"Isn't it really spring? Tell me, who is that guy?"

Nelson raised his hand to make a big gesture, and San Juan ran away with a smile.

"Really." Nelson sighed, "You're just in spring, and your family is in spring."

I am doing very well.

But the problem is...

Rodney, don't let anything happen to you.

Nelson glanced at the phone, paused, and didn't call immediately. She was going to wait for Su Hao to come over, and then ask about it.

So what about Chicheng?What about business?

Damn Su Hao, if you let me know that you attacked my sister...


The semi-annual meeting is held, and this period of time can be regarded as a big event in all major regions.

The Maritime Safety Administration will make corresponding adjustments for the semi-annual sea area management.

For example, where there are too many sirens, the strength is not enough, there is a problem with the Maritime Safety Administration, and there is a problem with the port area. In the end, it is not enough for one day, and two days are needed.

It will start in the afternoon, and then arrange for the commanders to stay in the evening, and continue tomorrow, and finally make corresponding adjustment plans and send them down, so that it can be considered a successful conclusion.

For example, in Lingshui City, there have been many sortie missions in the past two months, and the coastal area is obviously more dangerous than before. Although there is Suhao Port area, but at the same time, the safety line is turned outward. Pushed, the Maritime Safety Administration can't just watch, can it?

Therefore, Lingshui City applied for additional manpower for the Maritime Safety Administration, and a solution should be given after the meeting.

At this time, Su Hao drove the yacht and came to the Maritime Safety Administration with Zhu Qiao.

"Commander, shall we have dinner here?"

Xili stood on the pier and looked left and right. It was the first time for her to come to the Maritime Safety Administration, or the first time to leave Rimu Island. The new things outside were too tempting for her.

"Yes, there is a big meal tonight, and you will eat it with your stomach open."

"Open your belly?" Xi Li tilted his head, and then lifted his clothes up to reveal his sexy belly, "Is that so?"

The corner of Su Hao's mouth twitched, "It's just a metaphor, you don't need to really expose your stomach, cover it up quickly, Xili, remember, don't mess around with your clothes if you have nothing to do in the future, there are too many bad guys and perverts outside, you can't keep it Something will happen."

"Yeah, I usually don't show it, only when I apologize."

"Apologize? What?"

"Isn't there a saying that you should expose your stomach when you apologize? This will make you more sincere."

"Uh..." Seeing Xili's cute face, Su Hao couldn't help laughing, "It's okay, you are so cute, I don't blame you if you get into trouble."

Xi Li blinked his eyes and wagged his tail.

Is it okay to get into trouble?

Is there such a good thing?

You must know that you were often punished when you were on Rimu Island.

That's great, woohoo, Ayanami no longer has to worry about me getting into trouble and being punished!

Just as she was talking, Zhu Qiao waved to her side, indicating that they should go in.

The meeting was held at three o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still half an hour left. In fact, Su Hao didn't care about the meeting at all. Pennsylvania suggested that he come and see it.

Just take a look, Su Hao is very pragmatic, he came here without bringing anything.

What?take notes?

Forget it, he's been really busy these days, and now he's carrying two time bombs when he goes out, so he really doesn't have time to study.

Besides, no one here reminded him what to pay attention to, so he just came here to mess around.

It's not the first time for Enterprise to come here. It's the first time for Chicheng and Xili. Su Hao treats them gently and carefully... Well, explain, and roughly tell them about the situation here.

When I got inside, I saw a lot of ship girls from the Maritime Safety Administration, some familiar faces, and they stayed where they were when they saw Akagi and Enterprise appear.

As for some commanders, it's okay, they don't know these two big men at all.

But they knew Su Hao and cast their gazes, and then Su Hao and Zhu Qiao separated, and the latter was pulled away to ask questions.

"Zhu Qiao Zhu Qiao, that was Su Hao just now!"

"What's the name of the ship girl next to him? That silver hair has such a strong aura, I can feel it, it's the kind of group that looks strong at a glance, they are not opponents at all."

"That fox is also very powerful, I feel hairy when I see her smiling, do you know the one with nine tails?"

"It should be Shige Sakura's ship girl. The puppy next to him is also Shige Sakura's. I don't know what ship girl it is. There are too many and I can't tell at all."

"I'm even more curious about how old Commander Su Hao is this year. He looks so tender, his face is white and clean, and he feels a little fresh, hehe~"

"Yes, yes, white and tender, I don't know how old the young master is, but is there a marriage? Haha!"

