The siren has sent out a new model, and its combat power must have greatly increased, and this time the enemy is not only the siren, it may evolve into a battle with the royal and iron-blooded fleet at any time.

But then again, it's useless not to bring more ship girls there.

Fortunately, during this period of time, the ship girls in the port area have grown rapidly, and with the assistance of their own abilities, they are enough to form a strong combat effectiveness.

But then again, there are still a few ship girls in the port area who are not easy to arrange.

One is the enterprise, and the latter is only temporarily joining the port area to fight as a ship girl in the port area. If she is brought along, if she really fights against enemies other than the siren, especially the royal family, even if it is an accident, it will not be justified what.

Who doesn't know who?

There are also Portland and Rodney, they are both from the Maritime Bureau of Wujiang City, it is really hard to talk to them.

After Su Hao announced the attack list, the company said that he would also go.

"I am the ship's lady in the port area now, Commander, no matter what kind of enemy I am, I will not back down, please use me well!"

The company is so stupid, it's just saying what it thinks.

Of course, Su Hao didn't think wrongly, he just hesitated considering the situation of the company, but the latter seemed to have a more impeccable reason.

"Also, if I stay, it will be bad if the Black Rubik's Cube gets out of control."

So here, Su Hao can only bring the company with him.

Enterprise, Amagi, Akagi Kaga, plus the original battleships in Minato, Xiaoguanghui has now become a cute little battleship, reliable, the only pity is that George V still needs time to grow.

Speaking of it, the Duke of York seems to be very concerned about George V. Well, when I come back this time, I will take George V to have a look. After all, he and the Duke of York are also good friends. A good friend has a small wish, and I can help you with a little help. A gang, is this normal?

Enterprise is going, and so are Portland and Rodney.

Just after Su Hao made the arrangements, the ship girls went to prepare separately, and then the two came over.

"You guys are going's unnecessary." Su Hao scratched his head, "Rodney, your sister's side..."

"Su Hao." Rodney pouted, and suddenly asked, "Your trip to the Iris Kingdom this time is not just about escorting St. Louis, is it?"


"So many powerful ship girls in the port area are going, something must have happened."

Rodney and Portland are not stupid. They have stayed in the port area for so many days, and they have known the situation for a long time. They took away so many powerful ship girls at one time. Well, with the "stingy" behavior of Su Hao Personality, how is it possible? This is clearly a loss-making business.

"But the Wujiang Maritime Safety Administration..."

"It's okay, I'll tell my sister."

"Is there any problem?"

"Well, it's okay, my sister loves me the most."

Rodney thought to himself, wait until after the attack.

Rodney is a caring sister, so what about Portland?It's sister controlling sister.

But even so, Sister Sister Kong still has her own ideas besides opening Indy Sauce.

"Hee hee~ The Indy sauce you promised me hasn't been finished yet. It's so far to Iris Country, and I can just help me draw a book on the way." Portland was very straightforward, and her reason was 'impeccable'.

After speaking, there was a slight blush on her snow-white cheeks.

With her hands behind her back, her head drooping slightly, she said softly:

"Also, didn't you ask me if I wanted to join the port area? Well, I've thought about it, now I'll answer you..."

Raising his head, Portland's eyes shone with a beautiful brilliance.

"Commander, hello~ The Portland heavy cruiser is reporting to you, let us learn more about the lovely Indy sauce, and... get to know each other~"


PS: continue~

Chapter 229 Before leaving

Although it was well prepared, in order to make the commission more decent, St. Louis went to various places to prepare a lot of supplies.

"Think of it as your material reserve for this attack. Anyway, you can't get so much material now, right? They say that there is going to be a battle. The Senna Sea area is not easy to end. What if it takes ten and a half days? Months, where do you get your supplies from?"

When St. Louis said this, Su Hao reacted abruptly.

The three armies have not moved, and the food and grass will go first.

In the past, they used to fight near the port area, and then came back to supply supplies after the fight, or they just went directly to the Maritime Safety Administration. This is the first time that such an expedition has been set off.

However, what St. Louis said still moved Su Hao. You must know that these materials cost a lot, and he borrowed so much money before and still hasn't paid it back.

Aunt Sheng, there is no way to repay your kindness and virtue, but you can only promise it with your body!

However, it takes time to prepare the materials and it is expected to arrive tomorrow morning, so the attack time is also tomorrow morning.

But this time, St. Louis specially drove her luxury yacht to set off, so that these ship girls in the Suhao port area would have a place to live.

