Then she leaned down.

"The less people know about this secret, the better. Now that the Aurora Wall is destroyed, it's a good thing. This kind of thing shouldn't exist in the Iris Kingdom, and the Iris Kingdom doesn't need to rely on it to protect it."

"You're right. Speaking of which, how did your discussion go this time?"


Richelieu briefly explained the content of the meeting.

"It's not bad, the people of the royal family...have dealt with them a lot, and I probably know their plans."

Richelieu squinted her eyes. To be honest, she didn't have a good impression of the royal family.

But from time to time, there are some things that she can't do whatever she wants, and there are too many things to worry about. As long as the problem can be solved, she doesn't care much about personal grievances.

Anyway, I won't see people like the royal family in the future.

"Well, if you have any questions, just tell me, and don't be too aggrieved. We don't say that the port area is the best in the world, and the weight of talking now is enough."

"I know." Richelieu chuckled, "By the way, pay more attention these two days."


"Just let Barr and the others..." Richelieu felt helpless, "They might come to you."

"Looking for me?" Su Hao guessed boldly, "Do they also want to join our port area?"

Well, when Miss Richelieu returned to the Iris Country, she found that the Iris Country was no longer what it used to be. With one order, a fleet of [-] people entered the port area!

"It's a good idea." Richelieu rolled his eyes, "I want you to pay attention, so that you won't be bullied by Jean Bart."


Speaking of which, the way my sister-in-law looked at me was indeed a bit strange.

"Okay, I know... Well, the night is long, don't talk about that."

Su Hao turned over and hugged Richelieu.

The latter blinked, with a cute expression on his face, "Xiaohao, what do you want to do?"

"I thought of a way that wouldn't let me wake up tomorrow morning without seeing you."

"any solution?"

"Just don't sleep tonight."


The room was suddenly filled with spring colors.



In the next two days, the Iris Nation and the royal family had many negotiations, and it seemed that they finally reached an agreement.

They were all very busy, but Su Hao was free here, and took the girls around the island if he had nothing to do, taking a walk, going to the church, going to the beach for a swim or something.

During the period, I took the time to contact the port area, but nothing happened. The big brother still has the ability, and everything is in order.

Just when he hung up the phone, he reminded Su Hao to bring back some local products from the Iris Kingdom.

For this reason, Su Hao took Xili to the commercial area on the island, and bought some special products to go back. Of course, it was mainly for food.

Su Hao went out with a few ship girls, of course it is impossible to go to some ship girls or play by himself.

As for the royal family, because they don't need so many people to participate in the negotiation recently, the war weariness is mainly in charge, and the others are considered to be idle.

"Sister, the scenery here is quite nice."

The threesome at the seaside, the big one is big, the older sister is big, the younger one is big, and the younger sister is big.

Brilliant is famous for its soft landing, and it will lose its balance when bowing its head, but in fact, it is not bad in comparison. After all, the title of fat dinosaur is not for nothing.

Among the three, Shengli seems to be the most common, but she is also Yan Yidang. If you really want to say that she is no worse than her sister in all aspects, isn't she just a little younger than Oupai?Even if it's small it's big enough.

Hmph, it's strange that it's too big, it's just right for me.

You are so big, you have to wrestle when you walk.

How embarrassing was it when I fell down and couldn't lift the two lumps of meat on the ground?

Of course, the victory of this kind of thinking is usually just thinking about it in your heart, and saying it?She is not that stupid, she will be beaten.

"The scenery in the Iris Country is really nice."

Guanghui gently lifted the hair beside his ears, silver hair, the favorite of Chinese people.

"I like the irises here the most, but unfortunately now is not the time."

"Hee hee~ Then let's come back sometime next year. We'll come here secretly. Anyway, we won't reveal our identities and won't cause any confusion."

Victory put her hands behind her back, she faced the brilliance and fear, walked backwards, with a smile on her face.

"At that time, our sisters will take a long vacation and go to the Iris Country, and then to Iron Blood."

Guanghui laughed and said: "Why don't you say that you will go to Chongying again to see the cherry blossoms or something, and just walk away all the hostile forces."

"Oh! That's not bad." Sheng Sheng's eyes lit up, "Look at the cherry blossoms first, then you can catch up with the irises, and finally go to the iron blood."

Kewei tilted his head: "What do you want to go to Iron Blood? Cherry blossoms in heavy cherry blossoms, iris flowers in Iris Kingdom, and what does Iron Blood look at? Beer or pork knuckle?"