"Hey, Zhu Qiao, are you familiar with him and understand the situation?"

"Hey, hey, you are enough, you are all married women, what do you want to do if you ask so clearly?"

A bunch of people at Zhu Qiao's side were bustling with excitement, and Su Hao had already brought the ship girls straight to the office building of the Maritime Safety Administration.

"Chicheng, let me tell you, don't talk nonsense later, I know the people from the Maritime Bureau well, and Nelson from the War Department is an old acquaintance of mine. It's very good. It's the mysterious director. I didn't have a chance last time. See, but it shouldn't be a problem."

"You were Shige Sakura's ship girl before, and you even fought a battle. Although in the end nothing happened because other people intervened, your position is still very delicate."

He came here this time mainly to inquire about the situation, but he didn't want Chicheng to cause any trouble.

However, he didn't intend to hide the news about Chicheng and the others. Rodney was originally in the port area, and Su Hao reckoned that the latter had already told Nelson about Chicheng and Kaga.

And nothing happened for so long, um, there should be no problem, right?

Hearing Su Hao's words, Chicheng smiled coquettishly and said, "Hehe~ Don't worry, Commander, I know how to read words and expressions best."

"That's fine."

Su Hao glanced at the enterprise, and signaled to her that something really happened and she had to come to the rescue.

The identity of the company is different, so her words are much more useful.

Just as he was talking, he suddenly heard the sound of running from the office building.

Then Nelson's head popped out of the second-floor hallway.

"Su Hao, you bastard!!"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

what's wrong with me?


PS: continue~

Chapter 207 The Kind of Lover You Use at Night

"Sit." In the Duke of York's office, she pointed to the sofa and said to Su Hao and the others, "Black tea?"

Just black tea will do.

Su Hao sat down and looked helplessly at Nelson who was staring at him.

"I really didn't do anything to Rodney. If you don't believe me, ask the company. She is the one who wants to stay in my port area. I asked her when I came here."

"Nonsense! What is my sister doing in your port area?" Nelson didn't believe it. "I'm her sister. Shouldn't you want to come back to see me?"

"How do I know?" Su Hao shrugged, this time he really didn't know.

If Rodney likes his own port area, well, it makes sense, after all, seeing her having fun in the port area these days.

"So you must be lying to me. I will call her and ask her after the meeting is over."

Nelson was persistent, and the company came out to help. She smiled and said, "Nelson, what the commander said is true."

When she opened her mouth, let alone Nelson, even the Duke of York was stunned.

"Wait, wait, Enterprise, what did you call him just now?"

"Commander." After the enterprise finished speaking, it realized that neither Nelson nor the Duke of York knew about his affairs, so he explained: "I am currently staying in Su Hao's port area as an intern ship girl, um, you Think of it as me experiencing the life of a ship girl in the port area."


Nelson thought to himself, does your family know about your experience?

Not to mention York City, Nelson guesses that if the ship girl named Essex finds out, Su Hao's port area must be demolished, right?

"You are doing an internship in Su Hao's port area?" The Duke of York asked interestingly, "You are so strong, why do you need an internship?"

The enterprise thought for a while and said: "Strength has nothing to do with other things. As a ship girl, maybe I don't exist just for fighting."

"Hey~ That's interesting." The Duke of York looked at Su Hao with a smile, "I have to say, as a commander, you are really 'excellent'."

There was something in the Duke of York's words, why couldn't Su Hao hear it?

But, he didn't do anything strange, just telling the truth.

But he didn't intend to argue anything, misunderstanding is misunderstanding, and misunderstanding is better.

Of course, he didn't fight, someone fought for him.

"Duke of York? Hehe~ Don't think that you are my Commander's boss, so you can do whatever you want with my Commander. You are just a director of the Maritime Bureau. An existence like yours is not even ranked in our port area. "

Chicheng leaned on Su Hao's shoulder, looking at the Duke of York with a half-smile.

Hey, hey, big sister, please drag your chin when you speak, how can our port area be as powerful as you say?

Although the Duke of York is not as good as our sister Li and the company, but the strength is still good, it is not as bad as you said.

"Chicheng, what is your identity here?" The Duke of York asked back.

The corner of Chicheng's mouth twitched: "Of course it's my Commander's lover."

Duke of York, Nelson:? ? ?

"That... Please say it again, I didn't hear you clearly just now." Nelson opened his mouth, "You said you belonged to Su Hao..."

"Lover." Akagi said without hesitation.

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