"Not at all."

"Where? Are there other stores?"

Hu Ti said: "Just go straight ahead until you reach a fork in the road. After walking for a while, there is a shop that smells so good."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Girl, the distance you mentioned is hundreds of meters, right?

"Are you sure you smell it? I didn't even see it." Girls should not talk nonsense, Su Hao stood up, and through the enhanced physical fitness, with 5 million pixels, he barely saw a familiar plaque .

"I remember that shop is... pancake fruit?"

I seem to remember that there is such a shop, the owner is a Mediterranean, very easy to get along with.

Once when I came to go shopping with Xi Li, we were arguing for food, but we could smell it from a long distance, and Su Hao didn't even see what it said was delicious.

Thinking of this, he asked the other ship girls: "Have you smelled it?"

The girls shook their heads.

Looking at Huti again: "Did you smell it?"

Hu Ti nodded: "Yes, it's so fragrant, haven't you smelled it?"

Su Hao looked at Huti and touched the Frisbee on her head.

"Commander, what are you doing? Ha, ha ha~ It's so comfortable... No, no, it's so itchy." Hu Ti reacted greatly.

Su Hao rubbed his fingers, the Frisbee didn't feel anything special, was it itchy?

No, the ears are not special either. It's strange that there are no beast ears.

Forget it, Su Hao didn't bother to pursue it.

"Wait here, I'll buy it, who wants to eat?"

"I want it, I want it!" Hu Ti raised his hand, "Commander, I'll go with you!"

She sticks to Su Hao, and the other girls are waiting here. Everyone is a little curious about pancakes, so if you haven't tried them, just buy one.

The two left, and Dido came out with the drink she had just made.

I was stunned for a moment: "Where is the master?"

"The commander took Huti to buy pancakes and fruits."

"Take Fox away?"

Dido had a strange expression on her face, what, isn't she following all these things?

She looked into the distance and saw Huti walking forward holding hands with Su Hao, and suddenly asked, "Do you think Huti is like a puppy?"

Nevada immediately said: "Diduo, why are you scolding her?"

"It's not scolding her, it just feels like it."

"I think so too." Chokai nodded, and then looked at Goddess of Fate: "You both have Frisbees, but they don't look like the same type at all."

"Ah? This... I don't know about this." The goddess of fate shrank her neck.

"Sister ship."

"But Dido, if you say so, it seems to be true."

"Haha~ Sticking to the commander's puppy, next time I'll take off the Frisbee on her head and throw it out, to see if she will jump up and catch it."

"It feels so funny."

The ship girls sat down and chatted and waited.

Here, Su Hao brought Hu Ti to the pancake and fruit shop.

"Yo! ~ Commander Su Hao, it's you."

A few people just left at the entrance of the store, and when it was Su Hao's turn, the boss immediately greeted him.

"Do you remember me?"

"Hey! Commander of Lingshui City, of course I remember, you bought it last time."

"It's been so long, it's amazing." Su Hao looked at the top of the boss's head, and felt that there was a reason for his awesomeness.

"The main reason is that your lovely ship girl often comes here, the one with animal ears and tail, she is very energetic."

The boss described it, but he still didn't tell the puppy. If he made a mistake, it would be embarrassing and offend people.

Su Hao smiled: "You said Xili, well, she really likes to eat... By the way, give me 7 pancakes."


"It's packed, my mother-in-law is over there."

"Good good!"

The boss worked enthusiastically.

There was a rattling sound on the iron plate, and the boss's memory was quite skillful.

Su Hao glanced at his shop, and saw a young man sitting inside reading a book.

"Your son?"

I feel about the same age as myself, today is the weekend, let's have a holiday.

The boss looked inside, then nodded: "Little son, he comes over on weekends, helps me occasionally, and reads when he's not busy."

"And the eldest son?"

"Ah, yes, um..."

The boss's tone paused, and even the movements of his hands slowed down.

"Dead." His expression was calm, but his smile was restrained.

"Feel sorry."

"It's all right." The boss smiled. "Where are people not dead these days? That's the case at the seaside. Besides, my eldest son also devoted himself to the naval career and became the commander he dreamed of. It was worth fighting to the end. "

"Ah, so..."

Su Hao didn't know what to say.

Commanders have never been a safe profession, and my port area is a bit special, so I haven't suffered any hardships so far.

"Hey~ Sometimes I can't help but think, if I didn't let him go to the Naval Academy, what would it be like now?"

"Ha, don't worry about it. I'm not saying that your commanders are not good. Commander Su Hao, you are guarding the safety of our Lingshui City. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It's just that when people are getting old, they are a little bit... um... that's right. , Hey! This smoke is quite heavy."

The boss wiped some tears from his eyes.

Not long after leaving the shop, Su Hao was carrying pancakes.

Hu Ti sniffed it, put it down and didn't eat it right away, she raised her head and asked, "Commander, that uncle seemed to be crying just now."

Su Hao smiled lightly: "I didn't cry, it was smoke."

"is it?"

"Ah, the uncle just misses his son, his relatives."

Huti took a bite of the pancake fruit and smiled sweetly: "It's delicious!" Then he said: "Is that Huti a relative of the commander?"

"Of course it is." Su Hao patted her head, "It is always, you, and everyone in the port area are my relatives."

"So that's it. If the commander is gone, Hu Ti will definitely miss the commander very much!"

Hu Ti said and nodded: "Uncle is a good man."

"Uh, yes."

"Hee hee~ For the Commander, I will defeat those sirens in the future and protect the Commander!"

Su Hao looked down at her. This girl who hadn't been paid much attention in the game now said something that made him want to cry.

My own ship girl, no matter in the game or in reality, will never abandon her, will never give up no matter what.

"Then please."


PS: 12:[-]~

Chapter 370 What a White and Big Swimsuit

After shopping with the ship girls, I am back to work as usual.

I saw Lexington on the side of the pier. She was talking to Mutsu and seemed to be explaining something.

After explaining, she came again, and then explained again. Su Hao saw the helplessness on her face, but did not run away.

It seems that they are planning to get close to Nagato and the others. Nagato is not easy to start with. It is too easy to say a hundred thousand why. You just need to be with her and answer her questions, then you are good friends.

Back in the port area, Guanghui and the others sat in the new gazebo enjoying afternoon tea, Hood and Renown were also there, and then he saw an unexpected person.

Fight back.

I saw her when I came back. After all, I sent the hull here specially, and I warmly entertained her.

But it's strange, why haven't you returned yet?

"Did the counterattack not say when to leave?" He asked Dido.

"No, I thought I was planning to go back. Later, Hood asked her to play for a few more days. It happened that the prestige was still there, and she still had a small prestige. She didn't seem to be in a hurry to leave, but she asked me this morning when there was still a big meal. "

"What feast?"

"It's the one from yesterday."

Su Hao was speechless. It was a celebration banquet. Have you ever seen someone hold a celebration banquet every day?

"Then leave her alone."

Anyway, Su Hao didn't care if he had to go back sooner or later. It would be different if the Prince of Wales came.

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