St. Louis had prepared so much. During dinner at night, the attacker joked: "Commander, you might as well marry St. Louis back. With her here, we will never be short of money in the port area. We can have whatever we want." .”

Vocklands immediately said: "You can build a water park in the port area. It's better to be smaller. Commander, you promised before, but it's definitely not possible to make money on your own. It's better to get Sister St. Louis back."

"That's it."

"rua! You can eat meat every day!"

Su Hao was speechless, "Firefly, why are you joining in the fun, and what you said, Xili, seems like I didn't give you meat someday."

After finishing speaking, he looked at other places, "Lafite, Lafite, don't drink so much, this bottle of red wine was taken from the St. Louis villa, it's very expensive, don't drink it all at once... and Nicholas, Don't sleep when you're done eating!"

"Tartu, why don't you wear the clothes you bought last time?"

"Huh? That, that... is a little small..."

"My fault, I will definitely buy a few sizes up next time, mainly because I don't know... Well, forget it, next time you buy Raiders for Tartu."


"Aren't you two about the same?"

The assailant raised his chest proudly: "Who said that?"

Su Hao glanced at it and turned to the royal knight who was eating furiously, "George V, we are not here, please take care of the port area, and discuss with the Maritime Safety Administration if there is an attack mission, don't rush into it ,Safety first."

George V is really new, and Orlik and Nicholas, even if they lose their experience, they can't grow up in such a short time.

Besides, how could they fight against the elite troops of the Sirens in their blank suits?

As for the others, a few veterans, Su Hao, gave them ship outfits, and most of the rest were god outfits when they scooped up the boat.

Such as vicious them, enterprise, Lafite and so on.

Even if I emptied out the warehouse, I couldn't buy one of the naval outfits on them.

George V patted his chest and agreed, and I have to say that Big Brother has a very cheerful personality, optimistic and generous, and is quite reliable in both temperament and image.

It's just gluttony, but people count what they eat, and everything they eat grows where it should grow, and Xili is the same. Thinking about it this way, is it possible that the gluttonous mother-in-law is big?


After dinner, Su Hao took a walk in the port area.

To be honest, he really hasn’t been in a good state these days, mainly because he thinks too much, is always worried, and viciously says he’s not happy, that’s right, it’s mainly a feeling, as a ship’s wife, she’s of course quite sensitive to the commander’s feelings .

No matter it is vicious, other ship girls can also detect it.

"Master, don't worry, Richelieu will be fine."

Dido quietly stayed by Su Hao's side, and she would only comfort her a few times at the right time, after all, she was just a maid.

Su Hao raised his head, the street lamps reflected on the branches above his head, swaying in the evening wind, and he could vaguely see the beauty of the night sky among the luxuriant branches and leaves.

The night sky here is also beautiful, and the stars are so many and shining. Su Hao remembered that he could still see the night sky with stars when he was a child in his previous life, but he basically couldn't see it anymore when he grew up.

When I came to this world, it was the first time to seriously appreciate the beauty of the night. When I was with Richelieu, I had a feeling that the starry sky is so beautiful.

I didn’t think that beautiful things are always around me, I just got used to it. Sometimes I think about the life of those 996 people who are crowded in big cities every day.

The house price increases year by year, the wages don’t change much year after year, the food is fast food without nutrition, the clothes are cheap clothes, and the city scenery that seems to be extravagant and extravagant, actually has nothing to do with me .

I can't think about it, the more I think about it, the harder it is.

Su Hao couldn't hold back the strong man's tears. How did he persist in the past?

It's just that he thinks of beautiful things, and what he cherishes the most in this world is nothing but the girls.

"Dido, are you afraid?"

"Dido doesn't understand what Master means."

"If you were facing countless enemies, Siren, would you be afraid?"

"Yes." Dido nodded without hesitation, "Diduo is afraid, what will happen to the master if she falls down, the safety of the master will definitely be threatened."

"Ah... yes."

Su Hao couldn't help but shook his head and smiled.

He stopped, turned around suddenly, and hugged her gently under Dido's surprised gaze.

"If you are really scared, think about me, think about your companions, you will not leave anyone behind, and I will do my best to protect your safety."


Dido sniffled suddenly.

"Uh, why are you still crying?"

"Master, woo... Dido, Dido are so happy, so happy, to have such a good master, Dido is really the happiest maid in the world."

"Ha... your words are really strange." Su Hao let go of her and smiled, "With a maid like you by my side, I am the happiest one in the world."


"Okay, okay, let people see it, and think I'm bullying you... Wipe away your tears, and walk with me again."

"Well, master, Dido will accompany you as long as you want to go!"


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