PS: There are still 9 hours before the game update, and 16 hours before my graduation from the event, go ahead! !

Chapter 371 Tiancheng: I'm not laughing

It couldn't be easier to get married in the game.

Train your favorability to 100, then buy a ring and go straight to it, that's a wedding.

But it’s not that easy in reality, let alone 60 yuan, even if it’s 600 yuan or 6000 yuan, you still have to worry about spending money.

Of course, the ship's wife doesn't have so many requirements. As long as she feels good about the commander and has that idea, she can just give it to her directly. She doesn't need any dowry gifts, real estate certificates, or cars.

But although the ship's mother doesn't care, as a commander, she can't really be so casual.

At the beginning, my export to Sister Li was the right time, place and people, even romantic and intense.

But that kind of opportunity can be sought or not, it cannot always come in a big scene, sometimes it is better to be a little plain.

"Having said that, I really don't know how to speak. I don't have much experience."

Richelieu was stunned for a moment, but she immediately thought of it after seeing the ring box.


Sister Li was obviously a little puzzled.

"Isn't it Lexington?"

Su Hao was also taken aback for a moment, "Sister Li, why do you want to go to Lexington?"

"Ah no, I'm just... um."

Richelieu pursed his lips.

It wasn't that she thought of it, but Su Hao said that, and she misunderstood.

As a result, when I think about it now, it seems to be true. Love at first sight or something is too exaggerated.


"It's nothing." Richelieu chuckled lightly, "What do you mean you have no experience? This kind of thing is the same for everyone. Does anyone have rich experience in marriage proposal?"

Su Hao thought it was the same. For ordinary people, getting married once is almost enough, but if you order it twice, three times would be a fairy.

When it comes to proposing marriage, most of the time in a person's life, there is no such thing as an experienced saying.

"Actually, you don't need to think about it so much. As long as the company has this idea in mind, it doesn't need those fancy things. It's better to say that the company is not a ship girl who pursues romance and luxury, just being ordinary."

"A little more common..."

Su Hao pondered slightly, it is true.

From Sister Li's analysis, it is true that companies usually don't like those fancy things.

If I really want to make 999 roses, it will arouse her disgust.

Well, just be plain.

"Of course, it's better to have some surprises in the ordinary." Richelieu reminded, "Don't be too casual, at least show your important side."

"That's it, I understand."

Nodding his head, Su Hao asked again: "What about Chicheng?"

"Chicheng." Richelieu shook his head lightly, changed the subject and said, "Xiao Hao, logically speaking, you should give this ring to Tiancheng, right?"


"Amagi has done so much for Minato so far, plus her birth is inextricably linked to you, I won't say anything about Akagi, but why should Amagi have a ring?"

Richelieu didn't have much affection for Akagi.

But she was very friendly to Amagi.

Because of the Black Rubik's Cube, the birth of this ship girl who helped Su Hao several times is indeed inseparable from Su Hao's soul. It can be said that the two have a good understanding.

That's it, without a ring, I can't justify it.

Before Su Hao didn't make up his mind, Richelieu didn't say much.

But now that it has been decided, Enterprise and Tiancheng, Richelieu thinks that they should all be qualified.

Su Hao scratched his hair and looked distressed: "Sister, Sister Li, even if you say so, if I give the ring, Tiancheng may not accept it."

Richelieu chuckled: "How do you know if you haven't tried it?"

"This...if it really doesn't work, wouldn't it be embarrassing?"

"What's embarrassing, it's really unsuccessful, it's just that the timing is wrong, just keep waiting, isn't there many commanders who have confessed their love to their ship mothers many times before they succeed?"


Su Hao came to his senses.

He was too substituting for human beings, thinking that if he failed to confess his love, he would not even be able to be friends in the future.

But for the commander and the ship's wife, this set is not suitable.

Look at Lu Dong next door, isn't it a living example?

"Makes sense."

Su Hao nodded thoughtfully.

"Sister Li, what do you think I should do?"

Richelieu smiled helplessly.

This little brother of mine is really...

But I'm pretty much the same, actually helping my 'husband' to confess to another woman.

Strange things are happening in this office.

But at this time, a figure outside the door who was about to enter stopped in his tracks, with a charming smile slightly raised from the corner of his mouth.


Although Sister Li gave advice, she still has to do her own affairs.

Su Hao thought about it, and felt that it was necessary to buy more rings.

If you have too many skills, you don't overwhelm yourself, and now you don't overwhelm your body if you have too many rings. People are like this, if there is one, there are two, and if there are two, there are three.

Sometimes I think in my heart, ah, it’s all like this anyway, why not do it a little more, a little more, a little more, a little more.

Then when I looked back, wow, how did I become like this!

It's not me who's wrong, it's the world.

If it was in the game, a ship girl like Tiancheng would have been married long ago.

There is no burden in the game, but here it is, but since it has been decided to give the ring to the enterprise and Chicheng, it seems that there is nothing wrong with one more?

After being told by Sister Li, Su Hao felt that he should give it away.

Yes, regardless of whether Tiancheng accepts it or not, how do you know she won't accept it if you don't give it away?

Um?and many more.

Since it is going to be given to Tiancheng, is the victory also necessary?After all, Victory has already kissed him.

Su Hao: "..."

After he entered into a brief moment of silence to think about his life, he still felt... um... let's settle down first.

It feels like if you think about it this way, the Assaulter, Dido, etc., will give away rings.

After leaving the port area, Su Hao returned to the port again, and bought another ring under the confused expression of the female shop assistant.

On the other side, Richelier stayed in the room to sort out the materials.

"You are quite relieved."

Hearing the sound, she raised her head, and Amagi walked in from the door with a smile.

As if he knew what the other party was talking about, Richelieu said casually: "There is nothing to worry about. I have lived with Xiao Hao for ten years. I know what kind of person he is."

"Hehe~ That's true, the Lord is not a heartless person, otherwise he wouldn't have brought everyone in the port area to the Iris Country to find you."

Hearing this, a trace of tenderness appeared on Richelieu's face.

"However, this is also the first time I've seen someone like you."

"Did you hear it clearly outside the door just now?"

"Ah, didn't you mean to tell me that on purpose?"

Richelieu was noncommittal.

Amagi also happened to appear at the door.

Since Su Hao wants to give rings to Enterprise and Chicheng, that day Cheng has been following him for so long and has been helping Su Hao to help Hong Kong.

Richelieu thinks that it is obviously unreasonable not to give it to her. Tiancheng is outside. How sad is he to be found out?

Anyway, Richelieu doesn't mind Tiancheng becoming a wedding ship, if that's the case, let's go with the flow.

Tiancheng guessed that he knew she was outside, which was not important, what was important was that Tiancheng knew that Su Hao didn't know she was outside, which was very important.

Even if Richelieu himself is regarded as a scheming man, as long as Su Hao is regarded as a commander who values ​​affection, it will be worth it.

So, do you understand what it means?

Well, to put it simply, it is a beautiful, sexy and gentle older sister who works hard for her brother and husband.

"Actually, whether I have a ring or not is the same to me." Tiancheng smiled slightly, "As long as I am with the Lord, I am already very satisfied. After all, if it is not for the Lord, I am still sleeping in the cold memory Among them, Chicheng cannot be redeemed."

Richelieu glanced at her and said lightly, "But how do I feel, are you happy?"

"Eh? Is there any?"

Richelieu's cheeks trembled.

you have not?Please look in the mirror.

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