The company frowned: "The port area is under the management of Bagui District, and the next level is the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration. No matter which side it is, it can't be the master."

There is the Duke of York in Bagui District, and she knows the latter well. Although she has a good relationship with Su Hao, she can't afford this kind of thing and will definitely report it.

What is left is the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration, not to mention this, how can there be any right to approve Su Hao's attack?

But Amagi seems to have figured out a way.

She looked at the crowd and said: "The Maritime Safety Administration's approval is just a name. Since neither Lingshui City nor Bagui District has the right to agree, then change the nature of this matter. If we don't say it, who knows that we are going to support it. Iris Kingdom?"

"Then what are we going to do?"

Tiancheng smiled and said, "Isn't there still a heavyweight in our port area?"

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, "You mean St. Louis?"

"Yes." The corner of Tiancheng's mouth lightly raised, "St. Louis's network is not small, she even has connections in the Iris Country, and everyone knows that she is rich, but to what extent, I am afraid that only the top leaders of various countries have an idea. As far as I know, St. Louis provides a lot of material support to the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration every year."

Su Hao's tactical backwardness, he has never heard of this, a free ship girl supporting the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration?What a lot of patience.

But it is probably because of this that the Maritime Safety Administration headquarters will sell St. Louis face in various ways.

She was able to find out some information that was not made public at all.

Money can turn ghosts around. Although the ship girl doesn't value money, the development of an organization needs money, especially the Maritime Bureau. The materials consumed by the ship girl's attack and battle are horrific.

"If St.Louis is willing to help, issue a mission in her name to go to Iris Country, and then we can go to the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration to accept it, and we can set off. Moreover, because of the long distance and the crisis over there, we also We must dispatch the capital ship from the port area."

This method is not bad.


Su Hao asked suspiciously: "Then what name do we support the Iris Country? If we fight against the royal family, we will be questioned no matter what."

"Hehe~ Don't worry about this." Amagi chuckled, "We set off from the port area, and were eventually blocked by the sirens and got involved in the battle. Our enemies are mainly sirens. Of course, special circumstances are treated specially. The commander is a rookie, and the rookie has arrived. It is inevitable that there will be mistakes in decision-making on the battlefield. Without the knowledge of 'both parties', it is no problem to attack the royal team? Of course, this kind of thing can only be used at critical times, and our main enemy is the siren."

"What about the royal family? What about the royal family?"

Amagi smiled.

Chi Cheng came to his senses, "Sister, you don't mean to..."

"Hehe~ Master, you seem to have forgotten that you still have a very powerful friend."

"Friend?" Su Hao scratched his head, his friend, Gu Ping?

"Idiot." Kaga snorted softly, "Have you forgotten who is on Higurashi Island?"

"Uh... Nagato!?"

Su Hao suddenly realized, yes, my best friend, Nagato! !

Nagato is his lifelong friend, how could he not think of her at critical times?

Tiancheng chuckled and said, "Your Majesty is really amazing, you guessed my thoughts so easily."

Su Hao was embarrassed: "Tiancheng, don't say that, I'm going to die of shame."

I have been thinking about it these days, but I really never thought about Sakura.

Amagi smiled and said: "It is true that most people would not think of Sakura. In fact, it should be said that it is Sunset Island. This is an opportunity. Sunset Island supports the Iris Kingdom, and its position has changed. When the time comes, there will be a relationship with the Iris Kingdom. Chongzakura The government has to pay attention to Higurashi Island’s opinion. Kaga will take the initiative to mention it when the time comes, and Mikasa will mediate it. It is not impossible for Shige Sakura to return to the original situation. I think Nagato-sama will not let go of such a good opportunity.”

"At the same time, the Iris Kingdom can form an alliance with the heavy cherry blossoms to get rid of the shackles of the iron and blood. At that time, those voices supporting the iron and blood will disappear in the Iris Kingdom. Of course, this needs to be handled by the Iris Kingdom itself, and we cannot help them."

"The only problem is that the Lord's sister, Richelieu, the Bishop of the Iris Kingdom reappeared on the battlefield. When the battle is over and returns to the port area, there is a high possibility of being noticed, so..."

Su Hao looked over and asked.

"My lord, do you want to consider letting Richelieu set up a separate force?"


PS: At 12 o'clock, start rushing! ~

Chapter 228 Hugging Aunt Saint's Thigh

In fact, there are many ways to put aside the relationship with Richelieu.

The easiest thing is for Su Hao to say that he didn't know Richelieu's identity before. When Richelieu said it again, who knows what happened.

But doing so does not solve the fundamental problem, but the more troublesome it gets.

Tiancheng obviously knew this, so she simply proposed to take advantage of this opportunity to let Richelieu join the port area openly.

"The establishment of a new force can nominally be to protect the Iris Kingdom, because Richelieu herself resigned as a bishop, so she is now a Liberty Ship Girl. Even if everyone has suspicions in their hearts, no one will No right to stop."

