Su Hao forked a piece of tempura and put it on Lexington's dinner plate.

I wanted to refuse at first, but they all came in, and I couldn't refuse even if I refused, so just enjoy it.

Lexington took a small bite and was immediately attracted by the crispy texture.

Sweet and delicious, the shrimp meat is sweet and sweet, and it has been deep-fried. How do you guarantee this taste?

"Delicious, right?"

"Well, it's delicious."

Lexington nodded seriously, she likes this kind of fried food very much.

Of course, it can't be the kind of casual fried stall on the street, she doesn't like it because it is unclean and unhygienic.

It should be exquisite, convenient, one way or another, understand?All in all, the requirements are high.

If she can make it herself, it is definitely not delicious food.

"Eat more if it tastes good. Come, these are for you."

Su Hao gave full play to the demeanor of a host and gave her everything on the dinner plate.

Lexington said hurriedly: "Enough is enough, it's full, I can't eat so much."

The two were chatting here, and in the distance, Saratoga, who had been staring, covered her mouth and snickered.

"What is your sister saying to Su Hao?"

Victory escaped from Guanghui's clutches and bumped into Sarah who was giggling here.

"Look, look, isn't my commander a good match for my sister?"

"Hmm... It's okay, your sister is not your commander's wife."

Faced with Sarah's proud provocation, Shengli didn't take this at all. In fact, the effect of this attack was too low, and she completely ignored it.

Turning his eyes to other positions, Shengli keenly discovered that they were not the only ones staring at Su Hao and Lexington.

Shengli moved aside a little, pretending to be self-serving and began to eat.

Saratoga didn't pay attention, still staring there without blinking.

After a while, Richelieu came over.

"Sarah." She called softly.

"Well, what's the matter?" Saratoga didn't look back, and didn't realize that Richelieu was here.

"What is the commander saying to your sister?"

"Hee hee~ What else can I have? Of course it's love, love, ho ho, I'm going to have a brother-in-law soon... huh?"

Saratoga froze for a moment.

It's not right, it's not the sound of victory.

Hey wait, it seems to be...

She turned her head mechanically, and saw Richelieu staring at the distance thoughtfully.

"Are you talking about love..." She frowned slightly.

Sara's heart skipped a beat, and she immediately said, "No, what I'm talking about is ordinary chatting, just chatting."

"Oh~ is it?"

Richelieu was clearly not convinced.

She felt that what Saratoga subconsciously said just now was more credible.

However, did Xiao Hao start chatting with Lexington?

In the past, he was a child who would blush when talking to himself.

Of course it was when I was a child, and Sister Li felt nostalgic for Su Hao's blush when he saw himself wrapped in a bath towel.

Of course, it's not bad now, after all, it's grown up.

However, the port area also has a very important problem.

I am the first married woman, but certainly not the last married woman.


"Yes, yes!" Saratoga stood upright.

"Did you say anything to your sister before she came?"

The angle of Richelieu's question was quite tricky, and Saratoga's face immediately changed.

"Well, did you really say it? No wonder." Richelieu nodded self-consciously, "That is to say, you joined the port area and called your sister over for this purpose, right?"

Unable to hide it anymore, Saratoga was aggrieved and looked at Richelieu pitifully.

The latter smiled gently: "What kind of expression is this? I didn't say otherwise, or your sister will come here. It's okay, you come to the port area. If your sister goes back to the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration, you will definitely miss her very much."

"Hmm! My sister and I are the best!" Sarato nodded heavily.

"Since this is the case, then I won't say more, but don't play a prank on this matter."

After speaking, Richelieu walked towards Joan of Arc.

Saratoga: ? ? ?

Is this gone?

Why don't you hit me?

Why don't you scold me?

Woohoo, so Miss Richelieu is so gentle?She was really wrong before.

Sister Richelieu, I will follow you all my life!

Of course, Richelieu cannot be a member of the Sister-in-Law Alliance. She was originally the archbishop. Thinking about it this way, it seems pretty good that the archbishop leads a group of sister-in-laws?

With Richelieu's approval, Saratoga immediately felt confident.

The eldest sister in the port area has already recognized her sister, who else can stop her?

Hmm, if Commander likes sister, then Commander is brother-in-law.

As for myself, she is a veritable sister-in-law.

For the elder sister, let’s be the second wife, the first wife is still the eldest sister Richelieu, this cannot be changed, she will be beaten.


Saratoga smiled and looked towards Victory.

Seungri, who was eating, glanced at her.

Alas~ Poor baby, her breasts are not big, and her IQ is not high.


Chapter 364 Sister Guanghui, we are not going back!

I chatted with Joan of Arc about the Azur Lane meeting for a while, and of course she didn't have any opinions.

In fact, although Richelieu has not been in charge of the Holy See for so many years, in everyone's hearts, she is still the respected archbishop.

At this time, Richelieu sat down in a position with a glass of red wine.

Opposite, is the glory of tasting pastries.

I didn't continue to pay attention to the matter of Lexington and Su Hao, and there was nothing to care about, as long as Saratoga was here.

Although Little Gaga said that she was going to become a sister-in-law, the possibility is still very low, and even if she becomes a sister-in-law, it will be fine. It just so happens that there are so many ship girls in the port area, and there will be more in the future. My side...

Well, Richelieu didn't think anything strange.

"Did Lexington tell you?" She sat down and asked straight to the point.

"Are you talking about the Azur Lane meeting?" Guanghui smiled slightly, "I told you, I have already contacted the Royal, and I will reply when the time comes."

Richelieu took a sip of the red wine and said, "When will you go back?"

Guanghui smiled and did not answer.

"Still, not going back?"

Seeing Guanghui's appearance, Richelieu suddenly had a subtle idea in his heart.

Then, she turned to the hall again, and found a victorious and terrifying figure.

During this mission, the Guanghui sisters stayed on the yacht.

Originally, as guests, they didn't need to contribute more, so they were not counted when we first arranged the team.

As a result, the final action has always been with Su Hao.

"That's fine." Without waiting for Guanghui to answer, Richelieu chuckled and said, "It's not bad to stay, the port area will be more lively."

Radiance smiled back.

She didn't intend to say it first, how could she guess that it was Richelieu's business.

After all, victory and awesomeness have not yet been decided, so it would be unreasonable for him to agree first.

Alas~ I have to find a way to confess to Victory and Terrible.

It's a little bad, obviously what I was worried about at the beginning was not to let the victory and fear stay.

As a result, after talking with Hood, he made his own decision first.

Guanghui was lost in thought.


The banquet was quite lively, and after half a month of fighting, the ship girls also completely let go of their minds.

When I return to the port area, I don’t care about my image. There are big stomach kings, mischievous ghosts, sleepy kings, kittens and puppies.

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