Then I talked to the Assaulter, the teacher of the Assaulter was with Atlanta, and the latter did not participate in this attack, but came to greet them.

At this time, the two were walking towards the dormitory with a few books in their hands.

Hearing Su Hao's words, the attacker immediately patted his chest and reassured: "No problem, let's make a delicious meal tonight."

Su Hao glanced at it.

Wow, what a big book.

"Then please."

Of course the Assaulter is fine, Su Hao always feels that the current state of the Assaulter and himself is the kind of situation where the favorability happens to be stuck at 90.

Basically, she will try her best to complete the tasks assigned to her.

Talk to her for a while, and the Raider will also seem happy and energetic.

As the ship's mother, the veteran of the port area, sometimes Su Hao didn't talk to her for a long time, and she wouldn't complain.

Thinking about it this way, maybe with a ring, it can directly increase the favorability from 90 to 100.

"Atlanta, you can come with me tonight." Su Hao said with a smile.

"Eh? Me? Okay."

Atlanta didn't refuse, it was just a meal, and I don't know how many times I have eaten it.

"If it's too late at night, stay here, share a room with the raider, or I'll ask Dido to arrange a new one for you, it doesn't matter."

"Of course Atlanta lives with me, hehe~"

The Raider put his arm around Atlanta and laughed.

Atlanta looked down, her confidence as a woman was hit at this moment.

You bastard, take a needle to poke at night to see if it's true.

The Raiders and Atlanta walked away happily.

Three chefs were missing and one was missing. Su Hao searched for a while in the port area, and found a group of people from Nagato sitting on the grass with mats.

Lu Ao disappeared. It seemed that he was chasing a butterfly with Xi Li just now. The butterfly landed on Xi Li's nose. As soon as Lu Ao caught Xi Li's face, it hurt for a long time.

Jiang Feng was there, standing by Nagato's side like a bodyguard.

Yamashiro stood dancing on the side, and Fusang was giving her guidance. I heard it was called Kagura, and it looked quite pleasing to the eye with a shrine maiden costume.

"Ah! It's Your Highness Su Hao!"

Shancheng waved his hand excitedly.

Everyone in the Minato District has returned, and Nagato also brought people to greet them just now.

It's just that Chang Meng didn't like too lively atmosphere, so he came back again.

Shanshiro beckoned, Su Hao smiled at her, and then looked at Fusang, this woman who looked like Yamato Nadeko, exuded the charm of a mature woman.

This kind of charm is particularly conspicuous in contrast with Nagato.

She was teaching Shancheng to dance, holding a folding fan in her hand, Su Hao glanced at it.

Wow, what a white fan.

"Sorry, I don't like noisy atmosphere very much, so I left early."

Seeing Su Hao approaching, Nagato took the initiative to explain.

"It's okay, in my port area, just treat it as your own home, and you don't need to pay so much attention to etiquette."

Su Hao smiled and sat down.

Fusang and Yamashiro also stopped dancing and came to sit together.

"I heard from them that this mission went well?"

"Well, it's expected."

With so many big bosses around, it's easy to hit zone G and above, and the possibility of overturning is too low.

"By the way, have you seen Lexington?"


Nagato shook his head, as if he heard that someone was coming, but he didn't care.

After all, she is considered a guest in the port area, and it is not her turn to entertain guests when they come.

"She is from the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration."

Just by chance, Su Hao told the story of Lexington.

Say hello first to avoid embarrassment on both sides.

After all, Sara is also his wife now, Sara's sister, and of course she will be... ahem.

Good wishes are always necessary. What is the difference between having no dreams and salted fish?

"I see, that's fine."

Nagato thought about it for a while.

"I will convey the thoughts of the Maritime Bureau to Chongying. It just so happens that you and I will go back to Chongying together this time. After the New Year's Day is over, we can come back together."

There is still a rehearsal before the New Year's Eve, and it will definitely be a big scene at that time.

People who have heavy cherry blossoms, I don't know who they are, Su Hao has only heard of Kaga and them.

The senior seemed to be there too, but he didn't show up from the beginning to the end.

Although it is the heavy cherry camp, not every heavy cherry ship girl has it.

Everyone joined voluntarily at the beginning, and some left when they felt tired, or for other reasons, such as being caught.

There are also some like Nagato and Akagi Kaga, who have been staying in Sakura all the time, and have become the current seniors.

"His Royal Highness Su Hao can experience our New Year's Day on Rimu Island!"

Shancheng smiled every day.

Su Hao was puzzled: "Why do you call me Your Highness?"

"Your Highness is Your Highness, Your Highness Su Hao, is Chong Sakura's benefactor, as Nagato-sama said."


Nagato's exquisite little face showed a tangled expression.

Let me tell you, I didn't let you talk about it everywhere.

Why do you feel a little embarrassed?

"Your Highness represents the honorific title. His Highness Su Hao is respected by everyone, but I and Shancheng are used to calling him that."

Fusang smiled slightly: "If His Royal Highness Su Hao doesn't like it, we can change it."

"It's not necessary!"

Su Hao said seriously.

Your Highness, Your Highness, sounds so kind, doesn't it?

That kind of Commander Su Hao, five words, twisted and ugly.

Of course, it's not that the name is bad, nor is it that the commander is bad, it's that they are all together.

"Oh, right."

Fusang easily resolved Nagato's embarrassment, but when she opened her mouth, Su Hao mentioned the evening banquet by the way.

"That's it, no problem."

Fusang readily agreed, cooking or something, but her strengths were a hundred times stronger than combat abilities.

Of course, illegal buildings are powerful in everything. Even if it is a battle, stand out in a heroic posture. When the sea breeze blows and accelerates, the shape of the wave swing is enough to embarrass most enemies.

Cheats! Anyone below E must die!

Xiao Jiajia, who was passing by, immediately gave a thumbs up.

Ah, no, Little Gaga is already lying on the sea.

After chatting with Nagato and others for a while, Su Hao left again, and then called the ship's mother to arrange the banquet scene and carry the ship's mother's cube and supplies.

Busy, in the evening, the dinner meal is not ready yet.

However, the construction of five rounds is ready.

Originally, Su Hao wanted to wait for the reward of this mission to see if he could get some hulls and build them together.

If you can make ten companies together, it is simply a lifetime dream.

However, the Rubik's Cube is easy to get, but the hull is hard to find.

After thinking about it, if you have wine and are drunk today, let's talk about it first, why think so much.

"What? Is Su Hao going to build it?"

I don't know how the news spread.

Saratoga laughed suddenly: "He looks like the dark-faced type!"

Lexington then immediately berates her.

How did you speak?In front of the ship's mother, if you say that the commander's face is black, I will tell you if you are going to be beaten.

But to Lexington's surprise, the other ship girls didn't respond to Sarah's words at all.

Or, some agree?or what.

"You can tell by his dark face."

"Isn't it tanned?"

"Eh? Really? I thought Su Hao couldn't get tan just like us."

Su Hao was disdainful of Saratoga's evaluation.

In any case, recalling his performance in the port area so far, the result of the construction seems to be summed up in two words: European Emperor.

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