God knows why some people always slander him for being black.

"Let me tell you, I'm very lucky."

"Hood, Prestige, I built you, do you think I'm lucky?"

Su Hao no longer has more BBs, holding the Rubik's Cube with his mind, ready to do a big job!


PS: Rua!Come to a wave of construction and start, if you are not in a good mood, you can build a wave.

Chapter 361

Five hulls that are too small cannot theoretically trigger construction.

Because the consciousness of the ship girls remaining in the ship is too weak, ordinary people cannot get in touch with them at all.

But Su Hao is different, his soul strength is outrageous, and now the consonant ship girls can already form a company.

Of course, we may be able to form a regiment in the future.

It's a pity that there are not so many ship girls to give him the same tune.

At this time, he carried the Rubik's Cube and walked towards the hull.

Surrounded by girls waiting for dinner, they all came to visit the appetizer before the meal.

On the one hand, Counterattack has already taken out his mobile phone and started recording.

She couldn't wait.

In fact, when we set off, I asked Yixian why he gave away the hull of the ship in such a good way?

Although these hulls have been placed in the Maritime Safety Administration for some years, the hulls are all treasures, the kind that are hard to buy. Maybe the technology will be developed in the future, and the black technology of the Sirens will be obtained, and the small hulls will have a role to play. Is there room left?

Hearing that Yixian said that Su Hao could build it, he retaliated against his unbelief.

How can it be?

Sister Wales said it herself, there is no human being in the world who can build a ship with this kind of hull!

Not a single human!

"Hey, here, here, here!"

She couldn't wait for Su Hao to pull his hips.

"What are you doing fighting back?"

"I'll take a video, I need it for work, I need it for work."

Saratoga shouted: "Go, Su Hao! Use flash!"

Swish! ~

With the help of the Rubik's Cube, the hull made a spiritual connection with Su Hao. At the moment when the construction ceremony was triggered, a large area of ​​light blue light shone on the hull.

The counterattack was dumbfounded.



"It's done!" cried Saratoga loudly.

Lexington hurriedly grabbed her, what a kid, what can I say when I see the excitement.

She looked like a young Ma Ma who was watching the fun with a child on the side of the road.

However, when the construction ceremony was triggered, it was not Su Hao who was most surprised, but the counterattack.

She opened her mouth wide and watched the hull turn into fluorescent dots under the action of the mental Rubik's Cube, then looked at the girls around her, pointed at them, shocked but not swearing.

"Why are you fighting back?"

"Look, construction, construction is successful!"

"I see, and then what?"

"Hey! The construction was successful, why aren't you surprised at all?"

"Why should you be surprised?"

"He succeeded!"

It is impossible for a human being to build a successful hull. Are you not surprised that Su Hao succeeded?

Just now you were like that, and you said that the commander's luck has never been very good, and now he succeeded, isn't it surprising?

"What does building success have to do with luck?"

I don't know who murmured.

The counterattack froze for a moment, and then saw the girl walking out from the holy light.

Su Hao looked forward to it.

"Hey! Boy~" The girl showed a hearty smile.

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Are you my commander? I'm Nevada, and I'll mess with you from now on."

Are you the fucking one who scolded him to death?

Su Hao was stunned for a moment.


"Huh? Commander, what's wrong with you? Haha~ Are you so happy to see me? Hey! After all, I am also a famous battleship, please use me well in the future!"

Su Hao reacted.

"O Nevada, welcome, welcome."

he said immediately.

A bit more than expected.

Well, this incident tells us that no matter how small a ship is, a 'big' ship can be built.

"Oh!? Are there so many people in our port area?"

Nevada is a hearty and outgoing girl. She walked towards the girls behind her and greeted them without any sign of recognition.

The ship girls are also very enthusiastic.

There is a new sister in the port area, whoever she is, she was built by the commander anyway.

Seeing Nevada chatting and laughing with a group of girls, Su Hao smacked his lips, come on, keep doing it!

"Su Hao Su Hao, come on, Ollie!"

Saratoga yelled again.

"rua! Come on, Commander! Oreo!"

"Come on, come on, Commander, you are the fattest! Orlik!"

Orlik:? ? ?

Su Hao's face was expressionless.

Once the cold temperament comes up, don't mess with me, let me tell you, when I get angry, I even hit myself!

the second!

Well, it's a pad for the first hair.

I'm coming.

Counterattack and straighten the phone, the recording function is super clear, and Su Hao's hairs are clearly visible.

Take a deep breath.

Calm down, calm down, once in a while, there is nothing to be surprised about.

With a one in ten thousand probability, it is possible!

Haven't you heard of shit luck?

"Why are your hands shaking when you fight back?"

"No shaking, no shaking, um, I was just thinking..."

Counterattack was silent for a few seconds, his eyes fixed on the blue light shining on the phone screen.

Saratoga shouted again: "Go! Su Hao, use the flash!"


History is always so similar.

For the counterattack, Shengfu picked up the phone that fell on the ground and handed it to her.

Ahead, a tall and sexy girl appeared in front of Su Hao.

One time can't explain anything, let me tell you, as long as you keep moving forward, the road will continue to extend.

Su Hao smiled, big ship, capital ship, who is it?

He said gently, "Hi, I'm Su Hao."

The girl has off-white long hair covering her ears, and beautiful dark blue eyes.

When Su Hao was talking to her, she was looking around.

"Commander... eh? Ah, I'm sorry! I felt like my sister was... ah, no, it's the first time we meet, I'm Oklahoma."

The girl showed a sunny smile and said, "Commander, please give me your advice in the future!"

Su Hao was silent.

"Oh! It's my sister!"

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