Guanghui faced the sea, his deep blue eyes stared into the distance, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What? Got an answer?" Hood asked.

"Don't rush me, I know you are acting as a lobbyist for your commander." Guanghui raised his lips lightly, "After all, we are the best tea friends."


The purpose has been seen through, and Hood is not surprised. Guanghui is a type with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physique, art and labor.

Just thinking about it, the sound of triumphant and terrible laughter came from the lower deck.

The two had a great time in the swimming pool.

Hood said, "I'm not urging you, but I invite you to go for a swim. You won't refuse, will you?"

"of course."

Guanghui chuckled, and the two went to the room, changed into swimsuits and went to the pool.

"Eh? Sister Guanghui, why are you here?"

Wearing the brilliance of a white bikini, the sexy figure can be seen at a glance.

It's a pity that Su is still teasing Xiao Guanghui.

"Why, I can't come?" Guanghui smiled, "It's been a long time since we went swimming together."


Victory and Terrible looked at each other.

You know, Guanghui has always been very conservative outside, now that he is dressed like this, isn't he afraid of being seen by Su Hao?

"Hehe~ Why are you in a daze, hehe~"

Guanghui jumped into the pool at once.

The large-tonnage aircraft carrier was launched, splashing a large wave and submerging the Victory and the Dreadnought.

"Ah, sister, you really are!"

"Sister Shengli, let's go!"


The girls' cheerful laughter came from the swimming pool.


PS: My sister cooks wine for Ouhuang!

Louder can't hear you!If you can't hear it, you can't hear it!

My sister cooks wine, Ouhuang! !

Louder can't hear you, I say can't hear you can't hear you!

restart!Give me some energy and shout together!

Chapter 353 The Last Supper?

what a pity!

Missed, missed, missed!

When Su Hao passed by and saw Guanghui and the others coming back from the swimming pool, ten thousand grass and mud horses galloped past him.

At the same time, he felt deep, deep regret!

Why have I been playing with Xiao Guanghui and the others just now!

Sisters Guanghui, plus Hood, four big boats playing in the water downstairs, he actually missed such a beautiful scene!

This is simply unforgivable!

Damn dammit dammit dammit.

At this moment, Su Hao believed that any male compatriot would regret it so much that he couldn't help but hit him to death with a piece of tofu.

But there is no way, there is no medicine for regret in this world.

Besides, um, little Guanghui Xiaobeifa, and her lovely sister, aren't they sweet?

Su Hao comforted himself in his heart.

That is to say, what's so good about being big?Isn't it just that the figure is a little bit sexy, the navel is a little bigger, a little more mature, and a little plump?What's so good about being big?

Well the big ones are really good.

Originally, he thought it was just Guanghui's sudden whim to go for a swim in the water, but it was a pity, but he didn't care.

After all, when Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa questioned her before, she obviously ran away on purpose.

This proves that Guanghui didn't think clearly about this matter, and Su Hao could also see it, so he didn't push too much. This is indeed a problem that requires careful consideration for Jianniang.

However, when he saw Guanghui again in the evening, Su Hao found that her whole person seemed to have changed.

It became easier than before.

It's not that I'm thinner, lighter, and the heavyweight is still a heavyweight, with a soft landing, but that the whole person looks much more relaxed.

Then suddenly Hood flashed him an intriguing smile.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Hood, what's with that smile of yours?

"Su Hao, are there any activities tonight?"

"Uh... what activity do you want?" Su Hao glanced around, there was a vast sea.

"That's right." Guanghui didn't say anything, but seemed a little disappointed.

Su Hao thought for a while and said, "How about having a barbecue on the deck?"

Guanghui smiled: "Okay, let me help."

In this way, the barbecue at sea began.

"Is that so?" Shengli asked in a low voice, "Why do you suddenly think of barbecue?"

Su Hao shrugged: "How do I know, didn't Guanghui say something when you were swimming today?"


The two hid in the kitchen and whispered.

Guanghui was a little strange, and they were a little flustered.


"No... well, I just feel that Sister Guanghui is a bit weird. I can't say it. Anyway, I am very happy, so we didn't think about it."

Su Hao was shocked: "Isn't this the last meal?"

Victory looked strange: "What was the last meal?"

"It is the last meal eaten by the condemned prisoner, and he will go to the execution ground after eating."

The more Su Hao thought about it, the more he felt that it made sense. Perhaps today, because of Xiao Guanghui and Xiao Beifa's questioning, Guanghui felt a 'crisis', and she planned to run away with her three younger sisters.

Hearing Su Hao's blind analysis, Sheng Sheng rolled his eyes.

"How is it possible, even if we have to leave, Sister Guanghui will definitely tell us."

"I think Bu Xing, if I have two younger sisters who eat inside and out, I won't say anything."

Shengli suddenly became fierce: "What are you talking about? Bite you!"

She rushed forward, hugged Su Hao and bit him violently.

"Hiss! Are you from Xili?"

Victory does not belong to Xili, he bit it lightly, then moved his mouth closer, blushing and said, "I want to experiment."

After speaking, she pushed Su Hao on the chair and sat down.

Then he sat face-on on his lap, and kissed him without waiting for Su Hao's reaction.

Kissing the Mad Demon Victory, they did what they said, the two kissed for a while, and heard a voice from outside the kitchen.

"Sister Shengli, haven't you tidied up your things yet?"


Kewei stood at the door, looked at Shengli who was standing aside with a blushing face, and Su Hao who pretended to be fine.


"I'll take something over there!"

Victory ran away with a pile of barbecue materials.

Kewei watched her leave, then turned to look at Su Hao.


"Me too... well, I'll take things over there."

Su Hao wanted to leave, but was stopped by Kewei.

She put her hands on her chest and looked at Su Hao with a half-smile.

"What were you doing just now?"

"What do you do?" Su Hao was a little at a loss, "Take things, what else can you do?"

"Hmph~" Kewei arched his delicate nose, "You think I can't see it, the way Miss Shengli looks like, you must have done something to her."

Su Hao was wronged.

Conscience of heaven and earth, every time victory is the first move, okay!

And come as soon as you say it, don't prepare yourself at all.

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