She didn't say it before, and she didn't think it was a big deal.

Long live Keddy!

Well, Ke Dae, when are you going to chat more with Hai Ma and promote our port area?

There are more supplies, but less money.

The construction of the port area has not stopped these days. A large amount of money has been spent on the construction of courtyards, and the port area's finances are in deficit.

No, it is already in deficit.

Fortunately, Lexington quickly told the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration about this matter, and the latter said it would be built, so they tried their best to build it for me!

This is the most intimate conversation between Azur Lane and the Red Axis forces in recent years.

In addition, there are people from other countries coming, how can such an occasion be simple?

After hearing about the situation in the Suhao Port area, the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration became anxious.

Only then did they realize that Su Hao has only been a commander for more than three months!

Where can the port area be better?

So the Maritime Safety Administration waved his hand and asked Lexington to cooperate with the construction of the port area.

Don't worry about the money, if you don't have enough, just allocate funds, anyway, it's just a word, give labor and management a hard construction!

After getting the source of funds, Su Hao was happy.

Well, since it is the United Nations meeting, how can there be only one courtyard?

Representatives from all over the world, they all have to stay here, right?

Since you want to live, the conditions must be good.

In his dormitory, it is absolutely forbidden to entertain people.

So it is reasonable to build a few detached villas, right?

As for the style, we should first follow the styles of different countries, such as Baiying’s royal family and heavy cherry blossoms.

You can choose a place at will, anyway, there is no difference between Hong Kong and Hong Kong, and there are many places.

Of course, Su Hao is also very reserved, he didn't ask to build too much.

After fully considering the number of visitors, he felt that building 12 villas would be enough.

White Eagle Royal Donghuang North united with Sakura Iris, exactly 2 buildings for each faction.

Then Lexington said that the Northern Union is very busy and may not come, and even if it does come, there will not be many people.

Su Hao thought about it for a while, and it was very reasonable, so he crossed out one building.

"What about Donghuang? Do you want to build Donghuang locally?"

"What's wrong with Donghuang? Donghuang's high-level executives are here, don't we have to entertain them?"

"There won't be too many of them."

After haggling over the price, another building was crossed out, and the final decision was 10 buildings.

Don't draw any more for me, and if you draw labor and capital again, it will not be built. At that time, let the representatives of various countries set up tents on the grass and sleep by themselves.

Lexington was very helpless, and went to report again. As a result, the headquarters of the Maritime Safety Administration waved his hand and said, build!

Keddy laughed.

She had never smiled so happily.

In the past, there was no money in the port area, so I couldn’t do anything I wanted to do.

Now that she has a lot of funds, she can come up with many bold plans in her mind.

It's just that this time, the commander managed to cheat... ah, the funds earned through hard work can't go wrong, so let's be more conservative.

As a result, Su Hao immediately said: "Cleveland, just build it, whatever is interesting, come here, and I will figure out the rest!"

When Su Hao said this, Cleveland felt relieved.

Anyway, there are 10 villas, even if one or two are damaged... ahem, um, if it really breaks down, let St. Louis lose money.

Ke Da perfectly planned to take a wave.

These things were all busy, which finally made Su Hao dizzy.

Talking nonsense with the Maritime Safety Administration is not that simple.

In the evening, Su Hao sat in the office to rest.

Dido made him a cup of hot tea, and then gently kneaded his shoulders for him.

"Master, are you tired?"

Su Hao has been busy all day, and Dido can see it all.

As a maid, that's all she can do.

"Fortunately, it's quite fulfilling."

Su Hao closed his eyes and enjoyed it, and smiled slightly.

If you can earn 10 buildings with a wave of hard work every day, then it doesn't matter.

Just as he was talking, there was a knock on the door.

"Guanghui, what's the matter?" Su Hao opened his eyes and asked.

"Well, something."

Guanghui glanced at Dido.

The latter walked over immediately, poured her a cup of black tea and put it on the coffee table.

"Thank you~" Guanghui thanked him.

Su Hao was curious, so he walked to Guanghui and sat down.

"what happened?"

Guanghui pursed his lips, and said solemnly: "Su Hao, I want to bring my younger sisters to join your port area, is that okay?"


Chapter 366 If I was young and promising

What did you say all of a sudden?Su Hao was really taken aback by wanting to join his own port area.

But Guanghui's appearance doesn't look like a joke, besides, Guanghui is not Saratoga, she knows the 'weight'.

Saratoga doesn't know the seriousness, so he is always playing tricks on others.

But no matter what, Su Hao was still very happy when Guanghui had this idea.

Happy is happy, holding back his face not to laugh, he asked curiously: "Why do you suddenly think so?"

After finishing speaking, Su Hao added: "I thought I was out of action. When I was on the boat, I was thinking... Well, it would be great if you could stay in the port area."

Guanghui smiled: "I can see it."

Hood is Su Hao's lobbyist, Guanghui couldn't tell.

But this is not a sudden thought, Guanghui is very clear that the idea of ​​being a ship girl will change.

Some people say that ship girls and commanders are a natural pair. Actually, they are right. At some point, they are attracted to each other. Even if they don’t live together as partners, the fact that ship girls join the port area one after another is not accidental or accidental. can explain.

Even if Richelieu, such as the enterprise, does not mean that it will not join the port area, every ship girl will exist in this world with various other ideas before meeting her commander.

Even if it is a royal veteran, it is impossible to stay in the royal family for a lifetime.

Maybe after she leaves, another Glory will join the Royal Maritime Bureau in two years.

This alternation between the old and the new has always existed since the appearance of the ship girl.

Therefore, Guanghui is also very open about leaving the royal family.

Born to be a ship, following the heart is the most important thing.

After chatting with Guanghui for a while, Su Hao probably knew what she was thinking.

This is the most classic fishing boat.

The commander has been with a ship's wife for a long time, and the ship's wife feels happy living in the port area, so she has the idea of ​​staying.

This is actually the same as staying in the Maritime Safety Administration. The port area is also a large institution.

Of course, the difference is that compared to the Maritime Safety Administration, the ship girls in the port area have a closer relationship with the commanders.

But it's still average now, at least in terms of relationship, the relationship between Su Hao and Guanghui is probably friendly.

This is just like what I saw in the plot of the game, the ship girl came to the port area and served as a staff member.

It's almost like the upper and lower ranks. In fact, there are many ship girls in the game who directly call the commander as the commander.

It will be better when the relationship is further improved.

Even better, give a ring or something, and you can make a soft landing at night.

Goo hee hee~ goo hee hee~ goo hee hee~

"Master, come, wipe your saliva."

After Guanghui left, Su Hao smirked for a while, and Dido deftly twitched a tissue to wipe the corners of his mouth.

"By the way, what about Chokai and the others?"

"I don't know, what's wrong?"

"Take them to the port for a stroll."


Although there was a grand welcome ceremony yesterday, it was actually just by the way.

When newcomers come to the port area, of course they have to take special care of them to make them feel like home.

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