Let Dido take care of it first, and when you get familiar with it, you should not be so serious about life.

After you get used to it, you can level up crazily, gain experience, grow, and then transform!

Well, if the goddess of fate doesn't reform, what's the difference with salted fish! ?

Su Hao has already decided that, as a qualified commander, he will try his best to transform Huti and Goddess of Destiny in the future.

White skin?blue leather?Loveless?

No, Su Hao treats everyone equally!

He, Su Hao, is not a strong party!

Any ship girl, as long as it is her own ship girl, she will never abandon or give up!

Well, well, the installation is over, let's fill in the picture after the transformation.

"And the last one."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Saratoga raised his hand, wanting to complete this last feat for Su Hao.

But even if it is a ship girl, there is no way to replace the commander to build it.

But this did not prevent her from cheering Su Hao up.

"Chirp~chr~ Today is Magic Salad Sauce, cast a spell, good luck!"

Saratoga waved the magic wand at Su Hao's head.

Nothing happened.

However, a few green leaves were blown down by the evening wind and fell on his head.

"Ah, green." Youjian Niang said.

"It's autumn."

"Shouldn't autumn leaves be yellow?"

"I don't know, is the green one weird?"

Inexplicable topics were being discussed, Su Hao twitched and ignored them.

The five bursts have been taken away four times, and there is one left. To be honest, Su Hao's hands are shaking a little.

Is this... three whites and one blue?

Hey hey hey, it's too much, even if you are not a strong party, do good deeds without leaving your name, let me know about the three good students who help the old lady cross the road?

I was born with a European air!

My European spirit is unstoppable!

Su Hao encouraged himself in his heart.

"Enterprise, come here."

Sara was useless, so Su Hao called the company, and under the surprised gazes of all the girls, he reached out and took her hand.

Enterprise was slightly taken aback: "Commander, you..."

"Well, lucky lucky e, I accept it!"

The enterprise suddenly laughed: "How can this kind of thing be useful? It's too unscientific, Commander, you'd better resign yourself to fate."

Su Hao curled his lips: "That's even more unscientific."

The two were still chatting, and Saratoga suddenly became angry.

"How do you hold her and not me? You don't believe me?"

"Where, I believe, isn't this the luck of one more person?"

"There are so many people in the port area, do you hold every one of them?"

"Forget it, I'm just asking for psychological comfort."

Sara Buyi: "Then you touch me."

Su Hao was silent for a while, reached out to shake her hand, and then shook the enterprise again.

Seeing this, Sarah immediately shook Su Hao.

Su Hao then shook the enterprise again.

Sarah refused to accept it and continued to hold it.

Su Hao also continued to shake.

Holding and holding, the business is angry.

"Okay, why are you two acting like children!"

Saratoga pouted: "It's Su Hao who is like a child."

"Gaga, come here." Lexington waved to her.

Saratoga reluctantly walked back.

"Kid." Su Hao shook his head, then touched the enterprise again.

The enterprise was overjoyed: "Commander, you really have the face to say it."


Got the buff blessed by the enterprise, no matter what, Su Hao stud!

The last Rubik's Cube was brought over, and with the triggering of the construction ceremony, the feeling this time was completely different from the previous four times.

His consciousness seemed to be settled in the chaos, and he heard soft whispers in a daze, a very gentle feeling, like being touched by a gentle palm on his head.


A laughter close to his ear brought Su Hao back to reality.

He was in a trance, and when he came back to his senses, a girl in a white uniform and miniskirt appeared in front of him.

The tight uniform outlines the girl's perfect figure, and the pride protruding from her chest is as eye-catching as a tall and straight mountain.

The skin is fair and tender, with long legs, black silk below the knees, and a Taidao hanging from his waist.

Very ordinary black hair, but very beautiful and soft.

At this moment, the corner of the girl's mouth was filled with a slight smile, and she was looking at Su Hao with curiosity.

"It always feels like I met the Commander somewhere a long time ago..."

The girl said softly.

"Hello, I'm Chokai, Maya's fellow sister...ah, there probably isn't Maya in Minato, right? Hehe~ Please give me your advice in the future~"

Su Hao opened his mouth.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of myocardial infarction.



I've built Bird Sea! ?

He was stunned.

Wait, wait, didn't you say that you can only go to 12-4 to salvage?

Oh, here's the reality, messed up messed up.

The momentary excitement made Su Hao a little confused about reality and the game.

It's just that, now he really wants to stand on the highest point of the port area and announce loudly to the whole world: I, Su Hao, am the Emperor of Destiny!

There are some things that cannot be accepted.

Three whites and one blue?This is foreshadowing.

Of course, the love for the ship girl will not disappear, whether it is Nevada or Oklahoma, they are all ship girls he likes.

Fox mentions the goddess of fate, the traitor of the destroyer, who likes not to explain.

What about Chokai?Is there any evidence against Ou Huang?

If there is Chokai, the deduction will be 1, and if there is no deduction, 0.

Satisfied, satisfied, Su Hao had no regrets when he sent out the sea of ​​birds at last.


Dajian ended in the most satisfactory form.

It's just that in the end, Saratoga insisted on giving her the credit for finally building Chokai.

Saying that the magical girl is the strongest, I am very puzzled.

Labor and management are not big bosses in women's clothing, so whether a magical girl is strong or not is none of my business!

In any case, there are five more lovely girls in the port area, first go to the warehouse to search for a wave, and replace them with ship outfits.

The embarrassing thing is that the resources in the port area are too poor. In exchange, there is only one battle cannon, which is the calcium of the blue bottle.

Fox Ti and Goddess of Destiny each lost an anti-aircraft gun, but it's okay, they don't let go anyway.

Chokai's words are troublesome. All the technology boxes were dismantled, but the heavy patrol gun was not opened in the end.

Helpless, in the end, Chokai could only let Chokai run away with the original pack, and we will talk about it later.

Then Ming suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

"Commander, Commander, there are tech boxes for sale in Minghe Shiranui's store, meow!"

Su Hao decided not to.

Ming continued to seduce: "Golden box, oh meow, you can definitely get a gold suit oh meow, if the commander buys it, I can give you a [-]% discount, oh meow!"

"No money." If you have money, you don't buy it.

"The commander can borrow meow from St. Louis!"

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