The ship girls dispersed separately, and Su Hao came to Ming's side.

As soon as he entered, Shiranui popped out immediately.

"Commander, our"

"Uh, it's under construction." Su Hao showed an awkward yet polite smile, "Where are Ming and Yubari?"


Just as he was talking, Ming's panicked voice came.

"Uhhhhhhh! Be careful meow! Yubari, be more careful meow!"

"I know, I'm watching, it's all right."

"It's all right meow! My hair almost burnt meow!"

"What's the matter, even if it's all burned up, rest for one night, and it will grow back tomorrow."

"It seems to's not meow!"

Shiranui's face was expressionless, and he didn't care what was going on inside.

"what are you doing?"

Su Hao walked in, and when he got closer, he saw a road of sparks and lightning, and Ming and Yubari were fiddling with a piece of equipment.


"Phew~ it's finally ready meow, I thought it was broken, it would be terrible if it broke meow, this piece of equipment costs more than [-] yuan, the commander is going to cry to death meow."

Su Hao: "..."

Feelings, are you repairing something?

"Ah, the commander is here, meow!"

"Uh, I'm just here, just here, are you... are you done?"

Yubari said without turning his head: "Well, it is currently in the testing stage, but the device was accidentally damaged during the previous test, and the data overflow was a bit beyond expectation. This device is too fragile and cannot be compared with Shige Sakura than those of

Su Hao twitched, I'm sorry that I can only buy some cheap ones.

"However, it's not a waste of time. Through preliminary analysis and comparison, the instructions in Gascogne's body have been eliminated, leaving no iron and blood data."

Su Hao scratched his head: "That is to say, Iron Blood didn't tamper with Gascogne?"

"Yeah." Yuzhang replied affirmatively, "However, there is still no way to make more progress on scientific research materials, and there are too few materials."

"Well, I still have the materials in hand, I will sort them out for you later." Su Hao said with a smile, "I have worked hard for you during this time."

Regardless of scientific research progress, he is already very satisfied knowing that Gascogne is fine.

After that, there is no need to restrict Gascogne's actions.

And regarding the design of Gascogne, it seems that she can make up for the weirdness of her behavior through self-learning, which means that as time goes by, she should be able to break away from the category of 'robot' and become a ship with real personality and charm. mother.

I believe Sister Li will be very happy to hear this news.

"No hard work, meow!" Ming said with a smile, "As long as the commander quickly builds the shop by the sea, it will be fine meow!"

After laughing, he started crying again, with a look of ┭┮﹏┭┮, and said: "Master Commander, you don't know that the business of our store is getting worse and worse now, the Commander has been taking everyone out for half a month now, Meow , we have never opened a business, and now everyone is back and went to the beach to play meow, if this continues, Ming’s shop will close down meow!!”

"Uh, it's not that exaggerated, is it?"

"There are meows!!" Ming said with a serious face: "According to statistics from a month ago, the average daily turnover of the store has dropped by [-]% meow!"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Sunset is good, people come on a monthly and quarterly basis.

and many more.

He said with a dark face: "Didn't you count the half a month we went out?"

"Touch the chicken coop meow!"


Thank you for being able to figure it out, it's amazing my cat.

However, he has already achieved this step in everything he promised himself, and he can't justify it without expressing it.

"How about this, the construction on the pier is guaranteed to be completed within this month, and you can move there after you just decorate it."

Anyway, it's just a shop, so it doesn't need much luxury, or even a warehouse.

"Wuuuuu! The Commander is so kind to Ming meow, is the Commander Ming's God meow?"

Ming was overwhelmed with emotion.

Yuzhang looked disgusted and continued to tinker with his work seriously.


After two days, the mission reward from the Maritime Safety Administration finally came down.

The wallet became rich again. Su Hao asked someone to directly do drastic construction on the pier side. The sea surface part has been done before, and the part near the beach, according to Sister Li's intention, is to reserve a few more warehouses for storage, which is also good. It is also good as a shop.

