
"...Zi... Suck...~"


The tightly closed white teeth were pried open by the tongue, and the tip of the tongue was entangled, tender and soft. Accompanied by the continuous heavy breathing, the warm breath was hitting into the mouth.

After a long time, Su Hao, who was no longer satisfied, put one hand on Richelieu's waist, and gently untied the belt of her nightgown.

The other hand slid down Richelieu's smooth shoulder, and together with the loose nightgown, he stripped off Richelieu's last defense little by little.

The lips moved, pursed the lower lip, kissed the chin, and then moved down the slender neck, bit by bit, leaving his own marks on Richelieu.

Burying his cheeks between the soft peaks, he took a deep breath, and a sweet fragrance, like an intoxicating drug, constantly stimulated Su Hao's brain.

very itchy.

Feeling the breath blowing across his chest, Richelieu raised his hands and hugged Su Hao's head tightly, pampering him in everything like a great mother nurturing her own child.

Come on, come on, have some more, be more unrestrained on me.

In vain, the breath flowing on the chest turned into a wet tongue licking, the movement was very slight, licking slowly, savoring carefully, but constantly teasing Richelieu, making her body twist involuntarily. He moved and let out an uncontrollable moan.

The body temperature is rising, the enthusiasm is expanding, and the symphony in the night plays extravagant movements, making the two people in it forget themselves, and only desire for each other is left in their minds.

Finally, under the trend of this desire, the bodies of the two were seamlessly combined together.


Richelieu couldn't help moaning, and with Su Hao's movements, it gradually turned into a suppressed tone of biting his lower lip, which seemed to be intensely enduring pain, but when he listened carefully, it was an extremely beautiful cry .

The more she endured, the more presumptuous Su Hao became, and the faster the rhythm of the collision became, the tightly locked bodies fought against each other frantically, making a wet rattling sound with slippery silk threads.

Repeat it tirelessly, then get up.

Richelieu was surprised, as a novice who was ignorant, he gradually became proficient under Su Hao's guidance.

Finally, with the crashing sound that was approaching to the extreme, and finally pouring down like a surging tide, Su Hao transformed all his thoughts into the body of Richelieu little by little, and the latter couldn't stop letting out a cry After the long sound, the whole person completely went limp.

Night, go quietly.

The wind blows slowly.

The windows of the room swung and creaked, but it didn't seem obtrusive at all.

The curtain danced, unloading the last scene, and the silent music ended.

Su Hao breathed out lightly, stared blankly at the ceiling, didn't think about anything, didn't do anything, he is now a great sage, exuding holy golden light all over his body.

And Richelieu is probably the same, her situation is not much better.

She even felt that this feeling was really strange. As a ship girl, she was hard to hurt by the gunfire, but she was defeated by Su Hao's sprint.

Of course, it can be regarded as a well-matched contest.

Richelieu didn't think about it so much, he just prostrated himself on Su Hao's chest, enjoying a short moment of silence.

"This time, you won't suddenly disappear again in the morning."

Richelieu smiled slightly: "Didn't you see you were too tired that time? Anyway, I have already said what I should say, waking you up to see me off is just adding trouble, it is better to let you sleep more."

"Well...that's what I said."

Having said that, Su Hao felt very strange at the time.

Isn't this kind of scene a classic routine for men who wake up after a night and run away?

Although that time it turned out that Richelieu ran away.

"Don't worry, I won't leave this time."

Richelieu arched his head and spoke softly.

After a long time, she continued: "Xiao Hao, I have something to tell you about this operation."

It was supposed to be said right away, but it suddenly happened like this.

Really, it's all Xiao Hao's fault.

Well, it's all Xiao Hao's fault.

Richelieu thought evilly in his heart, he must not let him mess around next time, let's see how long he can bear it.

"What?" Su Hao didn't notice Richelieu's thoughts. If he knew, he would probably vomit or even vomit blood. Obviously you rushed over all of a sudden, okay?

"Well, it's about this church... Huh~" Richelieu collected his thoughts for a while, and said: "The first point is about Gascogne, you probably haven't seen her, Gascogne Cogne used the scientific research technology provided by Sangvis to turn the vision that only existed in the design into reality."

Su Hao thought: "Isn't she born like a normal ship girl?"

"Well, I don't know exactly what's going on, but in the technology provided by Sangvis, it was tampered with when Gascogne was created. Her performance seems to me more like a person whose mind has not been fully unlocked." A robot will only follow specific instructions."

"But anyway, she is the No. 4 ship of the Richelieu class, so I hope..."

"Don't worry." Su Hao comforted, "Iron Blood will definitely find an opportunity to exchange her for z23."

Although Tie Xue is cunning, as ship girls, they really regard their companions as extremely important, and what Bismarck said at the beginning is not false.

