
"Are you all good sisters?"


Saratoga doesn't feel right. Although it's easiest to play the emotional card if you have a good relationship, the premise is that you have this idea first.

Originally, I thought that the Maritime Safety Administration was boring, or I wanted to change my way of life. If I do this again, the success rate will be higher.

But she didn't think her sister would give up staying at the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration for such a thing.

"Not enough?" Shengli thought for a while, raised his index finger and said, "Then, how about making her fall in love with Su Hao?"

Saratoga's eyes lit up!

This is good!

Shipgirl x Commander, this routine is useful all over the world.

And they are very familiar, don't forget what the sister-in-law alliance was for when it was first established!

Steady steady.

Saratoga grinned.

Lexington, who was chatting with Guanghui, trembled all over, feeling that something terrible was about to happen.


On the other side, Su Hao wandered around the port area after a long absence.

I haven't come back for almost half a month. The tree is taller and bald.

In the bleak autumn, on the tree-shaded road in the port area, a person, with a gust of wind, blows away his soft black hair, leaving behind a handsome figure that time can't erase.

Most of the ship girls are in the dormitory. I met Ming and Shiranui before, and I wanted to ask about the scientific research, but Ming suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm back meow, everyone is finally back meow!"

Su Hao was immediately moved. He didn't expect profiteers to be so emotional!

We haven't seen each other for half a month, you can see that she misses everyone so much that she is crying.

Shiranui whispered comfort.

I haven't seen Yubari, so I don't know where it is, but there is no rush for scientific research.

Continue to turn around and see Cleveland.

"Yah~ Commander!"

Just like the handsome smiling face in memory.

Su Hao raised his hand and walked over, seeing the construction site in the distance. The plan for this area is to build a large garden with heavy cherry blossoms.

Then he suddenly thought, when the courtyard is built, can't it be used for meetings?

"Cleveland, how long will it take for this place to be built?"

"Hmm...probably the end of the year." (Time sped up, no formaldehyde!)

"That's right. I'll ask Lexington to discuss with you later. You can try to follow what she needs."

"Huh?" Cleveland froze for a moment, "Lexington? Does she understand this?"

"No, no, but she is from the Maritime Safety Administration and has money."

Cleveland understood immediately.

Money is the uncle, so he smiled heartily: "No problem!"

Su Hao also laughed. When the courtyard is built, the money allocated can be used to build other things.

Besides, the courtyard is so big and it costs a lot of money. It's perfect to ask the Maritime Safety Administration to reimburse it when the time comes!

"By the way, I have an idea."

Su Hao told Cleveland about the plan to build a single-family villa.

Ke Tai was so surprised that his mouth opened and he could stuff a sausage into it.

"This is really...not bad!" Cleveland said with a smile, "In the future, you can choose whatever style you like, or you can live with a few close sisters, which is easy and convenient."

"I think so too." Su Hao chuckled lightly, "It's spacious and comfortable, it's not too restrained like it is now, if you speak louder, you can hear it in the next door."

"Hmm." The simple Ke Daddy didn't think much, just tilted his head and said, "What about the money?"

"Ahem~ Well, there is always a way."

"Or let St. Louis fund a little."

Su Hao: "..."

After thinking about it, I still have to face it, forget it.

"Let's not talk about it, I just borrowed a large sum of money from her for scientific research last time. After returning from this mission, I will return the extra money to her."

Su Hao sighed.

"Well, let's use the spare money on hand to build first, and we can build as much as we can."

Although from Cleveland's point of view, there is no difference between St. Louis and the ship girl in the port area, but Su Hao said so, so she is naturally fine.

Separated from Ketai, Su Hao continued to wander around the port area.

Soon, he meets a newcomer from Minato.


In the distance, Counterattack was having a fight with Xili and the little ones.

Then he remembered that the counterattack seemed to send a lot of hulls.


PS: continue~

Chapter 360 Look at his black face, and he said he is not African

Dajian is cool for a while, and Dajian is always cool.

After coming to this world for so long, Su Hao hasn't done a big job yet.

The most one shot seems to be three shots, which is not enjoyable at all.

Thinking back to when I was back then, I would shoot ten consecutive shots casually, the phone vibrated, buzzing~golden light!

This counterattack brought 5 small hulls. Su Hao already had the Rubik's Cube, and the materials captured in this attack are enough.

So, what else?

Raising his head, the sun was shining brightly, and the light of the righteous way was shining on the ground. Su Hao counted with his fingers, and it was just right at this time.

What is the construction?

In fact, it's all nonsense that others are talking nonsense.

Metaphysics has nothing to do with Ou Fei. Do your best and obey the destiny. If you complain about being pitted before the end of human affairs, isn't that your own pitfall?

Su Hao remembered that when he was playing games, he was nicknamed Su Haibao.

What is a seal?

Leopard and jump, a group of people can be killed in the sun as soon as the activity comes.

The question is, how does one become a seal?

The answer is, it is natural.

What does it mean to do everything possible?This is!

Personnel is how much European energy you absorb when you are born, that is how lucky you are, um, so those of you who are born with dark faces, don't struggle, go back to Africa to hunt!

At this time, the hull, Rubik's Cube, and supplies are enough.

It happened to come back, when we discussed with Sister Li before, let's celebrate it.

After fighting for so long, the ship girls must be tired too. To celebrate and relax, it is especially important for a commander to take care of the ship girls' mood.

Those who worked so hard for their own interests and made their wives turn yellow or even red, don't say much, let Xiao Jiajia take care of them with a tablet.

To celebrate, it is natural to have food. Find the attacker and Sister Li, and help yourself. Oh yes, there is also a chef here. How can Fusang be missing for daily cooking?

Dinner is held in the evening, and the opening ceremony is the construction, and the newcomers are greeted by the way after the construction. Thinking about it this way, it is perfect!

After making up his mind, Su Hao immediately went to Sister Li for help in a hurry.

"You want to build?"

Sister Li is sorting out the documents recorded by Cleveland these days.

When she heard Su Hao running over and said suddenly, she was stunned for a while.

"what happened?"

"Oh no."

Richelieu pursed his lips and nodded.

Commander builds, this kind of thing is normal for Minato.

Which commander does not build?

Those who don't build are salted fish.

Thinking of this, Richelieu smiled: "Come on, Commander!"


Talked to Richelieu about the construction, and mentioned in passing about having some dinner in the evening.

Let Richelieu do the cooking himself, but since Joan of Arc is not around, if she hears it, she will probably be so frightened that her swimsuit will fall off.

Sister Li has no objection, she can't refuse Su Hao's request.

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