The two little guys talked to themselves, and fell into a state of entanglement.

Guanghui looked astonished, and she looked at Su Hao, who looked innocent.

The conscience of heaven and earth, I really didn't teach them!


PS: continue~

Chapter 352 Brilliant thoughts

How should I put it, I was a little confused.

And maybe they didn't think about what the two little guys said, of course they weren't getting married, they just stayed in the port area.

It's impossible not to have no thoughts at all, after all, I've lived here for so many days, if I really didn't have any thoughts, Guanghui must have left with her three younger sisters long ago.

She also knows a little bit about the thoughts of the younger sisters.

When she wanted to leave, Shengli strongly opposed it. If Saratoga hadn't come suddenly, she might have really left.

Now, sometimes I think that maybe if I really left at that time, I wouldn't have so many troubles now.

What trouble?

Let's not talk about it here.

Victory probably tends to stay in the port area.

And awesome, too, lately.

Even, the relationship between the two of them and Su Hao may have surpassed the relationship between ordinary ship girls and commanders.

After all, if it wasn't like this, who would run into a man's room in the middle of the night?


Decisions are still difficult to make, no matter how I make a decision, it is not good.

Although there is nothing wrong with the royal camp, there is nothing wrong with replacing the old with a new generation, but in the final analysis, when I came here this time, I told Zhan Zhan when I would go back.

The result was like this, but there was no way to explain it to her.

And Her Majesty Elizabeth, now that Iron Blood is occupying Pascal Bay, and its movements are unknown. The royal family really needs to employ people.

A series of questions lingered in Guanghui's mind, making it impossible for her to calm down and think.

Just now, he managed to escape from the questioning of Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa just now, he was a little embarrassed, not like himself anymore.

Well, that being said, if I really go back, I won't be able to see them every day.

Moreover, if he is not around, such a cute little guy will be targeted by strange people, right?

I heard that the director of the Lingshui Maritime Safety Bureau, Royal Ark is a big pervert, and he even touches Teacher Sara, if he leaves...

A series of images appeared in Guanghui's mind.

The evil aircraft carrier ran after the cute little angel, who cried and called her name, but unfortunately she could only watch from afar, and then...

The little angel is defiled!

How can I forgive?

Well, when we get back from this mission, let's blow up the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration.

just kidding.

At this time, Guanghui came to the second deck alone, to the side of the yacht formed by the cabin and guardrail, and looked at the distant sea from here.

I remember that Su Hao once said that his wish is also world peace.

Guanghui knew that it should be slightly different from what he pursued.

Seeing Su Hao's usual appearance, he knew it. Sure enough, he was worthy of being a commander. The purpose of Su Hao's behavior was to live a better life with his wife.

It doesn't matter whether you work hard or work hard to develop the port area, Su Hao is easy to speak, Guanghui knows this, but the premise of speaking well is that you can't offend his wife, that is Ni Lin.

The so-called world peace generally means that the world pattern has reached a stable state of peace.

In fact, from the perspective of the commander, the destruction of the Sirens is not a good thing.

Because once the siren dies, the remaining enemy of mankind is likely to be the ship girl.

No matter what, non-my races must have different minds. Even if the commanders know that the ship's mother will not have a different mind, not everyone thinks so.

Without the threat of the Sirens, the "beauty" displayed by the ship girls will be covered up by their strength. This strength is a protection when the Sirens exist, and becomes a fear when the Sirens die out.

Therefore, even if Su Hao didn't say it clearly, Guanghui guessed that what he was after was probably a kind of relative world peace.

A world where the ship girl can exist.

So, it's actually pretty much the same as what I'm after.

I also hope for world peace. The premise of this is to reduce war chaos, at least within the controllable range, and the harm is not that great.

Thinking about it this way, Guanghui suddenly felt that even if he stayed in the port area, he could still work hard as a member of the royal family at the same time?

Huh?Wait, Richelieu seems to be like that.

