Hu Ti suddenly had a bitter face: "Commander, it's a bit tight here."

Su Hao looked at it, and it was true that the size was wrong, and then he noticed the clerk's gaze, and said, "Then you choose it yourself."

"Commander, help me choose, I won't choose."

"I don't know how to choose any clothes. I brought Xiao Beifa and the others before, and I chose them myself. You can take whichever suit you like."

"No no no."

"You are a child."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Huti seems to be more fond of acting like a baby than other ship girls.

She kept pestering her, and Su Hao had no choice but to continue to help her choose, and then saw the goddess of fate who was caught off guard.

"Diduo, help Goddess of Destiny take a look."

While picking up clothes, everyone dispersed, Huti asked in a low voice: "Commander Commander, who is the ring you just bought for?"

Su Hao stared at the clothes: "The child asks so many why."

"Tell me, I promise not to tell."

"What's the use of you knowing, don't say it, in the future you see who has a ring in the port area, that's who it is."

"Sister Richelieu? Sister Tiancheng? Sister Enterprise?"

"Isn't Sister Dido not? She obviously likes Commander so much."

Su Hao stopped and said with a smile, "What do you know?"

"Why don't you know, I can smell it." Hu mentioned it in a serious manner, and Su Hao almost believed it.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Commander, don't you believe it? If you give the ring to Sister Dido, she must be so moved that she will cry, the kind that makes a fuss."

Su Hao thought that if you didn't tell me, I would know that if Dido received the ring, she would be terrified, and then she couldn't believe it, and then she started to cry after confirming it.

He could think of Dido's reaction, after all, that's her personality.

"You said you could smell it, you're a puppy."

"Wow, woof, woof." Huti yelled, giggling, "No."

Su Hao laughed, and then glanced at Dido who was concentrating on choosing clothes for the goddess of fate not far away.


PS: Hey~ Guess who will get the ring next?

Chapter 368 The Commander Is Not Enough

In fact, for Su Hao, all the girls are his relatives, no matter which one they are.

Great or not, little girl and big girl, he used to be in the game, he was never a strong party, and he had some nice dresses, even if this ship girl never had a chance to go out, Su Hao would buy it for her.

Of course, the wallet is always a big problem. Economic conditions limit the number of marriages. It’s not because there is not enough love.

"Ahhh! Why isn't there a big gift package for Children's Day?"

"That's right, isn't it common sense to fly together during festivals?"

"Guayou is such a scumbag, you won't even ask for money if you give him money."

One ring is 60 yuan, and the second one is half price, which is really a good deal.

But compared to the proportion of games in life, people have to eat and live, so in the end they can only be bought for some favorite ship girls.

Others, reluctantly give up, look at the red hearts hanging on them, ai ai ai~

"If I time travel one day, I will definitely give every ship girl a ring!"

Then Su Hao crossed over.

Then, holding two rings in his hands, there is a long way to go.

"How about this one?"



"Isn't it too childish, does the commander like this?"

Facing Hu Ti's question, Su Hao was silent for a while.

"You can mix childishness with maturity and charm, how about that?"

Hybrid charm?what is that?

But since Su Hao said so, Huti happily took the clothes to change.

Here, the goddess of fate is more obedient, and she nods whatever Dido chooses for her.

Nevada and Oklahoma are even more wild, changing clothes and flying, completely ignoring the eyes of people around them.

But this is a women's specialty store. You can't even see men who come in to buy clothes with their wives, girlfriends, or lovers. You only see Su Hao.

Su Hao didn't want to come in at first, but he had six girls with him, so of course he had to protect them.

Passing by some bright and beautiful clothes, some of which I have only seen on the Internet or in movies, I walked over without squinting at this time.

"Corikai, have you chosen?"

Walking to the sea of ​​birds without looking sideways, the beautiful girl looked up at the styles of clothes hanging on it.

"Commander, winter is coming soon, do you want to buy winter clothes?"

"Actually, there is no difference, right? As long as you like it." Su Hao said.

If it is a human being, it will not work. The physical fitness of a human and a ship's mother cannot be generalized. Someone once shoveled a tiger in extreme anger, and was eaten by the tiger.

As for the ship girl, it's okay to directly attack the ship's guns.

"I remember who said, do you have to wear a padded jacket to eat hot pot? In fact, you can wear it. When do you eat hot pot? Winter, it's normal to wear a padded jacket in winter, but your mother-in-law is not afraid of the heat, so you can wear it in summer."

Niaohai smiled: "That's too strange, everyone wears short sleeves, you wear a cotton jacket, it's no good, no matter where you go, you will definitely be stared at."

Su Hao didn't speak, thinking that even if you don't wear a padded jacket, you will be the focus of attention wherever you go.

The reason why Jianniang is attractive lies in her maverick style. The pure and lovely appearance and charming figure are the key points.

Sometimes I see people say, don’t talk, don’t talk, rush first to respect, immortal grip, fatal rhythm, phase rush, absolute focus, storm gathering, blasting, detachment, adjustment, calmness.

Well, Su Hao was talking about playing games.

How can a woman have fun?

But even so, women + games, children only do multiple-choice questions, and adults need all of them.

Sure enough, game companies are also a group of LSPs.

Su Hao raised his head and looked at the beige coat that Niaohai liked.

It's not a cotton-padded jacket, but it's slim, and the hem of the clothes can reach the thighs, so it won't look bloated even in winter.

"It's very beautiful. If you wear a light gray woolen shirt inside, it will feel great. This kind of matching looks very natural, and it can be worn by both humans and ship girls."

Chokai blinked.

"Commander, I think the same."

"That's fine."

Su Hao called the waiter and asked her to take off the clothes.

Chokai put it in front of him and compared it, the length was right.

"Commander, I'll go and have a look, you can help me choose underwear or something."

After speaking, Chokai walked away towards the mirror over there.

Ah underwear?what.

Su Hao opened his mouth, and then looked at the waiter with weird eyes.

The latter noticed that Su Hao was looking at her, and walked away with an inexplicable smile.

Hey, hey, what do you mean, please explain clearly, don't leave and I will tell you.

This girl can tell at a glance that she is the kind who doesn't have a boyfriend. Su Hao doesn't blame her. Of course, he can't really go to the underwear area to see it. It's really troublesome to be misunderstood as a pervert and a moron.

He walked over to Dido, at this time the goddess of fate had already gone in to try on clothes.

He walked over, looked at Nevada and Oklahoma, and seeing their high spirits, he didn't bother them, and said, "Diduo, you can buy a few too."

"Master, Dido just needs to wear maid clothes." Dido rejected Su Hao's kindness with a smile.

"Maid outfit, do you want to try other cosplay costumes?"

Dido tilted her head: "Does the master want to see other things? Beast ears, police officers, teachers, or OLs?"

Su Hao was embarrassed.

Girl, don't ask me that. If you want to wear it, you can buy it yourself. I don't have it, or you can buy it.

"What do you want to buy yourself?"

Dido replied without hesitation: "Maid outfit."

Su Hao: "..."

After thinking about it for a while, it's actually quite normal for a maid to wear a maid outfit. Of course, there is a problem with asking yourself this.

"I think Dido, you should expand your hobbies or something."

"What are your hobbies?"

"Well, for example, what you like to do the most, what you want to do must be the kind of thing that makes you happy."

"Of course there are hobbies."

"Oh? Let's talk about it."

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