"And Richelieu was the commander's ship's wife as a free ship's girl before, so there is nothing wrong with coming back now, and she can attribute the reason for participating in the battle in the first place to the purpose of this force."

"When the whole force joins the port area, Azur Lane won't push away a big boost against the Sirens, right? Even if Azur Lane thinks, at least on this level, Donghuang has enough reasons to intervene, because the main The above is the commander of Donghuang, the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration has no reason to weaken its own strength, isn't it?"

"Of course, when the time comes, there will be many different voices on this matter, and everyone needs to take action. For example, in your position, it should not be difficult to say a few words in Baiying, as well as St. Louis and even Sakura Everyone here can express their opinions and add fuel to the flames.”

"And then..."

At some point in the meeting, it turned into a battle plan speech by Amagi alone.

It has to be said that Tiancheng has already considered it very comprehensively. Originally, Su Hao planned to go there directly, and then he will find a reason.

Now that Tiancheng said so, their attack has sufficient reasons, and they can put aside the relationship, and in the end, those who come and go can harvest new forces headed by Richelieu-of course, the premise is that Richelieu can win over so many people.

But even if you can't win over, it doesn't matter, a person is not called a power?

With Richelieu's strength and status, I'm afraid no one can ignore her.

Sure enough, behind every successful man, there are countless women who support him.

In particular, there is a role that can be called a military adviser.

"...It's almost like this. The plan will never keep up with the changes. If everything goes well, it will be fine. The biggest uncertain factor is the Sangvis side. They may have a corresponding plan for this operation. We will intervene, and the Sangvis will definitely not Let it go."

"It's already pretty good." Su Hao smiled, "If it were me, I would definitely not be able to think of such a sophisticated plan. As for other possibilities, if they really happen, let's play by ear. After all, we can only be sure that we can do it. What, it is impossible to predict what others will do."

"That's right."

Everyone in the conference room had no opinion on Tiancheng's plan.

"Then, the next most important and initial link is..."



"I reject."

Standing outside the construction site of the water park with arms folded, St. Louis rejected Su Hao's so-called 'big plan' without hesitation.

"Why do I have to go all the way to the Iris Country again? I came to Lingshui City for vacation, and the business in the Iris Country has already been dealt with, so I don't need to manage it at all."

"Besides, although the plan is very sophisticated, it will always be suspected, right? For example, I have only been here for a few days, why did I go to the Iris Kingdom? There is obviously no reason."

Su Hao slammed his lips and said, "I can't help it. Don't worry, you won't be implicated in this matter. At worst, when the time comes, I'll just say I'll take the initiative to threaten you."

"That's not the problem..." St. Louis sighed softly, "Please, what do you think is going on in the Sea of ​​Senna? Is the royal siren of the Iris Kingdom playing tricks? You want to join the war with the strength of a port area? Although I admit that you Minato is amazing, but…”

"I know what you said, but I also want to say, it's not this question."

"No matter how strong my port area is, even if I'm alone, I want to go to Richelieu right away to help her."

This is the thought from Su Hao's heart.

"It's better to say, if I was really the only one, I would have gone already."

St. Louis froze.

She looked into Su Hao's eyes, which were clean and bright, sincere and not confused.

Obviously, St. Louis could see how important Richelieu's position in Su Hao's heart was.

And this unwavering determination is as charming as a lighthouse shining in the dark, and people can't help but admire and praise it.

"St. Louis, just help Su Hao." Cleveland, who followed Su Hao, said, "It's very simple for you."

"But it's dangerous..."

"Where is it not dangerous?" Cleveland said with a smile, "But as long as everyone is united, any difficulty can be overcome!"

St. Louis rolled his eyes: "You are so heartless."

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Su Hao's safety, St. Louis, you don't have to worry."

"Who, who is worried about him!"

"Eh? I thought you were worried about Su Hao's safety, that's why you disagree." Cleveland blinked, a little puzzled: "Since you're not worried, then you can do me a favor."

"I can't tell you."

St. Louis wanted to stomp his feet depressed.

Cleveland you idiot.

She looked at Su Hao helplessly.

"Okay, it's just an entrusted task. Let the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration know, right? Really, I owe you in my previous life."

St. Louis is very helpless, forget about Cleveland, that is my sister, Su Hao...

It seems that since I came to Lingshui City, I feel that things have been revolving around him.

My good vacation life was also disrupted.

And ah, it is really hard to bear to refuse.

Really, why is he becoming more and more strange?

Glancing at Su Hao and Cleveland who were screaming and jumping happily, St. Louis sighed leisurely.

Sure enough, for a guy like Commander, it's better to have less contact with him.


St. Louis agreed to come down, and the program started as scheduled.

Akagi did not know how to contact Higurashi Island, just as Amagi thought, Nagato agreed.

And next, it is still necessary to select the personnel for this attack.

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