Talking is better than not talking.

Seeing this, Su Hao pulled her to a chair and sat down, rubbing her shoulders for her.

Richelieu was puzzled: "Why did you do this all of a sudden?"

Su Hao smiled and said, "Didn't you do it often before, there is no difference."

Richelieu was stunned for a moment, and then smiled dumbly.

Yes, there is no difference, neither he nor she has changed.

No, it has changed.

Richelieu's eyes drooped: "Xiao Hao, where are you touching?"

"Uh, subconsciously, subconsciously."

The once ignorant boy has become a man who can be relied on.


PS: [○? `Д? ? ○]

Chapter 359 Nagato, a brat

I have to find a way to abduct my sister to the port area together.

I narrowly escaped a catastrophe just now, but the commander is a bit unreliable, your sister Li is still your sister Li.

But, even if you win a long time, you can't be negligent. My sister is serious. Once the work starts, she won't listen to other things.

What should we do?

I walked all the way through Saratoga, thinking about it, and it was a little troublesome.

"Gaga, what's wrong?"

He was talking well just now, but suddenly fell silent.

"No, I'm thinking about something."

Lexington didn't care, she was still thinking about what Richelieu said just now.

As expected of the Archbishop of the Iris Country, his aura is extraordinary at first glance, and he can't feel a bit slack when talking to her.

But after all, the Royal White Eagle Donghuang is all there, and the Northern United is missing.

The words of the Northern United have been active in the polar regions and rarely participated in the operations of Azur Lane. It is estimated that it is unlikely to come.

Hmm, White Eagle Corporation, Sakura... Nagato is not very familiar with them.

"Gaga, do you know Nagato?"

"Nagato?" Saratoga shook his head, "I don't know him, I've met him a few times, but I didn't even say anything, what's the matter?"

"I want to talk to her about the meeting."

Saratoga's eyes lit up: "Then I'll go for this one, I'm the best at negotiating!"

Nagato, you little brat.

I am the eldest sister of the children, if I deal with Nagato, isn't that easy to catch?

"You can't." Lexington immediately refused, "Nagato is not an ordinary person. Although I have never been in contact with it, according to the records of the Maritime Safety Administration, as a child of God, she is loved by the people of Sakura, and she presided over it a long time ago. Heavy cherry business."

"Huh? That must be amazing."

Saratoga rolled his eyes and said, "Then I'll go and settle the business."

Lexington suddenly laughed: "I still need you to talk about the company?"

Saratoga thought the same, the company must be fine, what about the royal family?

She saw Guanghui and the others coming from the dormitory.

"Brilliant and brilliant!"

Saratoga waved, and noticed them there, so they said hello.

"There is a new gazebo in the port area, let's go and have a look."

"I heard that it is made of rattan wood, it is very beautiful, and it is comfortable and natural."

Victory and Awesomeness sent invitations, and Saratoga took advantage of the opportunity to pull Lexington over.

The latter is also thinking about the meeting, and the royal family is here, so that's just right.

When they arrived at the gazebo, everyone was amazed after seeing the design style here.

"When Cleveland said it just now, I thought it must be bad."

"Yeah yeah, I also think Cleveland's aesthetics have always been a bit problematic, but this gazebo is great~"

"I like."

"I like it so much~"

Guanghui said angrily: "Victory is awesome, please be careful."

How can anyone say that?

After all, Cleveland is dedicated to the port area. Although there are indeed some problems with the aesthetic concept sometimes, Guanghui feels that the general direction is still correct.

Didn't you see that the Commander didn't have any objections?

"You are still like this."

Lexington said with a smile that she has known Sister Guanghui for several years and they have always had a good relationship.

Saratoga, in particular, is like sisters to Victory and Dread.

After such a long time, we meet again, which is almost the same as in the impression.

"The royal side, how is Her Majesty Elizabeth?"

"Very good. It's still the same as before. It's just that this operation failed. I'm probably a little angry."

Guanghui shook his head helplessly.

She also learned about Elizabeth's anger from them.

He was swayed by Iron Blood, but he didn't get anything from the Holy Church in the end. It can be said that he was really extremely angry during that time.

Then, under the envy and anger, Elizabeth was jealous and angry all night, and returned to normal the next day, and went to the beach happily.

Lexington smiled slightly, "By the way, when do you plan to go back this time?"

Victory and Terrible pricked up their ears.

The unicorn is playing with Xiao Guanghui.

Saratoga pricked up his ears too.

Guanghui pursed his red lips lightly, and said, "Well, I don't plan to go back for the time being."

"Yeah! (^-^)V" the awesome victory cheered along with Sarah.

Guanghui looked over, and the three of them immediately returned to the way they were just now, what should they do.

Lexington was a little curious: "Is there anything else you do here?"

"A little personal matter."

What to say?

Guanghui couldn't speak anymore.

Although she had made a decision in her heart before she came back, she couldn't find the time to say it. She couldn't announce it loudly in front of everyone like Saratoga.

But Guanghui thinks this is pretty good, everyone is like his own people, although he didn't say it explicitly, but the feelings are there.

Maybe there is no need to talk about it.

Guanghui likes to be more natural, maybe one day he will say the right words at the right time at the right place, and he will go to the next step naturally.

Besides, she hasn't told her sisters about the decision yet.

Although what Hood said is also true, depending on the situation, Victory and Dreadful both like to stay here, and the Unicorn probably has no objection.

But I haven't said it yet, I can't be so irresponsible, I will talk to them when I find an opportunity, if there is a problem, I will solve it first.

Lexington nodded slightly.

It's not easy to ask about private matters.

"By the way, about the decision made by the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration..."

Lexington talked to Guanghui about the joint meeting.

Here, the heads of the three of Saratoga got together.

"Victory is awesome, you must help me."

Since Victory and Dread rescued her on the yacht, the sister-in-law alliance has been re-formed.

As the archbishop, is it reasonable to ask two guardians for help?

Obviously reasonable.

"what happened?"

"My sister still doesn't know about my joining the port area, what should I do now?"

Victory and Terrible looked at each other.

That's what happened.

Victory said, "It's actually very simple."

Saratoga listened carefully.

"As long as your sister likes this place and makes her want to join the port area, she will come to tell you when the time comes, and you can pretend to hesitate and join in the end, that would be great."

Saratoga immediately shook her head: "No, the port area and the Maritime Safety Administration, for her, she must choose the headquarters. She doesn't feel much about this place. There is nothing in the port area, it's broken."

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