Ming tried her best to get Su Hao to buy the technology box from her shop.

However, Su Hao's iron rooster, no, there is no hair to pull out, after all, the money should be used, and there is not enough left to return the change to St. Louis!

Not enough interest.

It ended with regret.

into the night.

Minato Banquet Hall.

The streamlined decoration and the flashing LED bulbs make the huge hall look magnificent, streamlined to the ultimate luxury, which is the decoration style that Kedi has learned recently.

Although it cost a little money, Su Hao felt it was worth it as the only place in the port area that could accommodate all the ship girls to eat at the same time.

At this time, the hall was brightly lit, and the girls carrying the plates walked around.

There are all kinds of steaming hot dishes, Donghuang flavor and heavy cherry flavor.

After entering the hall, it is obvious that a group of people can be seen around a bar table, which is full of food.

"That's what Fuso made."

Dido introduced to Su Hao.

Immediately, the maid was a little depressed.

Her cooking skills are impossible to achieve this step no matter what.

Xili ran over and rushed over again, busy, his mouth was full, and even after seeing Su Hao, he couldn't say a word.

The handsome King George V greeted Su Hao gracefully, and then joined Xili.

At the banquet, the two of them are always the most active.

Apart from these two, the newly arrived partner in the port area, Howe, is already a bit reluctant just to keep up with George V's movements.

However, she lost in mobility, but she did not lose to Xili and George V in appetite.

According to the girls in Minato, Howe is the kind of guy who always carries homemade cookies when he goes out.

Well, anyway, now it is perfectly integrated into the port area, Su Hao is very pleased.

After walking for a while, I saw Lexington sitting alone in a corner and moaning.

"What's the matter?" Su Hao walked over and asked.


PS: Rua!Use five shots to build one pad, well, this wave of construction is three white and one blue, and the big event next week is stable! 200 Rubik's Cube, I knew I wouldn't go to the heavy-duty Chi Dajian to gamble on Dunzi, forget it, Ouhuang is worth it, Shinano, here I come! !

PPS: I’ve been traveling recently, so I’m going to take a walk to relax, I’m quite depressed, I’ll make more updates when I come back~~~

Chapter 363 Sister Richelieu, I will always follow you!

Lexington was a little frustrated.

The white eagle and the royal family are fine, and the iris kingdom is theoretically fine.

Heavy cherry is more difficult to handle.

Tiancheng doesn't care, of course she doesn't know Tiancheng's identity.

Chicheng has been hahaha, extremely disagree with Sara, and Lexington, as an older sister, naturally can't say anything to her.

In the end, I still have to go to Nagato.

However, although Nagato attended the banquet, he and Fuso Amagi sat in the corner drinking tea and chatting.

How could it be possible to fit into that atmosphere!

After several attempts, Lexington finally gave up.

"It's true that Jia Jia has been here for so many days and hasn't done anything."

"The same goes for Helena, who walks around with St. Louis every day, and doesn't stare at Gaga."

She took a sip of wine sullenly.

Looking across the hall, this port area is a bit too lively.

Even if it is the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, after excluding those human workers, there are only so many ship girls left, right?

And today there are five more.

Of course, Lexington doesn't care whether the new ship girl is good or not, she pays more attention to the number now.

There are a lot of them, and there are all major camps.

The most surprising ones are those from the major national camps, Richelieu from Iris Country, White Eagle's Enterprise, Royal Glory Sisters, Nagato from Sakura, Donghuang's... well, many of them.

By the way, it seemed that I saw a girl who looked familiar just now.

Is it the Jagged z23?

Lexington remembers Jagged's most recent roster.

But she didn't feel like it.

According to intelligence, although z23 is a destroyer, it has a mature appearance and a calm personality, and its style of acting is very serious.

I got in touch with it just now, and I wanted to ask, but the dead fish eyes of the other party made her unable to open her mouth.

Dead fish eyes, no energy on his face, even with a lot of delicious food in front of him.

While yawning, he was scratching his hair, with an obvious disgusted expression on his face, as if he was worrying about something.

In contrast, there is a little girl with white hair and a cute rabbit ear headband.

The relationship between the two is very good. Lexington didn't hear all of what they said together, but only heard the girl who was suspected of z23 ask 'when will I go back to play games'.

Thinking of this, Lexington shook his head with a laugh.

I'm really overly sensitive, how could someone with iron blood appear here?

Even if it did, how could z23 look like that?

"what happened?"

Su Hao put down the plate and asked with a smile.

"Doesn't it suit your appetite?"

"Ah no, no." Lexington shook his head hastily, "The food is delicious, and the banquet is also very good."

"Then why are you sighing? If a beautiful girl always looks sad, it will make people who look at it feel distressed."

Lexington was a little funny: "Who would be distressed, Gaga is a heartless girl, I don't know the others very well, do you?"

Su Hao spread his hands: "It's just a way of saying, at least I think your smile is much prettier than your troubled look."


Skills that humans are good at.

But Lexington doesn't hate it either.

A modest compliment to a lady is also something a gentleman should do.

Of course, if it is too entangled, it will be annoying.

"Are there any troubles? I am the commander here, so I should be able to help."

Lexington hesitated, and finally spoke his mind.

Others can't be relied on, and to be honest, she can only count on Su Hao's help.

And according to his sister's description, Su Hao is indeed a reliable person.

As for excellence, she has the right to see, everyone has their own criteria for judging, at least Lexington must use his own eyes to recognize Su Hao's true face.

Of course, Jia Jia said yes, first of all there is a basic score, about 80 points, um, the full score is 100.

"Oh, this matter."

Su Hao smiled.

"I just talked to Nagato during the day, she should be fine."

"Really?" Lexington's face brightened, "Did you tell her?"

"Well, she didn't refuse even after mentioning it, but I'm going to visit Cherry Blossoms before the New Year's Eve, and she hopes to do it after that."

"no problem!"

Lexington nodded immediately.

"I'll tell the headquarters, it's definitely okay."

It is a good thing that Sakura can participate.

You must know that Sakura is now on the side of the red axis, and it must be very delicate to come to the meeting of Azur Lane.

At that time, the Iron Blood and the Sardinian Empire will probably have opinions.

But on the surface, everyone is against the Siren, so it’s okay to get together and chat occasionally, right?

Even if it's an enemy, can't we talk?

Of course, that would require Shio Sakura to be willing.

Now that Nagato has agreed, then this matter can probably be settled.

Thinking of this, Lexington breathed a sigh of relief, and said again: "Thank you, Commander Su Hao."

"Call me Su Hao." Su Hao took a bite of tempura, torpedo tempura, and it made a crunchy sound when he bit into it. "Don't you go and get more? The food made by Fusang is very delicious."


Lexington prefers French fries, which are convenient and crispy.

It looks similar to French fries. I have heard of it before, but I have no chance to eat it.

"Here, try it."

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