You are a human, do you still want to run on the sea like a ship girl?

You are so powerful, why don't you go to heaven.

St. Louis is not a newcomer. She has more experience than most ship girls. She has seen many powerful commanders. Excellent commanders know how to assess the situation and know when to do what.

In fact, if you really want to think about the ship's mother, the commander should stay away in such a big scene.

Although she didn't have any opinion on Su Hao's behavior, but in the eyes of St. Louis, Su Hao was still too young, and he was worried when he saw the ship's mother fighting. Wanting to help ended up adding to the chaos to a large extent.

"Really." Su Hao twitched his lips, "With me here, the combat capability of the ship girls will increase by 51%."

St. Louis said with a smile: "If you are really that good, I also want to experience the feeling of strength improvement."

"That won't work, it will only work if it's my ship's wife who has performed soul attunement with me."

St. Louis waved his hand: "The joke is over, so what to do next, the siren stopped it, and the royal side seemed to be stopped by Sakura, and the rest is iron and blood. They have planned for a long time. The strength of the fleet may not be able to stop it."

"I have confidence in Sister Li!"

Sister Li has the existence of the Black Rubik's Cube, coupled with the strength of the Fleet of the Iris Kingdom, this time Iron Blood doesn't even have Bismarck, and with Tirpitz alone leading the team, no matter how proficient they are, Su Hao doesn't think they can fight Got Richelieu.

Aside, the company discovered a strange problem.

Sirens seem to be retreating?

She looked into the distance and frowned slightly.

After a while, his expression changed: "Commander, the Sirens have shifted their target, they are heading towards the Sakura Fleet!"


PS: The 4 chapters have been updated, ask for a reward for the blade monthly ticket! ~~

I went for a swim in the Lijiang River today, it was so refreshing, the weather was muggy but there was no sun, it was super comfortable to soak in the water! !It's a pity that there is no Sister Li in a swimsuit, otherwise swimsuit raisins are fine, Sirius is also good, and Joan of Arc is also good. Hey, let's get one!

Chapter 243 No matter what time it is, it is always right to play a siren

What does the siren want?

Su Hao couldn't understand the siren's purpose at all.

Originally relying on their strength, if they really wanted to take down the sanctuary, the time before was enough for them to search the Senna sea area.

However, the Siren appeared at the very beginning, and did not try its best to advance towards the church, apparently under the orders of a large Siren unit behind it.

So what is the purpose?

At least on the surface, because of the existence of the sirens, the royal family lost a lot of chances to win the temple, which dragged the battle until now.

From this point of view, even if someone says that the Sirens are helping the Iris Kingdom, it will do.

But looking at it from another angle, the Iris Country also received the attack of the Sirens, and just now it was advancing toward the church like a hungry tiger preying on a sheep.

However, now, having been temporarily blocked by Su Hao's fleet, all the sirens in the outer area suddenly retreated and moved in one direction.

That's where the heavy cherry fleet fought the royal family.

Siren abandoned the sanctuary?

Anyway, Su Hao is now facing a big problem.

If the siren is ignored, he can immediately go to the temple to join the fleet of Iris Kingdom, and Iron Blood will definitely not be their opponent at that time.

But in this way, if the Sakura team, which was under the pressure of the Royal Fleet, was attacked by the Sirens again, then...

Messed up.

Su Hao rubbed his temples, he really couldn't understand, couldn't understand!

"Commander, what should we do now?"

The ship girls hadn't returned to the voyage yet, at this time Su Hao and the others were standing on the deck, and Enterprise asked Su Hao beside him.

"Siren... If they pass by, Sakura may be in danger."

Su Hao pondered for a moment, and when the ship girls came back one after another, he looked at Akagi and said, "Can you contact Nagato?"

"Maybe, there should be a battle going on at Nagato-sama's side, so we may not be able to contact you."

The communication channel has completely failed, and it is not known whether it is the impact of the battle or which force has interfered with the signal.

If Nagato cannot be contacted, Su Hao will definitely not be relieved if he does not know their situation.

Although I really want to meet Richelieu, judging from the current situation, as long as the siren and the royal family don't approach, the Iris Fleet led by Richelieu should be enough to fight against the Jagged Fleet without Bismarck.

"Master, don't forget our mission."

Amagi is obviously a rational faction. According to the previous plan, their purpose of coming here is to stop the sirens.

The royal family handed it over to Sakura, and the Siren and the others came to resist, so only iron and blood were left, and there shouldn't be any waves.

Moreover, it is the best not to take the initiative to appear on the frontal battlefield that is hostile to the major forces.

It's okay to fight sirens, anyone can fight, but it's troublesome to fight other forces.

Especially in this situation, if you play Iron Blood, others will say that you are helping the Iris Kingdom, and if you play Royal, let alone attack the Allies, it is not good anyway.

The best way is to stare at the siren and fight hard.

