"Trouble, why did they come so fast, weren't they held back by the Siren?"

"Can the Sirens be trusted?"

"Bismarck said it was reliable. I don't know what method she used, but now it seems to have failed."

Everyone discussed, and Zeppelin said: "It's not a failure, but it was intercepted."

Tirpitz turned his gaze, "Who?"

"I don't know, maybe it's from Donghuang. After all, according to the information, Donghuang also attacked after the royal family, didn't he?"

Tirpitz glanced at Gascogne, who was blocked outside the church, and intuitively told her that he was not easy to mess with.

Being flanked in this situation, and facing the attack of the church's defense system at the same time, is not a small challenge for them.

However, she wasn't prepared or unprepared.

"The wolves are ready."


"First defeat the fleet of the Iris Kingdom, and then find a way to take down the Holy Church."

So far, the final obstacle is undoubtedly Barr and the others. Since the siren failed to stop them, let them attack, as the final reward before the battle.


"Damn it! They actually sneaked here."

The situation of confrontation has been formed. Although it is not particularly bad at present, this feeling of being teased still makes Barr feel quite uncomfortable.

These thieves sneaked to their sanctuary.

"Fortunately, I came back in time."

Joan of Arc was a little thankful that they were going to intercept the royal convoy before, but unfortunately they couldn't find it after looking around, but they accidentally received the iron and blood attack on the royal family. They thought they would be happy with the iron and blood, but it turned out to be nothing Iron Blood Pressure has no intention of helping them at all!

Not only do not help, but also add insult to injury!

"Now we take over the defense system of the church, and they will not feel good about the double-sided attack of the iron and blood."

"But don't forget that there are Sirens and Royals behind us."

"Don't worry about the sirens, Dunkirk said they stopped them."

"How did they stop them?" Algeria asked curiously, "There are only three of them, plus the mass-produced type that may have been almost destroyed, how can they resist the elite sirens?"

Jean Bart looked strange, "She said an old acquaintance came to help."


"A human commander."


Joan of Arc narrowed her eyes and said, "Let's talk about those things later, they are here!"

While speaking, the iron-blooded fleet has already taken the initiative to attack.

"Watch out for their submarines!"

"Triumph, Forbin, you destroyers pay attention to anti-submarine, Joan of Arc, find a way to contact Gascogne, let that guy attack!"

Triumph and Forbin: "Got it!"

"Gascogne is a bit strange, will she listen to me?"

"Try it."


"Be careful! It's a torpedo!"


"No, magnetic torpedoes, Tirpitz's!"


The torpedo came out of the water and made a loud explosion.

The girls of the Iris Kingdom immediately dispersed and organized a formation to counterattack.

"Aha! Companions from Iris Kingdom, how are you!"

Germany took the lead, and the presumptuous voice resounded across the sea.

"Damn iron and blood, you really have no good intentions!" Galissonier raised his naval gun and aimed at the opponent, "Go and repent before God!"

"Tsk tsk tsk ~ mere light patrol." She said this, as if forgetting that she was just a heavy patrol, "A person, dare to show off in front of me?"

"It's you who are showing off!"

Galissonier's indoctrination of firepower pushed Germany back, but the latter was obviously more than capable.

"Don't say that, we are allies, aren't we? Sooner or later something will happen to the things in the sanctuary if you keep them with you. Not to mention the royal family, maybe the white eagle will come in the future. Wouldn't it be better for us to keep it for you just in case?"

"Hmph!" Galissonier didn't bother to talk nonsense to her, took advantage of Germany's retreat to pursue, and swung a metal ax to attack Germany.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you being too arrogant?"


A smug smile appeared on Deutschland's face.

Galissonier was shocked, only to find that there was a torpedo under the water surface, and it was too late to avoid it.

"Hey~ You should calm down more or less."

A voice came, and then a black scepter was thrown into the sea by strange force.


Under the explosion, Galissonier was pulled back quickly by Algeria.

"Don't go up." Algeria said calmly, "Deutsch is not that easy to deal with, let alone her sister is there."

In the distance, Admiral Earl Spey appeared beside Deutschland.

Galissonnier patted his chest and exhaled, "Huh~ That's 2v2."

"And the pack of wolves."

"Don't be afraid, I'm very prepared."

Algeria glanced at Galissonier.

"Hehe~ Have you discussed how to come and die?" Deutsch yawned boredly, "Otherwise, you should surrender, and when we get the things in the temple, we will help you fight back the royal family and the sirens together."

She was responded to by naval gunfire from Algeria and Galissonier.

On the other side, Joan of Arc took advantage of the fact that the iron-blooded people were attracted by the firepower of the Iris Kingdom, quietly walked around and headed towards the Holy Church.

She tried to contact Gascogne with a message just now, but failed in the end.

The latter seemed to have closed all channels to the outside world, and was about to stay at the entrance of the church.

She had no choice but to run over and talk to the other party face to face—even if she felt that Gascogne was not so easy to communicate with.


"Saint Joan of Arc, what's going on with you?"

At this time, Dunkirk sent her a message.

"I have already fought with Iron Blood. The ship lady sent by the headquarters has closed the external communication for some reason. I am planning to go to find her."

"From the headquarters? Gascony?"


"See if Richelieu is here?"

"Eh? Isn't Richelieu..." Joan of Arc froze for a moment, then looked at the location of the church. At the entrance, a golden figure flashed by, "Wait! Someone has entered the church!"

"Who is it? Richelieu?"

"It's not her, at least it's not the Richelieu I remember... It's strange that Gascogne didn't stop her?"

"That's Richelieu." Dunkirk had no time to think about it, and said at this moment: "Persist a little longer, I have already brought the vicious ones over."

"Viciousness is..."

"I won't be able to tell for a while, so let's do this first."

Dunkirk disconnected the communication, Joan of Arc stayed in place for a moment.

The support from Dunkirk came over, and if the vicious three were counted, it might not be impossible to win the battle with Sangvis.

It's just that the person who entered the church just now is really Richelieu?


Joan of Arc immediately denied this idea. Although she hadn't seen him for ten years, if Richelieu appeared, she would not be able to admit his mistake!

The man is wearing a hat.

Style the game's familiar cape...

Iron blood?

Joan of Arc was startled, and immediately rushed towards the church.


"Huh~ The plan is going well so far."

Su Hao stood on the yacht, watching the situation on the sea through the binoculars.

"It's just that the weather is a bit annoying, and the vision is not good. The naval gun just now almost hit us, which is a bit scary."

"The way you stare is scary." St. Louis felt helpless, "Although the commander's presence has improved the ship's mother's ability, but it's not you who are fighting. Why are you staring so wide?"

"You don't understand." Su Hao pulled the raincoat that Laddo put on him, "I have been fighting with my girls all the time."


St. Louis suddenly amused.

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