Especially after the news that Akagi joined the port area came out, everyone paid special attention to this port area.

Before making this decision, the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration specially contacted Yixian to find out the specific situation.

Yixian didn't have anything to say, so he just said three words.

pretty good.

However, she also said that if you really want to hold the meeting at Su Hao's place, it's best to say in advance and come to visit to show your sincerity.

When the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration heard this, this is wrong. Aren’t you the Donghuang Maritime Safety Administration?

Isn't Su Hao one of yours?

This kind of thing, can't you just finalize it?

Yixian didn't say much, just reminded a few people.

Such as Richelieu, such as enterprises, such as Nagato.

Then there was an immediate meeting at the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration.

"Huh? Aren't Saratoga and Helena there? Just ask them to tell."

"No, this seems to be a temporary decision, without sincerity."

"It's just a meeting, what kind of sincerity do you want?"

"Let Lexington go, her sister is here."

And so, here comes Lexington.

Recalling the journey along the way, she was very helpless.

Coincidentally, my sister sent me a message after a long time, calling for support and defeating the sister-in-law alliance, she was at a loss to see.

However, the signal at sea is not good, and I can't get in touch. To be honest, I was quite worried all the way to Lexington.

But fortunately, now that I see my sister, I haven't shed a single hair, so I don't worry.

As for Su Hao, after listening to Lexington's words, he understood.

On the Azur Lane side, Royal, White Eagle, Donghuang, and Northern United gathered for an annual meeting, and it didn't seem strange.

However, if Iris Country and Sakura were to participate this time, it would be a big deal.

The main reason is that the plot of the Iris Country has just had a turning point, and the Maritime Safety Administration must adopt a soft policy and pull them over as soon as possible.

The same is true for Sakura. Recently, Miko Sakura came out of the mountain, giving the Maritime Safety Administration hope.

Even if it is not to win over Sakura, and the Higurashi Island forces headed by Nagato, it is still a big step forward for the revolution.

Because of this, the Maritime Safety Administration headquarters is expected to take into account the sentiments of these two countries.

Inviting someone to come to the headquarters directly is a bit overwhelming.

But it's different here, it's perfect as a hub.

You can see that Richelieu and Nagato are both here, sitting down to have a meal together, discussing the harvest of next year's crops, how harmonious it is.

"This is..."

Su Hao pondered for a moment, have a meeting?I'm afraid it's not that simple.

What scene has he, Su Hao, never seen?

"Sister Li, what do you think?"

Undecided to find Sister Li, Su Hao turned his head and asked.

Richelieu took a sip of tea unhurriedly, and said lightly: "Isn't it just a meeting, anyway, our port area is big, and we can pretend to accommodate as many people as possible."

Uh, that seems to be the case.

Su Hao touched his chin and nodded: "When will your meeting be held?"

Lexington's face brightened: "The initial plan is after next year, if it goes well, it will be at the beginning of the year. Considering that the situation in Iris Kingdom and Sakura is still unstable, and this is the first joint meeting of this kind, the preparation time will be longer. a little."

To be exact, Iris Country and Shige Sakura haven't given a specific reply yet!

However, he did not refuse.

When the Maritime Safety Administration thought about it, it seemed that something was wrong. Isn’t Nagato also in Lingshui City, and Richelieu was originally the ship’s wife in the port area. Hurry up to Lexington and ventilate deliberately, maybe it will be successful. up.

"That's it."

At the beginning of next year, the Chinese New Year that everyone talks about will be the Gregorian calendar on Donghuang's side, and it may be able to catch up with the end of the New Year's celebration.

Of course, the main reason is not to conflict with the trip to Chongying, so Su Hao is relieved.

Anyway, the sky is big and the earth is big, and now it is the biggest thing on Sakura's side.

Didn't you see Nagato's full sincerity?

The focus now is to get things done with Sakura.

Thinking about this, Su Hao said: "Then when you confirm the specific time, please tell me, I have to go to the cherry blossoms before the New Year's Eve."

"Eh? Are you going to Sakura?"

"Well, Nagato invited me to experience the Double Cherry Blossom Festival. I couldn't help it, so I had to agree."

