After all, if you want to say how good Lingshui City is, where it is good, it doesn't matter what you want. The reason why the small city at the end has changed now is entirely because of Su Hao's arrival.

Seeing that some places have been refreshed and their heads and bodies changed, and the inside of the shop is also being remodeled, Su Hao touched his chin.

"Diduo, you said that if we bought a few more shops here at the beginning, would it be profitable now?"

Dido tilted her head, she had never studied such a profound question.

"Demolition compensation or something, I remember there are many old houses nearby, is it too late to buy now?"

Dido chuckled, as the master herself, she was very serious most of the time, but sometimes she would say strange words and ideas.

For the ship girls, they don't have the kind of mind to do real estate.

Of course, if you study hard, you will definitely do it, just look at Aunt Sheng.

Chokai asked suspiciously: "Commander, since it is going to be dismantled, why buy it? Why buy it and then dismantle it to make money?"

"Uh... It's hard to explain this to you, it can only be said to be common sense on the human side."

Nevada laughed loudly: "It's really strange common sense, but the commander must be right, I believe you, do you want us to talk to them now?"

After speaking, Nevada rolled up his sleeves, as if he was about to do something strange.

Su Hao quickly pulled her back, hey, hey, are you really a black person?

If Nevada rushes forward, it is guaranteed that the news of Lingshui City will be reported.

Walking into the commercial street, there is a big shopping mall. When shopping, Su Hao prefers to go to that kind of large shopping mall, so that he doesn't have to go around.

But it doesn't matter if you're with a pretty girl, you can't be with a guy, don't get cold, the guy has already stood up.

At this time, he asked the ship girls to choose, but everyone stood on the ground and looked at each other.

I have to choose and don't know what to buy, and I have no experience at all for the first time.

Even the most introverted goddess of fate was so frightened that she almost cried when she saw so many people in the mall.

Helpless, Su Hao could only take them with him.

Entering through the transparent heavy glass door, after the entrance is a spacious marble floor, with various jewelry cabinets on both sides.

Shopping malls are very thieves. If you put this kind of shop in the most conspicuous place, you can always see it when you walk in, whether you want to or not.

After all, this industry is full of huge profits, and the rent must be expensive. Ordinary shops are really reluctant to rent.

But who would buy jewelry here?Most of them just look at it. People who buy it are rich people. If you don’t have money and still buy it, you are called an idiot.

Su Hao paused, and with his 5-megapixel eyes, he saw a ring he liked very much.

"Wait a minute, I'll go take a look."

Su Hao walked to the jewelry cabinet beside him.

Huh?and many more.

No money

Su Hao



Forget it, a fool is a fool.

"How much is it?"

The saleswoman showed a polite smile: "Sir, you have a good eye. This one is...Balabala (2 characters omitted)...Now it happens to be a promotional price, only 13888 yuan."

Su Hao: "..."

It is three times that of Miss Li.

However, it was indeed pretty, and Su Hao was a little moved.

Besides, the price is not expensive, although compared to the 60 yuan you can buy in the game, the price/performance ratio is hundreds of times worse.

But in reality, there is no such a good thing, 60 yuan to buy a wife, eat shit!

I really want to buy it, the skin is so good, I bought Sister Li's swimsuit, it comes with a special background, always rolls forward, leans on the swimming ring and smiles mischievously at you, the choppy look is really cute and sexy.

"Commander, you want to buy a ring."

Several people from Niaohai gathered around, staring at the ring on Su Hao's hand curiously.

Women are always full of curiosity about this kind of thing, even the ship girl is no exception.

Beside him, Dido was thoughtful.

"Well, I want to buy it." Su Hao didn't hide anything.

Last time I confessed to Sister Li, I feel that I am completely on the road of scumbag (crossed out) fraternity, so it is better to take care of some things.

Chicheng, enterprise, this is two.

Buy another spare?

Su Hao asked, "Do you have a second half-price promotion here?"

"Huh?" The saleswoman was taken aback for a moment.

The second half price?

You are the cone next door!

"Pfft~" Nevada laughed, "Commander, when I entered the supermarket just now, I saw a cart selling cones, and on it was the second half price."

"Well, forget it if you don't have one."

The female clerk was helpless, but she still kept smiling: "No, half price... We can't decide."

"I know."

Su Hao looked at it carefully for a while, and felt that it could be bought.

As for the two, don't be in a hurry, there are people who bought rings and stored them as spares, I feel so scumbag.

"Commander, buy two, who are they for?"

"To Richelieu?"

"Does Dido want to give one?"

"I think it's for Tiancheng."

On the opposite side, the female shop assistant stared at Su Hao with a curious expression on her face.

It was the first time she sold rings in pairs, but the Commander would indeed do this, she had only heard about it, and felt that the one in front of her was a little young, had she really reached the legal age for marriage?

Finally decided to buy two, paid the money, and several ship girls were still discussing when they left.

They didn't know that Richelieu was already married. Even though the latter was wearing a ring all the time, how could he stare at people's hands all day long?

If there were two, she would definitely have thought that there would be one of them. Then, who in the port area has the most right to speak?

Richelieu, Tiancheng, Enterprise, they thought of these, and then thought of Dido who was inseparable from Su Hao in the port area.

"Akagi seems to be the same, she has been sticking to the commander."

"As far as sticking, Saratoga is too. Why don't you say it's her?"

Dido immediately shook her head: "Don't guess, I'm just the master's maid, how can I want a ring? As long as the master agrees that I will always be by his side and not abandon Dido, it will be the greatest gift to me. The ring What, I never thought about it."

Su Hao opened his mouth. He wanted to say a few more words, but now he felt unable to speak.

"Hee hee~ I think you are excellent, Dido. If I were the commander, I would definitely love you to death." Niao Hai laughed.

"That's right. Look at you. You have a pretty face and a good figure. Unlike me, you have muscles all over your body."

"Nevada, yours is not called muscle, it's called beautiful curves."

"Only Chokai said that... Oklahoma, why are you laughing, you are not like me."

"Where is there, I don't have muscles, but you have muscles, you muscular girl."

"I beat you!"

Su Hao waved his hand.

"Okay, don't make noise. I have arranged for both rings. Don't talk nonsense when you go back."

Su Hao put the ring box in his pocket.

Then she subconsciously glanced at Dido, who was looking at her, her eyes met, and she hurriedly moved away.

Su Hao was also a little embarrassed, what's the matter, do you like it or not?

Well, I have a showdown, I'm lsp.

But I feel pretty good now, so I don't need to force it so deliberately, although judging from Dido's character, she is absolutely willing to let her sleep at night.

But this is not the kind of feeling Su Hao wants, um, it seems to be pretty good?No, no, the temptation of the devil, the temptation of a mere devil, must be resisted!

Go inside and turn left to a small playground. Some parents bring their children and play here when they don't go shopping.

But kid, Su Hao thought of a problem.

Can the mother-in-law have children?

Anyway, Sister Li couldn't see it at all, as if she hadn't heard of it.

The second floor is a place dedicated to selling clothes. There are quite a lot of people. The clothes are not good-looking, but the main feature is that they are expensive.

"Speaking of which, it seems that Ming's shop also sells clothes."

"Master, Ming's mainly sells swimwear."

"Oh, too."

Su Hao nodded: "Buy the clothes here, go back and buy the swimsuits, if you don't patronize her shop, you will complain again next time you go there."

Coincidentally, I haven't asked her about scientific research when I came back this time, and I hope there will be a good result.

"Commander, help me choose clothes." Hu Ti said.

Her figure is hard to say, Jungfrau, Su Hao picked out a more energetic girly outfit for her.

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