So she has planned for these two days.

Be sure to join Minato at the brightest moment, in front of everyone, and let everyone witness this important moment together!

Hmph, victory, don't you like to be sneaky?I will go against you.

At that time, I will follow Su Hao every day. Anyway, I am the ship's wife in the port area, and you are not. Su Hao has no reason to be alone with you, right?

Ha ha!You kiss again, you kiss, you can't kiss!

Saratoga seemed to have seen the defeated dog Shengli crying in front of her, and begged her to forgive.

Well, that was the plan, but...

There seems to be something wrong at the scene.

Saratoga blinked and looked at a group of ship girls who were silent in the distance, feeling a little flustered for a while.

Why didn't everyone respond?

Hello!Now that Saratoga joins the port area, shouldn't you be cheering?

Popular ship girl Saratoga!

The sister that the little ones adore!

Lovely and charming Sarah... well, don't hit me.

She was a little flustered, and everyone was silent. She kissed Su Hao just now, and she always felt that the current atmosphere was very strange.

You see, Richelieu stopped talking, and Chicheng wanted to pounce, this is normal, the defeated fox was furious, and was held back by Tiancheng.

But, there are still a lot of people who don't speak, companies and raiders, everyone looks at themselves and just doesn't speak.

Little ones, Vaukran!firefly!Xi Li!Your king has come!

Just when Saratoga was quite desperate, a very abrupt applause sounded.

clap clap clap clap ~

Hood stood behind Su Hao and clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

Woohoo, Hood, thank you, touched!

clap clap clap ~

Guanghui also applauded.

Woohoo, Guanghui, I love you to death.

Immediately afterwards, Victory also applauded.

Victory, victory, as expected, you are still the most loyal guardian of the sister-in-law alliance!

Su Hao also applauded, although he was the most ignorant one at first, but he was kissed suddenly, fortunately it was on the cheek, otherwise he would probably have surrendered to the gendarmerie.

But after being confused, I suddenly felt that Sarah was so distressing.

A person came from a long distance, with a simple and innocent heart under the carefree appearance, don't look at her like this, Sarah sauce is very easy to get hurt.

Thinking of this, Su Hao looked at the ship girl who came to greet him, and said with a smile: "Everyone welcomes our new companions in the port area."

At this moment, all the ship girls began to applaud.

"Wuuuuu~ You...Su Hao...thank you."

Saratoga sniffled, very touched, woo, so many people welcome him.

Well, when my sister comes, I must tell her to let her join Minato!


"What happened to Saratoga?"

Entering the stronghold, Richelieu walked beside Su Hao and asked with some doubts.

"Kissing and hugging again, suddenly giggling with joy, and then crying again, did you say anything to her?"

Su Hao shrugged with an innocent face: "Why, I was still wondering, suddenly hugged her and said those words... But she wants to join the port area, of course we welcome her, and I think the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration should have no objections Bar?"

Richelieu nodded: "No wonder, when I was chatting with Helena before, I heard her say something about the Maritime Safety Administration. Everyone seemed very happy that Saratoga came out."

After speaking, she felt a little helpless again.

"Saratoga is here, and the port area will probably not be peaceful in the future."

Su Hao smiled: "It's okay, there are so many people in the port area, just let Vocklan and the others make trouble with her, Sarah still knows how to behave."

"I know this... Forget it, but Xiaohao, you haven't forgotten, Saratoga has a sister."

"Uh, Lexington?"

"Well, she's not like Saratoga, Lexington, I think it was . . . never mind, can't remember."

She had no contact with Lexington at all, and heard Helena talk about it, but didn't care.

"She may have objections, but since Saratoga has come to the port area, it is from our port area." Richelieu said as a matter of course, "If Lexington also comes, then of course welcome, if not , don’t even think about taking someone away.”

Although Richelieu didn't think that Saratoga would leave easily, after all, even Saratoga must have thought carefully before making such a decision.

Unless she is playing a prank, if so, then the gates of Hougang District will be closed to her forever.

Regarding Richelieu's strength, Su Hao didn't say anything.

In his opinion, most of the time, Sister Li is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

As for Lexington, come and come, anyway, there are enough people in his port area now, and he doesn't care about one more.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through Su Hao's mind.

"Sister, you said that our port area should just be established as the United Nations in the future, okay?"

Richelieu was full of surprise: "What?"

"Uh, pretend I didn't say it."


After returning to the temporary stronghold, Su Hao connected with Nelson.

The current task is also considered completed, and it has been almost half a month since the departure.

The harvest, there must be some, robbed the three siren bases, harvested a lot of supplies, and also got a lot of technology boxes to arm the ship girls.

No wonder those seniors said that fighting the autumn wind at sea is the fastest way to develop.

That is to say, what do you do daily?If you vomit every day, the rewards are just those. It's better to go to sea once and find a siren base to grab it.

Of course, the Siren base is not so easy to find, besides, when most people encounter the Siren base, they really only have to escape.

But the Suhao port area is different. He is now thinking about when to set up a special expedition team to search the sea area above area C, looking for siren strongholds.

Don't look at the low probability of finding it, but if you find it, post it.

This is like doing an antique business. If you don’t open for three years, you can eat for three years.

After docking with Nelson, as a representative of the Maritime Safety Administration, she will stay and lead other ship girls to station here for a period of time until the base is completed.

At least the fortifications must be built first.

As for Su Hao's reward for this mission, it will naturally be issued by the Wujiang Maritime Safety Administration.

In addition, because it was overfulfilled, waiting for the assessment at the end of the year, there will be rewards similar to year-end awards.

At this time, Su Hao should say that he deserves to be a 'state-owned enterprise'.

After tidying up at the temporary base, Su Hao took the ship girls and drove home on the yacht.



Outside the Suhao port area, on the pier, a cargo ship slowly approached.

A brown-haired girl came out of the cabin.

"Huh!~ It's finally here, I've been bored to death after so many days."

Stretching, the girl complained a little.

"Really, this broken ship is too slow, why don't I deliver it... Oh, forget it, it feels so troublesome, it's strange to have so many things on your body."

Whispering, the girl walked to the edge of the deck and looked down, and happened to meet a little girl who was squatting on the pier and raised her head.

The little girl is wearing strange clothes, she looks like a heavy cherry blossom, a bit like a witch.

However, this was the first time the girl had seen such a small shrine maiden.

The face is round, a little fat like a baby, and the eyes are big and shiny.

What a cute little girl.

The girl smiled and said, "Hi, I'm called Counterattack."

"Counterattack?" The little girl immediately said, "Counterattack, I know, is the battlecruiser Renown, isn't it?"

"Well, it's the No. 2 ship, Retaliation."

The little girl applauded, then stood up, and said very politely: "Hello counterattack, my name is Lutsu."

"Oh oh oh oh oh!" Counterattack's eyes lit up, "Mutsu, that's the one, that's the one, Big Seven, right? Nagato!"

"Hee hee~ Nagato is my older sister." Mutsu laughed, "I am Battleship Mutsu."

"Nagato is that Nagato, right? It can't be that Nagato, right? Su Hao still has Nagato in the port area? He also has Mutsu!"

"What are you talking about? Which Nagato sister are you talking about?"

"It's that, that, that god child of Sakura."

"My sister is the Son of God!"

The counterattack was taken aback for a moment, wait, huh?Something is wrong, is Sakura's Miko here?

Thinking of this, she heard Mutsu ask: "Fight back, what are you wearing around your waist?"

"This?" Counterattack patted his waist, "This is a knight's saber, and I am a glorious sea knight."

"Sea Knight? What's that?"

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