And from time to time, they fall into some kind of strange "dream", and the sense of déjà vu that appears in the mind makes the company suffer.

Su Hao was also very helpless about this, and could only help her suppress the power of the Black Rubik's Cube as much as possible.

It’s okay if he’s around, the Black Cube is obedient, and it’s not okay to stay a little farther away. It’s okay to force the power of his Black Cube, but this is not a long-term solution. In the end, it still depends on the company itself.

But in order to prevent Su Hao from suddenly going crazy when he is not in the company, he has to bring the latter with him.

But, if Su Hao doesn't explain this kind of behavior clearly, it won't look like that in the eyes of others.

The assailants expressed their opinions. After all, the company can be regarded as a "junior", so why did it receive special treatment from the commander?Obviously she also wanted to follow suit.

Dido, the lazy maid, wanted to go too. The company went, and there would be too many people if she went again, and it wasn’t for tourism and shopping. Then think about it, Madam Richelieu is not here, Akagi, Kaga, companies, etc. All the ghosts and goblins are here, it's difficult.

How can we protect the happiness of Mistress Richelieu?

They have ideas, but it's okay, most of them just complain, and after they set off, Chicheng also expressed his opinion.

"Commander, it's fine if you take Xili with you, why do you want to take that woman with you?"

Chicheng didn't seem to realize that Tiancheng had discovered her intention, and thought that neither Tiancheng nor Su Hao had discovered it, but in fact they both had.

At this time, she came to the driver's cab, and complained quickly while the woman was away.

Of course, I'm not afraid now, but... well, right?

I am a majestic first flight fighter, how can I be afraid of mere gray ghosts?

Saying this, she saw Su Hao concentrating on sailing the boat, so she clung to him.

If you observe carefully, although Akagi is close, there is no real physical contact.

Obviously, her purpose is not as simple as what she said last night.

Su Hao glanced at her, and even if he knew, he still had to pretend not to know at this time, so he said, "The physical condition of the company is not stable, and there are some troubles."

"I'm not feeling well, I'll be back to White Eagle for recuperation soon, why should I stay in the port area?"

"It's a bit special." Su Hao sighed, thought for a while, and said, "You also know that there is a black magic cube in the body of the enterprise. I don't know why it stabilized at the beginning. Well, to put it simply, I seem to be able to restrain her body a little bit. The side effect of Lihei Rubik's Cube, so..."

"Eh?" Chicheng was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "As expected of the Commander I'm looking for, hehe~"

"Don't be silly, if you didn't make a black magic cube, the company wouldn't be like this."

"Ahh~ Who told them to sneak here? They sneaked out of the trouble, now blame me, and I didn't ask her to take away the black cube."

Su Hao curled his lips. He didn't think about it before, but now that he thinks about it, he knows that the Black Rubik's Cube must have been taken by Chicheng on purpose for Baltimore.

Then use this to fish, play with the White Eagle Fleet, and buy time for his plan. If the siren didn't suddenly intervene in the end, maybe Akagi has succeeded.

"However, Commander, you have to be careful~" Chicheng said with a smile, "The company stays here...hehe~ Maybe the purpose is not so simple, don't forget what the original purpose of the white eagle is."

Su Hao thought about it, "You mean the python?"


The existence of pythons is very attractive to any force.

The White Eagle came here for this. The Black Rubik's Cube was just Cheng Yaojin who came out halfway. Now that the python disappeared, it might be because of Su Hao in the end. What about hiding the big ones?

The so-called gentleman hides his weapon in his body, but this is no longer such a simple weapon.

Who the hell can hide such a big thing?

And when Su Hao came back, suddenly there was another ship girl beside him. No matter how absurd it was, the ship girl herself was absurd. Maybe someone had already guessed the origin of Tiancheng.

It is not impossible for a ship girl to build a body with the body of a python.

But Su Hao is not worried that the company will do this.

Chicheng looked at Su Hao, and continued: "Maybe that company won't do anything, but Baiying is different. After all, the company is still on the side of Baiying. Don't forget, when I asked Ayanami to come to the port area what for."

Su Hao was silent for a moment, and asked back: "Who told you that the company is now on the side of White Eagle?"