Su Hao plans to open a coffee shop. In the future, there will be iced drinks, fruit salad, ice cream, etc. It is just right to have a house here.

However, Ming and Shiranui's faces changed drastically after hearing his plan, and Shiranui threatened Mingmiao's death, which made Su Hao absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not do this.

Just a coffee shop, fruit salad, ice cream, etc., they come to make it.

Su Hao thought about it, anyway, these things don't have much technical content, so he agreed.

Then Ming was moved to a mess again.

Even Shiranui breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Hao didn't know what they were thinking. If it was summer, drinks and ice cream would definitely sell well at the beach, even more popular than swimwear.

Especially for those little guys, Su Hao has pocket money for them every month, and feels that if this goes on like this, he will be giving money to Ming and Shiranui every month.

Well, just consider it a ship mother, not short of that little money.

Of course, the coffee shop still needs to be built.

I originally wanted to build it in the port area, but then I thought about it. In summer, sitting in a coffee shop and enjoying coffee or black tea, I turned my head and looked at the blue sky and the silvery sea in the distance, and listened to the sound of the waves. , watching the seagulls fly by, the laughter of the girls playing from a distance, and then seeing them, seeing them wearing swimsuits, ah, the swimsuits are so white and big.

What a beautiful scenery this should be.

So, Su Hao immediately decided to build the coffee shop by the sea.

And the terrain must be high, Su Hao specially asked the construction team to build a slope to raise the sea level, in the name of preventing the high tide from flooding the shop.

The other ship girls don't care, but Ming and Shiranui agree with it.

After all, the store is their life.

The sea level needs to be higher, and there are still some places for girls to rest in the spare space. Anyway, how comfortable it is, Su Hao remembers that there are many special places for playing around the port area in the game, copying it.

After going back and forth, the wallet immediately deflated again.

It's easy to spend money and hard to make money. Fortunately, St. Louis didn't ask him for debts. Aunt St. has been taking Helena around these days. Saratoga is having sex with those little guys every day. The three are from the headquarters of the Maritime Bureau. Now only one person in Lexington is working seriously.

Well, even though Su Hao felt that there was something wrong with her serious way, seeing her going to the dormitory with a book of [-] whys yesterday really shocked my sister.

If you have the energy, why don't you just talk to Nagato?

If it doesn't work, you can talk to Tiancheng.

In the end, he chose to find Lu Ao, and Su Hao really couldn't help Miss Li.

"It's so strange." After returning to the office from the beach, Sister Li immediately said, "I see Lexington and Lutsu together every day these days."

"Uh, yeah."

Su Hao didn't say anything, he went to his seat and sat down.

"She didn't come to talk to me about the meeting either."

Su Hao said with a smile: "Who told Sister Li that you have such a strong aura, she might want to brew it first."

The truth is, most people really can't calm down when chatting with Sister Li.

You have to be a ship girl who is also a boss class.

"Me? Is there?" Sister Li didn't care, "By the way, today the Maritime Safety Administration issued a mission to go to the sea area of ​​​​the next province, and the company went."

"Oh, no wonder I didn't see her today."

Saying this, Su Hao smacked his lips.

It was quite quiet in the office, and only he and Richelier stayed there at this moment.

"That... Sister Li, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Hesitating." Richelieu raised his head, looked away from the desk, and said with a smile, "Just say what you have to say."

"Well, there's something about that."

Richelieu blushed: "You don't want to be here..."

"Uh, no, I think so, but it's not about this."

Richelieu: "..."

You really dare to think about it.

However, if Su Hao really made any strange request, Richelieu would probably agree.

At worst, just pull the curtains of the floor-to-ceiling windows and lock the door.

Who knows what the two of them are doing in there.

No no no.

Richelieu shook his head, feeling like he was brought into a strange rhythm.

"What are you talking about?" She urged.

Su Hao scratched his hair, and then took out two exquisite ring boxes from his pocket.

"Well, I want to give the ring to Enterprise and Akagi."


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