"Well, it's the previous name, Royal Knight, I'm an old man, does the knight know? I'm the one who protects the glory of the royal family."

"Oh! That's amazing." Mutsu's eyes widened. "Why are you called an old man? You don't look old at all."

"Old seniors are seniority, not whoever looks old is whoever."

"Then why did you come here? Are you also the ship girl here?"

"Haha! How come, I'm from the Maritime Safety Administration."

"Why is the ship's wife from the Maritime Safety Administration here?"

"I'm here to deliver something." Counterattack raised his finger and pointed at the cargo ship, "Did you see it? I sent these hulls over."

Mutsu asked: "Why are these hulls sent here?"

"I don't know either. Anyway, this is an order from the leader. Of course I will do it."

Mutsu oh for a moment, then asked again: "Aren't you a sea knight? Why do you want to send something?"

"This... well, it's a mission, escort mission. I'm different from those ship girls in the port area. There are so many bosses above me."

"Then why don't you join Minato?"

The counterattack is dumbfounded, why is this guy so many?

Where why why, why didn't I join Minato, I also want to know why, I'm not a dictionary, every word can tell you the answer!

Fighting back and being annoyed, but there was no other way, she had a plan and asked, "Then why are you here?"

"Because my sister is here."

"Then why is your sister here?"

"I don't know, it seems to be waiting for Brother Su Hao to return to Chongying together."

Counterattack: ? ? ?

Wait, what did she hear?

The god son of Chongying is going to secretly take Su Hao to Chongying!

Su Hao, it's time to rebel! !


PS: I'm going to die~

Chapter 356 The Uncertain Royal Veteran

The counterattack found this port area so strange.

I heard that all the personnel participated in the mission of the Maritime Safety Administration. I have also heard about that mission, and it happens every year.

Strange place, why does a port area cooperate with the maritime safety bureau in the local area?

Also, it seems that I made a mistake just now, this or something, a hundred thousand guys who are the same, probably didn't come to let Su Hao go to him.

After all, it's just a child.

The counterattack said that he could abduct her casually and sell her for money, and he could count for himself.

"Is there no one else in Minato?"

Standing on the pier at this moment, counterattacking those who looked left and right, then stomped his feet and said, "Your pier is quite big, almost catching up with our Maritime Safety Administration."

Recently, half of the wharf in the port area has been completed, and the sea side is basically completed, except for the beach.

According to Su Hao's plan, it will extend from there to the place where the girls play, and then set up a special shop for Ming and Shiranui's shops.

Doing so will take up even more space.

Taking a look at the counterattack, I felt that it was exaggerated.

"It's not done yet, are you going to build the pier into a port area?"

You guys, Lu Ao tilted his head, and said, "It's not us, it's Brother Su Hao and the others, and we're not from the port area."

"Then you have a good relationship with Su Hao, right?"

Mutsu thought about it, is it good?The elder sister said that Su Hao is Chong Ying's new hope.

"Well, my sis likes brother Su Hao very much, she often tells us."

Counterattack looked at Mutsu, the little guy has a big gun, and I heard that everyone in BIG SEVEN is so fierce, it is unimaginable.

He is also a veteran of the royal family. As the right-hand man of the eldest sister of Wales, he must have a high prestige in the royal family. Hmm, that shouldn't be worse than Sakura's Big Seven.

"Su Hao isn't here, so I'll wait for him here."

Mutsu glanced at the cargo ship and asked, "Are you really from the Maritime Bureau?"

"Of course it is. I will deliver the goods to Su Hao. I won't lie to you. Let me show you. This is my dog ​​tag... ah famous brand."

Counterattack took out the ID card of the Maritime Bureau and showed it to Mutsu.

"It's really true."

Mutsu nodded. The chief of the Maritime Safety Bureau is Su Hao's boss. Be polite and treat him well.

"I'll take you in."

The two walked along the pier.

Walking to the beach, Counterattack suddenly looked at a location.

"That." She pointed to the woods, "Is she also from your port area?"

In the woods, Ark Royal was lying in the tent, its head protruding from the exit of the tent, sound asleep.

Mutsu immediately shook his head: "My lord sister said that this guy is a pervert and cannot be approached."

"Ha...why didn't the pervert throw it away?"

"I don't know, it seems to be someone from the Maritime Safety Administration."

"How can there be such a person in the Maritime Safety Administration?"

After I finished speaking, I felt wrong again. Aren't I a member of the Maritime Safety Administration?Why does the Maritime Safety Administration have such a person?

What's wrong with yourself?

Abnormal, it's definitely not from the Maritime Safety Administration, take a photo, and ask the Lingshui Maritime Safety Administration to check it later, don't be impersonated.

When they arrived at the port area, there was a huge iron gate in front of them, and Mutsu pushed it open skillfully.

There is a lot of space inside, making Counterattack think that he has returned to Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau.

and then?Grass, shit, grassland, a large green grassland.

Camphor tree, banyan tree, sweet-scented osmanthus tree, iron tree, messy tree, is it magnolia?I don't know anymore.

Counter-attack, look left and right, feel something is wrong anyway, just see two words from the picture in front of your eyes: green and environmental protection.

"You really have a clear view here."

"Why do you always talk about you? It's obviously not you, it's them." Lutsu shook the Kagura bell in his hand, and it jingled, "Brother Su Hao, it's okay, I like it very much." , isn’t it green?”

The counterattack thought is also true, green and pollution-free, the air is clear and healthy.

As I was walking, I saw a yellow hair.

The blond hair is soft and beautiful, and he is wearing a white shawl and a short skirt. Interestingly, the design of the clothes on the back looks the same as the previous one.

The girl turned her back to them and looked sideways into the distance, where a group of construction teams were building buildings.

"Cleveland!" Mutsu yelled.

Cleveland turned his head and showed a handsome smile like sunshine: "Yeah! ~ It's Mutsu, huh? Is she? A newcomer to the Maritime Bureau?"

The counterattack was taken aback. It turned out that they were not facing them but facing them!

huh huh?

The counterattack rubbed his eyes vigorously, didn't it mean that all the ship girls are women? Why...

"Her name is Counterattack, and she belongs to the Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau, which is also the Maritime Safety Bureau. She said that she sent the hull of the ship to brother Su Hao."

Cleveland snorted, "I know, the commander told me."

Counterattack continued to rub her eyes, she remembered, Cleveland, the light cruiser USS Cleveland, is not a man, but but...

"Hey~ Hello, my name is Cleveland." Stretching out his hand, his handsome smile pierced him so hard that he couldn't open his eyes.

Ahhh, my dog ​​eyes!

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing, hello, hello, I call counterattack."

Huh~ It seems, it really seems.

I almost thought it was Miss Wales talking to me.

But Miss Wales belongs to the royal family, and Cleveland belongs to the White Eagles, so it's different.

Mutsu is not a ship girl in the port area, but Cleveland is, and the counterattack immediately explained the purpose of coming.

Then the three moved the hull in together.

After visiting the port area for a while, no one was there, and the counterattack felt meaningless.

"Then I'm going back."

I thought Su Hao was here, and I had heard of his reputation long ago. The last time I came and went in a hurry, I didn't say a word.

Not this time either, sorry.

Cleveland originally wanted to keep her, but the commander wasn't around. She's just in charge, and it's enough to stare at the construction every day, so she doesn't have the time to entertain counterattacks.

So, Cleveland was ready to send the counterattack away.

As a result, before he could leave the port area, a black lightning bolt drove towards him.

"Ah lah~ Fighting back? Really, I thought I was wrong."

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