"Well, but be careful, Iron Blood is not easy. Since they have this technology, they may have developed a more powerful ship girl by relying on it."

"I know."

In this way, Su Hao thought of the iron-blooded mysterious ship girl, could it be a scientific research ship?

But it seems that this technology is not perfect, or that the Iron Blood gave the Iris Kingdom is not perfect.

But even so, imperfect technology can still create a super ship girl, once again lamented: Iron blood technology is the best in the world!

"The other thing is..." Richelieu paused, "About the Wall of Aurora."

"Wall of Aurora?" Su Hao's palm walked on Richelieu's smooth body, and asked at the same time, "Isn't it destroyed?"

Even if it needs to be rebuilt, time will not allow it.

And without the Black Cube, everything is useless.

"It was destroyed, but..."

Richelieu sat up suddenly, his naked body blooming seductively in the dark night.

Seeing the two big white rabbits shaking in front of his eyes, Su Hao almost couldn't hold back.

He stretched out his hand and was patted lightly by Richelieu.

"You don't move."

The voice is a little delicate, and the bones are soft.

Don't move if you say you can't move, it seems that Sister Li really has something serious to do.

At this moment, she breathed a sigh of relief, then closed her eyes slightly, as if she was controlling something, a crystal blue halo, centered on her, formed a special domain in the entire room.

"Black Rubik's Cube... Huh? No, wait, why is this power so familiar?"

Although it has the power of the Black Rubik's Cube in it, it is not the case when you look closely.

After feeling it for a while, Su Hao said in a daze, "Isn't this the Wall of Aurora?"

what's the situation?


Why is the wall of aurora in my sister Li's body? ? ?


PS: I wanted to ask for leave at first. Today I wrote three chapters in the afternoon with a headache, and then I fell asleep when I couldn’t take it anymore. In the evening, I had a fever of almost 40 degrees. I took antipyretics and went to sleep. I woke up at 10 o’clock and felt better. I turned on the computer and sent a regular chapter, after all, I said yesterday that there will be benefits today.

I feel that I am still too reluctant recently. When I first opened the book, I said that this book is to adjust my mentality, but the result is still the same. Every day until midnight, I am sick, so I want to wait for this sickness to recover and rest for a while. The time is about half a month to a month. During this period, there are only three chapters per day, about 9k-1w words per day. Add more to see the situation, wait for adjustments, and then explode when the time comes.

Chapter 257 Little Brilliance, Big Brilliance (Two in One)

When Su Hao saw the Wall of Aurora appear, the barrel of his gun straightened up.

Then Richelieu blushed and moved around to avoid being stabbed.

"Wait, wait, sister Li, is this the wall of aurora? Why did it appear here? Wasn't it destroyed?"

Before, the royal family personally turned over the base of the temple, but all the equipment was destroyed in the explosion.

For this reason, she was war-weary and fired a cannon into the sky with an angry face. It was reasonable for the old lady to feel annoyed because she had failed His Majesty's trust.

"Yes, the large Aurora Wall is indeed destroyed."

"Sister Li, what do you mean, this is a small...uh, shrunken version?"

"You can put it this way." Richelieu's face was a little strange, "Actually, I'm not sure, I felt it when I woke up, it seems that the Black Rubik's Cube actively absorbed the core technology of the Aurora Wall, and then evolved into a Controllable small aurora wall."

Richelieu was in a coma before, and it was impossible to do anything.

The only explanation is that the Black Rubik's Cube absorbs itself.

Su Hao recalled that when he heard the siren talk about the function of the Black Rubik's Cube, it seemed that it had the function of absorbing data. Maybe this is also one of the manifestations.

"Then how far can you control?"

"I don't know, it's quite easy now, but it shouldn't be as powerful as the original version. The strength and lethality of the Aurora Wall need to be provided by the Black Rubik's Cube, and it also needs to consume resources."

"That's easy to understand. Well, it's not bad. With this ability, in the future, when facing the enemy, you will be trapped first, and then you will fight to death."

"Pfft~" Richelieu chuckled, "It's not so easy to think beautifully, if you really want to do this, then you won't be invincible."

Su Hao smiled and said, "Sister Li is invincible."

I think the ship girl I like is the most powerful!

Of course, Sister Li who owns the Black Rubik's Cube is indeed invincible with the cooperation of the Wall of Aurora.

Unless a weapon of mass destruction is launched like Amagi.

However, Tiancheng's intercontinental missiles are not suitable for one-on-one combat. If you fight at close range, you may not be able to kill others, but you will be killed.

The two abilities can only be said to have different effects, regardless of strength or weakness.

Facing Su Hao's flattery, Richelieu just smiled, and then put away the Aurora Wall.

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