St. Louis lowered the car window and looked at the counterattack walking with Cleveland, a little surprised.

"Huh? St. Louis?" The counterattack froze for a moment, "Why are you here?"

"Is this what I should ask? I have been in Lingshui City for more than a month."

"Wait, wait, are you also the ship's wife in this port area?"

Cleveland said with a smile: "St. Louis is not, but St. Louis has a very good relationship with my commander, so she can enter our port area at will."

Counter OVO

What does it mean to be particularly good?

Who will explain it to me?

She saw St. Louis, then noticed a man in the passenger seat.

The two are a bit alike.

"She is?"

"Helena, my sister, someone from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration."

Surprised by Counterattack, the leader came and greeted hurriedly: "Hello, my name is Counterattack, and I'm from Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau."

St. Louis is back, so the counterattack can't be done like this. The two know each other, and the relationship is okay.

"Fight back, or stay here for one more day, tomorrow I will take you to see my project here before leaving."

St. Louis' kind invitation, it's not easy to fight back, and she likes to play. It's not her style at all to come and go back.

So he counterattacked and called the Prince of Wales, saying that he would return tomorrow.

"Tomorrow, I'll take you to the port area, and then go to my company. I'm building a water park here. It's just started for more than a month and I've built some things. Please give me some advice."

St. Louis is of course a polite way of saying, how can you know what construction to fight back, you might as well ask Cleveland if you ask her.

It doesn't matter if you fight back, hmmm yes.

She knew St. Louis, a world-class local tycoon, and it was right to hang out with her.

Sure enough, on the second day, Aunt Sheng took her around, picked out delicious and expensive ones, and bought some gifts, which she didn't want at first, but it's really 'hard to turn back'.

After looking at the water park, there are not many places to see, but it is quite large, and the area is a bit exaggerated. It is hard to imagine that such a large playground should be built in a third-tier city like Lingshui City.

The counterattack really wanted to say that St. Louis, you are out of your mind, and you will die when the time comes.

However, judging from the recent law and order in Lingshui City, the safety of the sea area has been strongly guaranteed, and the local government will also give it to you. Maybe you can really turn around and become a powerful big city in Donghuang.

At that time, the water park in St. Louis will definitely become a famous local tourist attraction.

The counterattack was suddenly shocked, could this be the secret of the rise of the rich woman! ?

For a moment, there was a clear sense of IQ gap in the counterattack.

After visiting the water park, return to the port area.

I have to say that the St. Louis supercar is cool to sit up, and the counterattack is a bit addictive.

But even if you are addicted, you should go or go.

"I'm leaving."

Counterattack hit it and said with a mouthful.

"I'll take you to the pier."

St. Louis turned a corner in the car and drove towards the exit on the other side of the pier.

As soon as he got closer, he saw Mutsu bouncing back from the outside.

Besides her, there is a girl with long pink hair.

The girl, who is also the ship's wife, has a first-class body and appearance, and she is looking around the port area along the way.

Seeing the girl, St. Louis was immediately stunned.

She stopped the car and said with surprise, "Lexington? Why are you here?"

Lexington came, and a group of people returned to the port area.

St. Louis seems to have a good relationship with her. When asked why she came here, Lexington sighed, and the smart Aunt St. immediately understood.

Who else could worry Lexington so much but Saratoga?

It's just that when she came, St. Louis proposed to have a big meal, counterattacked and hissed, drooling all over the place, and called the Prince of Wales, saying that he would definitely go back tomorrow.

"By the way, when will Commander Su Hao and the others come back?"


The counterattack froze for a moment.

Hey, Miss Wales, let me think about it, and I will tell you when I go back.


PS: continue~

357 Joint Conference

Driving the yacht triumphantly, Su Hao stood on the deck facing the sun and looked into the distance. The most fortunate thing in his heart was that the yacht was fine.

It's also strange. Not long after I took office, two yachts were broken.

One of them is the Jujuju deluxe version of St. Louis, if you really want Su Hao to accompany you, then you have to sell your ass.

This time, he was also frightened. If he hadn't considered that the travel time was too long, ordinary yachts were too uncomfortable, and the so-called safety considerations, Su Hao would not have borrowed from St. Louis.

In fact, the main thing is that after getting used to super luxury yachts, ordinary yachts are really not good.

Su Hao didn't even bother to take a look at the ship assigned to him by the Maritime Safety Administration in the port area.

That is, when Richelieu was sorting out the materials in the port area, Su Hao could see it, otherwise he would not have known that there was a yacht in the port area.

Oh, Miss Li, are you talking about the junk ship parked at the pier?


There is no way, Su Hao feels that he has degenerated into a landlord in the old society. The landlord's family has a big business, and he is not used to eating rough food, so he has to serve him with bird's nest and sea cucumber.

Overall, the trip was pretty smooth.

Mission accomplished.

The supplies have been received.

Wife got it.

The only pity is that after so many battles, I didn't meet a awakened ship girl.

Su Hao seriously doubts whether the probability of awakening of the free ship girls in this world has been lowered by the siren.

But, well, anyway, home!


"elder sister!!"

Saratoga swooped down on Lexington, who was standing on the pier to welcome them back.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

What the hell?

Not long after he called Keddy, the yacht entered the pier and saw Keddy and the St. Louis sisters.

But who can tell him who that pink-haired girl is?

There is also a guy with brown hair and a long sword who looks like a fool.

The elder sister, Lexington, held Saratoga in her arms with open arms and a smile.

"Sister, sister, sister, sister!"

Saratoga kept rubbing against her arms.

"Okay, okay, I'm not a child anymore." Lexington said softly, "Is it okay after so many days?"

"It's not good at all, I miss my sister so much!"

Su Hao twitched, thinking that you eat and drink too much every day, and you tell me that you are not doing well at all?

After comforting Saratoga a few times, Lexington smiled slightly at Su Hao.

"Hello, Commander Su Hao, I'm the ship's wife from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, Lexington."


Lexington will come, think about it, it seems that Saratoga said it before, but Su Hao didn't care at that time.

After all, little Jiajia had a lot of tricky ideas, so she tempted herself to give it to her sister, but why would she give it away casually?Su Hao didn't believe it.

But now he believed it.

"Who is this……"

Su Hao looked at the counterattack, feeling a little familiar.

"Hey~ Su Hao, we meet again." Counterattack smiled and waved his hand.

"Uh, have we met?"

The company reminded: "I saw it at Donghuang Maritime Safety Bureau."

"Bingo! As expected of an enterprise, you still remember me." Counterattack snapped his fingers, "My name is Counterattack, and I'm from Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration."

"Is that my sister?"

A voice sounded.

"Ah?" Counterattack tilted his head.

At this time, Xiao Shengwang emerged from the crowd, her height was only as tall as others' long legs.

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