "Has Ayanami been with Su Hao all the time?"

"Yeah, without her, Su Hao would be in danger."

"Wait, did you say that Su Hao and Ayanami suddenly disappeared?" St. Louis asked thoughtfully, "The purifier behind said they were captured by Akagi?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"No..." A trace of doubt flashed in St. Louis' eyes, "It's nothing, as long as everyone is not injured."


Cleveland smiled, indeed, as long as he wasn't injured.

St. Louis glanced at her and sighed: "Look at you, now you wish you were a ship girl in the port area."

"Eh? No, no." Cleveland waved his hand immediately and said, "No, I think it's fine now, Su Hao... Well, he is everyone's commander and is admired by others. I respect him very much."

St.Louis joked: "Then why don't you call him Commander?"


Cleveland hung his head, his fingers twitching restlessly.

Upon seeing this, St. Louis immediately understood.

It's over, it's over, Xiao Nizi has fallen.

Originally, she thought that if Cleveland was brought to live with her in the villa, and the two returned to their previous lives, Cleveland might figure it out and not go to the port area.

Now it seems that I still think too simple.

Sure enough, that commander is not easy.

Being able to retreat unscathed under the competition of the major forces, and depending on the situation, he is still the final winner, I have to say that Su Hao's image in St. Louis' mind is really becoming more and more mysterious.

Just as she was thinking, her cell phone rang.


"You are so powerful in the port area, and you still borrow money from me?"

When St. Louis drove Cleveland back to the port area, Su Hao came over immediately.

Black lightning, handsome ah.

Su Hao walked around the sports car, and then remembered that he said he wanted to take Xili out for a drive.

"Can you lend me your sports car for a day?"

St. Louis crossed his arms and said with a smile: "You haven't asked me what I borrowed money for, and now you ask me to borrow a car? You are not going to borrow everything from me, and then refuse me if you think I am not good, you will always borrow money." Are you the same?"

exist?Borrow one million?

No, then it’s okay to borrow [-], right?

still not good?Fifty thousand, fifty thousand.

What?Up to [-], alas, [-] is fine, just pass it on to me.

I was borrowed [-], and I was glad that I didn't lend [-] million. In fact, they planned to borrow [-] from the very beginning.

St. Louis knows this all the time, but obviously, Su Hao didn't think about it that much.

"I need some supplies, but I don't have enough money. You see, my pier has started construction these two days. How can I have extra money?"

"Well, I saw it, and then? Isn't there a lot of supplies in your warehouse?"

"No, not enough to build."

"put up?"

Su Hao briefly talked about his plan.

"You." St. Louis shook his head. "This is a typical gambler's mentality. Put everything on the line and even borrow money in the end. How can you say this state, you will definitely lose everything in the end."

The so-called gamblers, from childhood to adulthood, have been on the top after reading and reading. In the end, they will sell their houses, sell their wives, usury and so on.

Su Hao patted his chest and said, "It's okay, I still have confidence in my luck."

"Every gambler says that."

"Uh... I'm not gambling. Anyway, no matter what ship girl appears, I like it. Besides, I just borrowed some money, and I will pay you back soon."

St. Louis thought for a moment and said, "Every commander who lost hope in life said the same thing before building it."

Su Hao: "..."

"Pfft~" St. Louis smiled slightly, "Okay, okay, I'm just teasing you, why are you so serious."

Su Hao shrugged: "My biggest advantage is that I will take everything seriously."

"Your biggest advantage should be thick skin, well, as a commander profession, this is indeed very important."

"No way, you don't know how much..."

St. Louis' eyes lit up, and he asked, "Have you bought the ring? Who are you going to give it to? Is it for Richelieu? Have you given it?"


"Is it her? It should be, or has it already been given to her, and I plan to give the second one? Is it an attacker or a centaur? Or Dido?"


"Neither? Huh? It can't be...Little Guanghui?"

St. Louis took a step back, wary.

"Hey, hey, that's too much." Su Hao was speechless, "It's a good thing you can say it."

"Who is that? You tell me, I will lend you money, and the sports car is fine."

"What did you say?"

"I said it." St. Louis tilted his head, "It can't be Cleveland?"

Ke dad?How come, the relationship hasn't reached that point yet, okay?

Su Hao spread his hands: "Actually, it was intended to be given to Richelieu, but she was traveling far away, so she missed it."

"It really is her... Oh, you are really useless." St. Louis sighed, "I bought them all, but I didn't give them away before I left. Don't you know what a ring means to Richelieu? Maybe this is her spiritual support when she travels far, with this ring, no difficulty can defeat her."

Su Hao thought that there was nothing I could do. I went crazy so many times that night, try it?

If it weren't for my strong body, I probably wouldn't be able to get up.

And in the end Richelieu left without saying goodbye, which was also unexpected by Su Hao.

"It was an accident. Anyway, I plan to give her the ring as soon as she comes back." Su Hao said seriously, "This time it will definitely succeed!"

Anyway, it has already been done, Richelieu will not refuse now, right?

After getting the answer he wanted, the so-called borrowing money from St. Louis was quite generous, and he made up for all the money Su Hao lacked in supplies in one go.

It's just that I have some doubts about Su Hao's behavior of borrowing a car.

"can you drive?"

Su Hao thought for a while, indeed, although his driving skills are a little bit, if such an expensive car bumps into something, he can't afford to sell himself.

"Forget it, I'll sail."

St. Louis frowned: "Where are you going?"

"Uh, just take a little guy for a drive, and then have a picnic, but I plan to have a picnic here in the port area. The peach garden in the back is almost the same, and the scenery is pretty good."

St. Louis suddenly smiled and said, "How about counting me in?"


Money is a man, and it doesn't matter if St. Louis wants to come to participate, anyway, one more person is not too much.

Then she transferred the money to Su Hao.

Then Su Hao was about to contact the Maritime Safety Administration to purchase supplies, when Ming jumped out of nowhere.

"Commander, do you want to buy supplies, meow?"

Seeing this little guy suddenly appear, Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Then go to Ming's shop and buy it, meow~"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

With doubts, Su Hao followed Ming and walked all the way to the small warehouse she had asked Su Hao to use for her.

At this time, the small warehouse has been taken care of, and the whole style of painting has completely changed.

Plaques with pictures of cute cats are placed across the eaves, and the warehouse is divided into two areas, one side is a messy grocery store with ordinary snacks, daily necessities, toys, comics, etc.

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