Victory waved his hand with disgust.

As an elegant royal lady, she has never felt much about beer.

What kind of beer should I drink? Isn’t black tea fragrant?

As for pork knuckle, black tea with pork knuckle?what.

"Of course not those things."

"Not those, what are you going to do with beer?"

"Hee hee~ I want to see if I can meet Tirpitz."

Brilliant and awesome: ? ? ?

"Sister Shengli, what are you talking about? Tirpitz is the main battleship of Iron Blood. It would be strange if we didn't fight when we meet."

"The iron-blooded main force is the iron-blooded main force, what does it matter to me?" Shengli said as a matter of course, "You think, when we go on a trip, we can be regarded as letting go of the identity of the royal team's ship mother, and we have no personal grievances for our ship mother. The battlefield is a battlefield, and there is no way to fight for different ideas.”

"However, even our ship girls don't always like to fight, do they? How many people like war? If we can usher in the era of peace, I will definitely welcome it with both hands. I think it doesn't matter if it's Azur Lane or Red Axis. It's all the same, so why is it so strange to be friends with Tirpitz in a personal relationship?"

Brilliant and Terrible looked at each other.

Although this kind of thinking is correct, it is one thing to think and another to do it.

It's pretty sensitive anyway.

However, it’s okay if you really want to go, but you can feel the glory and fear in your heart. You can’t do it if you think about it, and people may not care about you.

And Victory, why do you have to find Tirpitz?

"Huh? Are those ship girls belonged to Commander Su Hao's family?"

At this moment, the fearsome eyes passed over Victory, and looked at a few little guys squatting on the beach not far away to play.

"Well, it belongs to Commander Su Hao." Guanghui nodded, she knew all the little girls in Iris Country.

"What, what? Did Su Hao kiss Richelieu again?" Shengli couldn't wait to turn his head, seeing that it was a little girl and not a big girl, and regretted, "What?"

Guanghui had a weird face: "What are you, what are you thinking?"

"Hee hee~" Of course it was just a joke, Sheng Sheng smiled, then tilted his head and said, "Sister Guanghui, look, that little guy is so cute, it feels a bit... well, it's very similar to your temperament."

"Which one?"

"That's the one. There are small wings on the back. I don't know if it's glued on or something. It can't be born, right? Little angel?"

"Let me take a look." Kewei took a look, "It's true, it doesn't seem to be a prop, you don't see any clothes on it."

Guanghui was also a little puzzled. For some reason, when she saw this little guy, she felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy in her heart.

The three walked over and stopped near her.

"Firefly, don't just pile up the city walls so high, they should be thicker, otherwise the seawater will fall down when it rushes."

The little girl opened her mouth like this, and then noticed the strangers appearing beside her, so she raised her head and tilted her head to look at them.

"Wow, it can't be done, it's so cute!"

Kewei Liang's eyes were twinkling with stars, and he stretched out his hand to hug the cutie, but the latter moved his body and avoided it.

"Who are you?"

"Little sister, don't be afraid, we are not bad people."

The dreadful answer made Guanghui quite speechless, have you ever seen a bad person say that he is a bad person?

It was nothing at first, but there is nothing to say.

Don't look like a little girl, but she is a ship's mother, with a natural vigilance.

In order to prevent his sister from messing around, Guanghui walked forward, showing a gentle smile and said: "I am the Radiance of the Royal Fleet, they are my sisters, victory and fear, cute little guy, what's your name?"

The little girl blinked, "My name is also Guanghui, but I am little Guanghui."


"Sister Guanghui, look, look, your daughter has come out."

"Sister Guanghui, you actually have a daughter, obviously we don't even have a brother-in-law yet."

"Looking for a fight!" Guanghui glared at the two younger sisters in embarrassment, "What are you talking about, what daughter, she is Commander Su Hao's wife!"

Shengli pretended to be surprised: "Oh! No wonder you always care so much about that human commander, sister. It turns out that you have already..."

The more he talked, the more out of tune he became, Guanghui raised his hand, and Shengli immediately begged for mercy.

"Don't fight, don't fight, I was wrong, I was joking, in fact, I have been staring at that human commander for the past two days."

Terrible: "???"

It's not my business?

And Xiao Guanghui showed a puzzled expression, these three sisters are so funny, were they invited by the commander to perform?

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