Akagi was slightly taken aback, and then couldn't help but smile coquettishly.

She found that the Commander in front of her seemed to be more interesting than she imagined.


PS: keep going! ~

Chapter 206 That Commander Is White and Tender

Recently, I heard that a big boss appeared in Bagui District. In fact, Zhu Qiao also knew about the previous actions. She was originally the commander of Wujiang City. Bai Ying came here so blatantly, how could she not know?

Big guy, big guy, after asking, I found out that the man was called Su Hao, which almost scared her into a heart attack.

What, didn't you say newcomer?

Although... um... well, although I didn't feel like a newcomer when I saw it before, he was 'new', little fresh meat, but there are so many ship girls, no matter how you look at it, it is not easy to be a commander.

However, Zhu Qiao never thought that Su Hao's actions would have such a big impact this time, that several good sisters he knew were asking her about it.

"Zhu Qiao, when I was at the Maritime Safety Administration last time, I saw that you seemed to know him very well."

"Didn't you say he's a rookie? The rookie is so scary? Back then, when we were back then, the rookie wandered around the world with a destroyer, and that was the rookie."

"Speaking of which, will he come to the annual meeting?"

"Semi-annual meeting, Qingya, please explain clearly."

"I want to meet him, by the way..."

"By the way, make friends, then fall in love and have a baby?"

Zhu Qiao's sister group is quite lively.

Who says women are reserved?It's just that you didn't find out, it's scary when a woman ghs up.

"Zhu Qiao, have you gone to the Maritime Safety Administration? Or are you still in the port area?"

"I'm in the port area, Su Hao will arrive later."

"Wow~ It's really here, hug your thigh when you get to the Maritime Safety Administration."

"Come on, hug your thighs, his wife will throw you into the sea."

"How come, the ship lady is so gentle."

Jian Niang is gentle, it is her own Jian Niang who is gentle, Zhu Qiao laughed, but didn't pay much attention to it.

"Commander!" Then Ratford ran in from outside, "Commander, that Su Hao is here!"


On the other side, inside the Maritime Safety Administration of Wujiang City.

Nelson put down his phone and stood here in a daze.

"Captain, captain."

A warship lady called her twice, but there was no response at all.

"Hello, Nelson."

"Ah? What." Nelson reacted, wondering, "San Juan, what's wrong?"

"What's the matter?" San Juan was a little speechless, "I called you so many times, you should answer me anyway."


"What, have something on your mind?"

Nelson opened his mouth, yes, but he didn't know what to say.

Just now she received a call from Su Hao asking about the semi-annual meeting. She didn't expect the other party to come too. Originally, Su Hao must be qualified to participate, but considering that his port area is also very busy recently and he is a newcomer, Nelson decided to It is recommended not to notify.

After all, not all commanders come here. Those who come are either capable or busy. There is no need for some newcomers or weaker port areas to come. Just let the local Maritime Safety Administration report at that time.

Su Hao came as soon as he came, and Nelson later asked about Rodney and Portland's situation, but was told that they didn't come back together!


What's the situation with my sister and Portland? It's been so many days, so it stands to reason that it's almost the same if you just play around?

And didn't they just come to Wujiang?It's normal if we go together.

But, they didn't come back!

Rao is very confident in Portland, and Nelson can't help but worry about it.

And, more importantly, Rodney and Portland didn't come, but a ship girl named Chicheng came!

Nelson: ? ? ?

Didn't we just play a game a few days ago?Why is this...

Yes, Nelson heard that right, it is that Akagi, not the ship girl with the same name but the first battle of Sakura.

What are you doing!

Su Hao didn't say much, he just emphasized that Chicheng is now his "ship girl in the port area".


Why don't you say that Sakura's ship girls are all from your family!

What?Businesses are coming too?The company is also in your port area?

That's fine.

Nelson no longer knew what words to use to describe her mood.

"Why are you distracted again?" San Juan stretched out his hand and shook Nelson's eyes, "Are you feeling spring?"

"You're just getting puberty!" Nelson said angrily, "What's the matter, tell me!"

"Tch~~" San Juan curled his lips, "The director asked you to prepare all the materials for the meeting early."

"Okay, okay, got it."

Nelson waved impatiently.

San Juan was more skeptical.

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