"Yeah." Thinking about this, Su Hao nodded, "Then continue chasing the Sirens."

The fleet continued to set off, and Su Hao asked about the situation of the fleet girls. Because he was watching, basically no one was injured.

For some minor damage, just replenish it casually.

However, his ability is not unlimited, if he exceeds the limit of his ability in the current situation, he will pass out like before.

Of course, it is still too early to reach the limit, and Su Hao discovered that the ability of the Black Rubik's Cube seems to increase with the increase in the number of his co-tuned ship girls. I don't know if it is the only way, but this way must work.

So Su Hao has been thinking, will he be invincible in the world by coordinating hundreds of ship girls one day, and it will be fine to walk sideways in the siren nest?

Well, let's wait until dark for this kind of dream.

Hundreds of ship girls went back to the peach forest to pick a few peaches, thinking while eating.

The fleet was chasing after the Sirens, and Akagi used the old method to contact Nagato, but failed the first two times, until the third success, and learned about the situation of Sakura in a very short time.

From the perspective of frontal combat capability, the Royal Fleet still has an absolute advantage. After all, Sakura only has the ship girl from Higurashi Island this time.

However, Nagato did not plan to confront them head-on. There are many ways to win. It is not to defeat the opponent, as long as one achieves one's own goal.

But then Nagato told Akagi that the Siren also joined the battle.



The surging sea water slapped on the trouser legs, soaking the beautiful clothes like a feather coat.

Dark clouds piled up in the sky, and the heavy rain turned into light rain, but it still didn't mean to stop. The weather at sea was changeable, but the only certainty was that this rain would not stop, but would get bigger and bigger.

The turbulent clouds are like the dust raised by a galloping horse. Amidst the sound of explosions, thick black smoke rises from time to time, and is then blown away by the air waves, making the vision even more blurred.

In the oppressive atmosphere, tense battles are taking place.

The naval gun slammed, and the shells rushed out of the pitch-black barrel, bursting with orange-red dazzling light.

Nagato frowned slightly, his delicate face was full of worry.

Sure enough, with the strength of Rimu Island alone, it is no match for the Royal Fleet.

Not to mention, at this moment, they are still facing the pressure of the sirens.

If Mikasa hadn't called in a mass-produced warship to assist in the battle before leaving, the ship girls on their side might have suffered.

And beside Nagato, Xianghe, who was famous for the Five Air Battles, slowly raised his flute as the capital ship.

The melodious music sounded, and the notes floating from the flute seemed to be jumping elves on the battlefield. Under the control of the music, her carrier aircraft also became flexible.

After a while, Xianghe put down his flute, with a puzzled expression on his face, he said: "Master Nagato, the Imperial family seems to have weakened their firepower."

"I also found out." Nagato looked at the uninvited siren fleet on the other side of the tripartite confrontation. "Maybe it's their relationship. The royal family still adheres to the principle of eliminating the sirens as its primary goal."

"Hehe~ Isn't this the biggest excuse for their actions?" Xianghe chuckled, "However, this relieved us a lot of pressure."

While speaking, she turned her gaze, and her gaze fell on a figure active on the distant battlefield.

With superb sword skills and the attack of the carrier-based aircraft, Ruihe is invincible like a god of war. Thanks to her, the pressure on the vanguard fleet will be greatly reduced.

Of course, this is not a performance of Ruihe's performance. The capital ship stays behind, and the vanguard fleet entangles the opponent. This is only applicable to ordinary situations, or it is generally seen in the explanations in the courses of the Naval Academy, and treats the more mechanized sirens Used by the team.

When it comes to the battlefield, the girls with rich combat experience will choose the most suitable fighting method.

It's as if the company regularly takes carrier-based aircraft to engage in 'air combat' with the enemy.

At this time, Ruihe was fighting in the front, and Xianghe controlled the carrier-based aircraft. In addition to carrying out the air station, using the carrier-based aircraft to cover Ruihe's battle was also one of her tasks.

Compared with Xianghe's optimistic attitude, Nagato is a little worried.

The sirens are not going to fight for the sanctuary, what are they doing here?

If the Siren comes over, Su Hao's ship girls who are supposed to intercept the Siren will definitely come over too.

Because of the addition of the Siren Fleet, no unexpected actions have been made so far, so Nagato was puzzled.

The purpose of the Siren can't be simply to come and get beaten, right?If no other actions are taken next, then it proves that their purpose has been achieved...

What did you achieve?

Nagato's little head hurts.


Mutsu suddenly exclaimed.

The straddle gun fell beside her, startling her.

Nagato recovered and concentrated on the fight.


"Master Nagato, I received a signal from an unfamiliar channel." Jiang Feng, who was a frigate, said suddenly, "It seems to be from the royal side."

"Sakura's god son." A war-weary voice sounded, "Why is Sakura fighting? What is the purpose of appearing here?"

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