Businesses seem to do the same.

The more Guanghui thought about it, the more frightened she became, she suddenly found that what she had been bothering all along was so vulnerable!

"Huh~ No way."

She shook her head, feeling a little bit out of her wits.

"Why are you here alone?"

A gentle voice came from beside him.

You don't even need to look to know it's Hood.

Guanghui tidied up his mood and smiled slightly: "It's nothing, let's blow some air."

"Where's the commander?"

"He's still over there, um... together with Xiao Guanghui and the others."

Hood was a little curious, his commander and Xiao Guanghui together?Shouldn't you be with Xiao Guanghui?

Also, why isn't the unicorn here?

Hood keenly discovered that something must have happened just now.

Teacher Sara's lesson has ended. At this time, what should I say? I want to say sorry for the situation just now.

Commander, I didn't expect it to turn out like that.

But Aunt Hood is not giving up easily.

"Is there anything on your mind?" She pretended not to care. "Seeing how absent-minded you are, what's the matter? There shouldn't be any danger in this sea area, right?"

"Well, nothing." Guanghui shook his head lightly.

"Don't you believe me?" Hood sighed. "At least we have been tea friends for such a long time. It's very sad that you don't even consider me a friend."

"There is no such thing." Guanghui said helplessly, "Of course I regard you as a friend, just like my sister, but my not easy to tell you."

It is rare for Guanghui to have a sincere tea friend.

No matter Hood's taste of tea, the art of appreciating tea, or the elegance of tea tasting, Guanghui appreciates it very much.

It can be said that if the sister relationship between Victory and Fear is not counted, then Hood must have a better relationship with Guanghui than the two of them.

"It's not easy to tell me?" Hood pretended to be puzzled, "Is it about the royal family?"

"Well, half of it."

"Is there still half of the story?"

"That's why you're bothered, isn't it?"

Hood smiled: "I see, indeed, choices are always annoying."

Guanghui was a little surprised, then laughed and said, "As expected of you, you suddenly understood what I was thinking."

Although it is not stated clearly, it is roughly guessed.

Guanghui never thought of hiding it.

"Maybe, um, we don't have much time to drink tea with you." Guanghui shook his head lightly, and then said, "Maybe not necessarily."

"What, so you are struggling with this."

"What's the matter? Shouldn't you be entangled?"

Hood chuckled: "If you want to drink tea together, no matter how long I will accompany you, I don't think the commander would mind building an extra tea room or a gazebo in the port area for drinking tea, right?"

Guanghui was helpless: "The problem now is not this."

"Why not? It looks the same to me." Hood shook his head, "Isn't that the case? If you think about it, just do it. If you can't even express what you think, it would be too uncomfortable Yes. Our ship girls are actually creatures that are not good at hiding emotions. Because of this, sometimes our thoughts are simpler and more direct, don’t they? I don’t think it’s a bad thing, at least I think it’s good.”

"Ah, you suddenly said this..."

"What I mean is, since you want to drink tea with me, you can drink it for the rest of your life." Hood smiled softly, "Your worry is nothing more than a choice between the royal family and our port area. Since it is difficult If you want to make a choice, or if you don’t want to make a choice, then simply don’t make a decision.”

"In the port area, is there a conflict with the royal family? Look at Richelieu, I have heard of the previous incident. As the daughter of the port ship, Richelieu is still fighting for the Iris Kingdom. Like her, the ship in the port area Mother admired her instead."

"There is also the company, do you think she is now in our port area? She definitely is, but if Baiying is in trouble, she will definitely go to support, and I believe the commander will definitely take action, because she is We in Minato, our family, we will help her too."

"Are these conflicts?"

Guanghui opened his mouth.

Hood's words hit her G-spot directly.

She was still thinking about it just now.

"I really can't say enough about you." Guanghui smiled helplessly, "You literally said everything I was thinking."

Hood laughed: "After all, we are the best tea friends, aren't we?"

"makes sense."

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