Su Hao covered his face.

Akagi, didn't I tell you to stop talking nonsense?

You fucking said everything you shouldn't have said!

Sure enough, Nelson was stunned!

"Lian, lianlianlianlian lover!?"


"You and Su Hao?"


"But...but aren't you Sakura's flagship, the first flight battle?"

"That was before. Now I'm just the Commander's lover, the one I use at night."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Nelson's mouth was wide enough to stuff a sausage.

The Duke of York's eyelids also twitched.

The enterprise looked over in surprise.

Only Xili looked left and right, completely unaware of what happened.

The atmosphere suddenly quieted down.

Su Hao wanted to explain, but he didn't know how to explain at all.

Use it at night?

which kind?

Could you please be more clear?

"Pfft~" Akagi suddenly laughed, "Of course I lied to you, Commander and I are pure lovers."

"Chicheng!" Nelson was angry, and slammed the table, "You'd better make it clear. According to your answer, our Maritime Safety Administration will take corresponding actions!"

"Ahhhhh~ Didn't I say it clearly enough?" Chicheng lazily moved his head away from Su Hao's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's a lover, it's real, if you don't believe me, just ask my commander. "

Nelson looked over immediately.

Su Hao: "..."

He is now basically sure that Chicheng is deliberately making trouble.

Tiancheng, although your plan is also very good, but I really can't stand it!

"Ahem~ Well, Nelson, sit down first, let's talk slowly."

Nelson said blankly: "No, tell me now, immediately, immediately, and the meeting will start later."

"Well, what Akagi said is actually right, it's lovers, know, love is out of control, and sometimes it just happens, similar to the feeling of love at first sight, Nelson, you You know."


"How should I put it, although I was captured by Chicheng back then, I actually fell in love with her at first sight. Well, Chicheng also had a good impression of me, and after this incident ended, she took the initiative to come to me."

Nelson was stunned: "That's it?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"You think I'm a fool?"

Nelson didn't believe such nonsense.

It doesn't matter if it's love at first sight or something, the important thing is how could Akagi leave Shiou Sakura's identity so easily and come to a port area?

And it is also a port area of ​​another country.

Most importantly, didn't you just fight once before?

"Well, there are actually other reasons." Su Hao sighed, as if he really couldn't hide it from you, "Of course it's not all because of my relationship, although Chicheng and I really love each other, but her identity is quite special Well, you also know that this kind of love drama because of a strange identity often happens on TV."

Nelson: "..."

"The reason why Chicheng came to our port area is mainly because of Tiancheng's relationship."

"The new ship girl?" Nelson frowned, "I remember you said that she was built by you on Sunset Island by accident."

"Yes, it was indeed an accident, but Tiancheng's identity is not that simple, she is Chicheng's older sister."

Nelson: "..."

She was silent, she was silent again.

Nelson no longer knew how to continue the conversation with Su Hao.

This shit, do you want to be a little more outrageous?

"It's true." Chicheng didn't refute the so-called "true love". They love each other deeply, but I came to Donghuang largely because of my sister, Tiancheng, but my most important sister."

"Wait, wait, you are an aircraft carrier, and you are called a battle cruiser sister... She took care of you before?"

"No, that's why you don't understand some things, and you don't know even if you tell me."

At this time, the enterprise suddenly said: "Historically, the Akagi was transformed from a battlecruiser."

"I know that." The Duke of York, who had been watching the show, also said, "Our memories are mixed with human emotions, and there are some things that we can't even control, so she is right... However, Su Haoru still didn't say how he built Tiancheng in the first place."

If it was an accident, it would be too unexpected.

And since Chicheng attaches so much importance to Tiancheng, why didn't she find a way to wake up Tiancheng, but let you take advantage of it?

Facing the Duke of York's question, Chicheng smiled slightly and said, "Of course it's because my Commander-in-Chief is excellent, and he can easily do things that others can't."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you think that my sister can be awakened by anyone?" Chicheng said disdainfully, "My sister's demise was bound by fate, and the person who broke the fate must also be a special existence. He is Chicheng Man of destiny."

Enterprise's heart skipped a beat. This sentence is so familiar. York City had told her back then that it was fate that Su Hao met her.

So, could it be that he and Su Hao will also be... lovers?

Enterprise frowned slightly, and suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

The Duke of York's eyes fell on Su Hao at this moment.

She was very curious about how many secrets Su Hao had.

A newcomer rises rapidly, and everything he does seems to exceed ordinary people's expectations.

The so-called predestined fate, this kind of words are not that simple when it comes from the mouth of a ship's mother.

Nelson also stared at Su Hao.

She is basically sure now that Su Hao must have done something to Rodney.

You see, this guy has a face that is full of flowers and grass!

I went to Chongying to make a face-to-face meeting, and in the end I actually got their flagship back.

Rodney was at his house, wouldn't he be harassed every day?

Thinking of this, Nelson couldn't calm down immediately.

No, call as soon as the meeting is over. If it doesn't work, go to Lingshui City to bring my sister back. I must never let this devil touch my sister again!

The atmosphere in the room seemed to be quiet again.

Xi Li looks left and right, what are you doing?

"Well... Should we go, it's almost three o'clock." Su Hao raised his hand to break the deadlock.


Nelson snorted and walked out of the office.

She was too lazy to ask any more questions, and put aside other things first, the sister's matter was the most important.


Su Hao also stood up, and everything will be discussed after the meeting. At that time, he will have to ask the Duke of York and other commanders about the situation in the Iris Kingdom.

But as soon as he stood up, he heard Chi Cheng say something suddenly.

"Oh, by the way, Duke of York, your sister is also in the hands of my Lord Commander."


Chapter 208 I'm Not a Playboy, I Just Like Everyone

Su Hao was sitting by the window in the meeting room alone.

Just like countless classic male protagonists, he put his hands on his cheeks and stared out the window.

It's a pity that there are neither beautiful cherry blossoms, nor cute deskmates or beautiful girls sitting in front, but only Nelson staring at him from time to time above the conference room.

Then, a butt moved over.

"How do I feel." Lu Dong approached him quietly, and whispered, "How do I feel that Nelson has been looking at you."

Lu Dong rushed over with other commanders. He hadn't seen him before, and then they met in the conference room. The latter didn't expect Su Hao to come.

"You are wrong, she is looking at you."

"Really?" Lu Dong frowned, "No way, look at you."

"What do you see me doing? I just came to observe this meeting, and I'm not even counted among the members of the meeting. What's the use of seeing me?" Su Hao rationally explained, "You are different. Commander with high hopes, elder, at the current meeting time, Nelson must have seen your information, and then looked at you with admiration."

"Oh? If you say so, I will..."

Lu Dong rubbed his chin, he understood.

"Lu Dong!" Nelson said suddenly.

"Here!" Lu Dong stood up reflexively.

"Did you hear what I just said?" Nelson raised his eyebrows. "This year's maritime jurisdiction, except for those newcomers, has the highest accident rate on your side!"

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