Su Hao didn't say he was there for an exercise, to experience the culture, it's not a sensitive matter.

Lexington was startled, so the relationship between Su Hao and Nagato is already so good!

Richelieu wanted to laugh a little, although Nagato invited him, so there is no way to say it.

Didn't you agree right away?

"Huh? Su Hao, are you going to Sakura? Take me with you, okay?"

When Saratoga heard this, he immediately became excited.

"No!" Lexington said immediately, "You can't go. I'll go back to the headquarters with me tomorrow. There are still many important things to prepare for this meeting. You and Helena will go back and help."

Actually, mostly Helena.

Haima has excellent abilities, everyone knows it.

As for Saratoga, Helena has already returned, so it's not good to leave her behind. The people at the Maritime Safety Administration Headquarters thought about it, and there was nothing they could do.

"Huh? I'll go back tomorrow."

Saratoga fiddled with his fingers, looking displeased.

She sneaked a few glances at Su Hao, and tried to send her sister-in-law radio waves to ask Su Hao to help save the scene.

Of course, Su Hao can't receive this kind of radio waves, and he is not a sister-in-law.

But he saw Saratoga's expression at a glance.

"It's already here, why don't you play for a few more days." Su Hao smiled.

"This one……"

Lexington hesitated, Richelieu said casually: "Aren't you going to invite the Iris Kingdom? You can tell me in detail later, I can still talk to the Iris Kingdom. In addition, Nagato Enterprise Guanghui and the others are here, You can talk to them first."

"Since it's all for preparation, the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration prepares them, and you are here to be responsible for the docking, which is about the same."

"In addition, our port area does not have such good conditions. When the time comes, representatives from various countries will come, you can't let them sit on the grass for a meeting, right? As for the venue of the meeting, the port area is very large and you can choose whatever you want, but our port area The district doesn’t have that spare money, so you need to communicate with the Maritime Safety Administration to allocate funds.”

Su Hao was stunned.

He just wanted Lexington to stay a few more days, to give Saratoga a little buffer time, so that he could find a chance to tell Lexington.

But the result?

Sister Li directly thought of appropriating funds here!

Su Hao only had a big word 'serve' in his heart.

As expected of Sister Li, the mixed society is different!

You see, it is so well-founded that it is impossible to refute it!

On the other hand, Lexington was also stunned.

Although she felt something was wrong, it seemed that Richelieu couldn't refute it.

Since Iris Country and Sakura are mainly invited, then Richelieu and Nagato are here!

In addition, Baiying's company, it's the same if you tell her about this kind of thing.

There are even members of the royal family. Although Guanghui can't make a decision, it's probably enough for her to pass on the news.

Coupled with the fact that Su Hao was originally from Donghuang, Lexington's heart skipped a beat.

What are you going to do when you go back, just build the stage here and start.

"Wait, wait a minute, I didn't expect this." Lexington sighed lightly, "I need to contact the headquarters first. As for the allocation of funds for construction, it should be no problem."

Richelieu nodded: "Well, but it's best to hurry up, you have to prepare, we also have a lot of things to prepare here."

"I will as soon as possible."

After chatting for a while, Saratoga took Lexington to visit the port area. By the way, the latter also told the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration.

She doesn't see a problem staying here to butt.

After talking to the representatives of various countries, and then contacting the appropriation to host the construction of the conference site, it is almost possible to go back to celebrate the New Year before the end of the year.

Of course, no one knows what the truth is.

"Sister, you are still awesome!" Su Hao gave a thumbs up to Richelieu, "I didn't even think about the appropriation, it's so risky, we almost paid for it ourselves."

Richelieu chuckled lightly and said, "It's nothing. Let's borrow the venue, let's just charge some rent. The Maritime Safety Administration is not short of this money."

"The Iris Country, are you going to talk about it?"

"Well, let me get in touch, and then let them send someone casually, and I'll talk."

Now that the Iris Country has retained Richelieu's status, it is only appropriate for her to come forward in such a matter.

"As for Nagato, go and talk to her when you have time. I think it's time for everyone to sit down and have a good talk."

Richelieu sighed softly, the countries have been in chaos for so long, it would be nice to have a peaceful talk together.

As for how much we can talk about, we will talk about it later.

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