Go shopping, buy something and chat, and the relationship will come up.

Generally, the built ship girls are easier to get along with than the free ship girls.

He did what he said, but as soon as he stepped out of the door, he met Hu Ti.

"Hee hee~"

"Why are you here?"

"I've been here all along."

"No, why don't you go play with them?"

Fox shook his head.

Playing with them, I don't know each other, although the relationship is not too bad.

But, Hu Ti prefers to follow Su Hao.

Because Su Hao has a good smell, she likes to stay not far from Su Hao.

Even if he asked this, Hu Ti didn't say anything, just smiled foolishly, Su Hao could only shake his head.

"Okay, you are here, come with me."

"Hey! Commander, where are you going?"

Huti followed Su Hao full of energy.

In fact, Su Hao was quite puzzled. He remembered that the fox seemed to be an animal?

But it's not a fox, and it doesn't have animal features.

I really can't remember, anyway, for the impression of Hu Ti, Su Hao only remembers Li Hui after the transformation, and the rest... emmmmm, it was ten years' fault, not mine.

It's been too long, don't remember don't remember.

I found Nevada and the others downstairs, and Chokai was with Mutsu. The latter wanted to show Chokai around the port area to get acquainted, but in the end, it was Mutsu who asked questions.

"Chokai, Chokai, what is that?"

"Huh? Let me think about it..."

"Chokai, Chokai, what about this? Why is it like this?"

"If you ask me, I don't know either."

"Sea of ​​birds, sea of ​​birds!"

When Su Hao walked over, Niaohai hurriedly fled to his side as if he was on the verge of amnesty.

"Mutsu, do you want to go to the port?"

"Port? No, I'm going to play with Xili."

Lu Ao ran away, and Su Hao didn't force it. The relationship with Nagato and the others will last forever, so don't rush for a while.

In fact, Su Hao suddenly understood a truth.

The richer you are, the richer you are.

This saying can be applied to many things.

For example, the strength of the port area, the more ship girls in the port area, the more ship girls.

This is how Guanghui and the others joined Minato. In fact, they already had a basic impression of Minato and a basic understanding of him.

If it were an unknown port area, let alone fishing boats, there would be no chance of even touching them.

That's right, don't look at it, it's you, don't hurry up and go to the liver game, oh!Old salted fish.

With the first impression, then, don't be too anxious, let it be, let them feel the beauty of the port area.

As a commander, you can't show up, but the ship's wife can.

Even if he knew that he was flattering his commander, sometimes he said too much good things, which made people feel, well, this person is a good person.

Wait until the relationship is established, and then go out by yourself,

Because there is a foundation, it is much easier to get along with each other.

This is the best way to fish a boat in another world, if you don't believe me, try it.

Here, Su Hao walked onto the yacht.

Originally, she wanted to take Xiao Beifa there, but the little maid followed her master and went out without knowing how many people she would envy.

But then I thought that this seemed too ostentatious. If I were a passerby, I would definitely find an opportunity to play the black diamond. I decided to forget it. After all, as a commander, I can't just ruin my image in Lingshui City.

But, um, the people with Niaohai seem to be about the same?

Forget it, Xiao Beifa is an angel, with invincible attraction, but he couldn't find her all at once, so Su Hao handed over the task of driving the yacht to Dido.

Standing on the yacht, he naturally chose the luxury yacht in St. Louis.

Then Nevada looked at the yacht moored alone on the pier and asked, "Commander, why don't you drive that one?"

"So small."

After he finished speaking, he paused, feeling a bit judging by appearance, so superficial, although not, but still need to explain.

"The main reason is that I'm not here. Those children always like to climb on this yacht to play. You don't know how expensive this yacht is. It will be bad if it is damaged. I can't blame them, can I?"

Nevada nodded, feeling that his commander was still thoughtful and farsighted.

"Is that yacht all right?" she asked.

"It's not that it doesn't matter, but it's also important. They are all the property of the port area and cannot be damaged casually."

"I just saw fireflies circling on the mast, as if something fell down, it looks like a fast plank."

Su Hao: "..."

The Goddess of Fate suddenly said: "That... Commander, I also saw... that Volkland broke the door of the cabin this morning."

"Yes, yes." Oklahoma nodded. "There seems to be a hole in the driver's cab. I don't know who made it."

Su Hao: "..."

Didn't I not see that yacht for one, two or three months?How could it be broken?

"It looked pretty good just now."

"Of course it's better to look at it from a distance."

Su Hao stopped talking.

In fact, it's not that the little guy is too naughty, after all, for the ship's mother, the yacht is really a very fragile thing.

After such a long time, as long as you play on it, something will happen.

In addition, Su Hao didn't care much about that yacht all the time, everyone thought that Su Hao really didn't care anymore.

How could it be?Yachts are valuable assets in the port area.

After thinking about it for a while, I decided to wait until I go back and explain, so as not to be blown up by my own mother-in-law one day.

Chatting, after a while, I saw the distant port.

After going out for so long, I haven't visited the port for a long time. Now the development of Lingshui City is getting better and better, and the prosperity of the port is much better.

After getting off the ship, when passing those huge cargo ships, many ship bosses greeted Su Hao one after another.

"The commander is so popular." Chokai said with a smile.

"Normal, keep one party safe, and everyone will love you."

Su Hao is not bragging. When the assessment scores come out at the end of the year, the accident rate during his tenure is definitely the lowest in Donghuang.

These people rely on the sea to eat the sea, and often travel by sea. Whether it's to cater politely, or really think that Su Hao is doing a good job, they always have to say a few words when they meet more or less.

"They're all laughing." Nevada looked around, "It's so lively."

"Hee hee~ Everyone likes Commander, right?" Hu Ti said.

The commander is loved, and the girls are also happy.

Some of them belonged to the shipping company, so they naturally recognized Su Chu. He had invited them when he started the foundation before.

Going inside again, there are passenger ships on the side of the pier, and a group of passengers come down from above one after another.

The passenger didn't know Su Hao, but he was surprised that a man had six attractive girls by his side.

At first glance, there are still maids, how can it be repaired, envy, jealous and hate.

Seeing that there are maids, but not the ancient landowners, it is easy to think of the commander.

Then I looked at it again and found that the man was also very handsome, which made no sense.

You see, why is he so handsome, has money, and can be a commander?

You see, why is he so handsome and still young and promising?

Why can't I?Confessions were rejected.

woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮

Amid murderous gazes, Su Hao calmly led the girls into the commercial street.


PS: 9.17 super large-scale event is coming, everyone prepare the Rubik's Cube and supplies, don't give up treatment, even if you are African, as long as you don't stop moving forward, the road will definitely extend!

PPS: Recently, I saw a candy, but some plots can’t be written, emmmmm, think about it for a while, and I’m thinking about the ship girl who appeared in the Sakura story, this time Shinano is here, should I add it?Or is it better to let her appear alone?

Chapter 367 Buying a Ring

The commercial street in Lingshui City has undergone great changes compared to when Su Hao first came here.

It seems that I heard that there are plans to expand the city here, and I often see large-scale construction projects everywhere. There are also many old houses on the commercial street that have been demolished and rebuilt.

For cities near the sea, the port will always be a major hub for economic development.

Compared with this, there are not many people in the urban area of ​​Lingshui City.

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