As stable as Tiancheng, he couldn't help laughing from the bottom of his heart when he heard that he was about to receive a ring.

It is conceivable that rings are not as simple as a 'name' for ship girls.

That is even more of a bond, a bond of deep affection between the ship's wife and the commander.

So, don't be reluctant to part with a ring, how can it be repaired!

(First let me say that this is not a declaration of Qifan, Guayou did not give me any red envelopes!)

"I don't even need to refute you. I know that Chicheng hasn't got the ring yet."

Richelieu said something very inexplicable.

Tiancheng smiled softly: "Ah~ Richelieu, who do you think of me as?"

"A military adviser in the port area, Xiao Hao's wedding ship, is also an important assistant." Richelieu bluntly said, "When I was not around before, I was also thanks to you."

"Should be."

Amagi stood by the French window and looked down.

Everything in the port area seems to have changed a lot compared to the beginning.

She was very happy about this.

All of this is the result of the hard work of her, Su Hao, and everyone else.

Step by step to the present, for Tiancheng, relying on Su Hao's soul strength and being born with the assistance of the Black Rubik's Cube, it can be said that the existence of Tiancheng is closely related to Su Hao himself.

The relationship and tacit understanding between the two is much better than that of outsiders.

Therefore, in Tiancheng's heart, he definitely hoped to get the ring.

As for Akagi, it's not good to sneak away as a younger sister.

Well, although that step has already been taken, Chicheng has changed a lot, and there is no other way, otherwise, according to Chicheng's character, if he always pesters Su Hao and causes trouble for the port area, Tiancheng will be very helpless.

So, don't worry about this step, but in the name of Minato Marriage, at least as a sister, she also wants to take a step first.

"Speaking of which, is there anyone from the Iris Kingdom coming to this joint meeting?" She asked suddenly.

"Well, maybe let Barr come. If she can't leave, Algeria is also possible. Not too many. I am here, and Joan of Arc and Forbin are also there, enough."

Tiancheng smiled slightly: "Then, should we let them stay together?"

Richelieu immediately raised his head to look at her.


PS: Rua!

Chapter 372 Epic Level Huge Metamorphosis!

After buying the ring, she hurried back and met Dido. She wanted to follow her, but she was ashamed to say that she just went back to mend a ring.

"Diduo, take a break by yourself. I'll go to the office and call you when I have something to do."

"Good host."

Back at the office, Sister Li was gone, so it was strange that there was no one there.

Su Hao sat back in his seat, opened Du Niang Google and googled.

"Marriage Proposal Strategy..."

"I'm going, so much?"

Su Hao was taken aback. There are quite a lot of people discussing feelings.

However, the questions and answers on the Internet are very nonsense, and they are messy and fragmented, and the answers are all wrong.

For example, someone asks how to make a marriage proposal that can move a girlfriend the most.

Results are answered below.

"First you have to have a girlfriend."

"If it's the little left and the right, I can make them so moved that they shed sticky tears."

"How often do you shed tears upstairs?"

"three times per week."


Su Hao: "..."

md He actually understood it.

What are these lsps thinking all day long?


How can a girlfriend agree to a marriage proposal?

"Take out your real estate certificate, car and seven-figure savings, and most girls will agree."

"What if I still have 8-figure negative equity?"

"Then don't tell her it's okay, get in the car first, hurry up, it's too late!"

What a mess, pass.

After searching for a while, I actually saw the girl Xunwen.

"My daughter, please ask, how can I get my boyfriend to agree to a marriage proposal?"

Su Hao: ? ? ?

Is this really a girl?

Sure enough, someone asked below.

"The landlord is really a girl? Fake?"

"Really, I'm a girl, I can chime, attached picture.jpg"

"Fuck, I'm so patient, I want to..."

"Why do I feel like a big guy in women's clothing?"

"Do you still have to fight the bayonet at night?"

"This is very dangerous. Most people can't bear it. Don't mind trying it. If you really want to try it, it is recommended to prepare something lubricated."

"Upstairs, I have wine, come, tell your story."

"The host is so cute, soft and cute, one punch should make you cry for a long time, right?"

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

md is a bunch of sand sculpture netizens.

Su Hao figured it out, sand sculpture netizens, as long as there is an Internet, they are everywhere, regardless of whether you are in another world or not.

After searching for a long time, there was no reliable one, so Su Hao could only open a post by himself.

Excuse me, how does the commander propose to the ship's wife.

Specially marked as the commander, this will save a lot of trouble.

"Wait, will you be scolded for asking this question?"

Like what, look!I'm married to my mother-in-law.

If there is anything to say, it will probably attract the jealousy of a group of people.

After all, the ship girls are all elf-like girls, with beautiful bodies, good personalities, and great personalities. Ordinary people only see lemons in their eyes.

"Forget it, it's a big deal and just run away, anyway, they won't come along the network cable to beat me."

Having said that, do you want to add a few more pictures?

Forget it, I am a low-key person.

Just as I was thinking, I swiped and someone replied.

"The landlord is the commander? Male or female."

"I'll go, I understand the connotation very well, but I still ask about gender."

If it was an ordinary person, it would be rare for a female commander to propose marriage.

Could this guy be the commander too?



"Well... about three or four months."

"Ah, aren't you too young? Is it okay to get married at such a young age?"


I'm so sorry for getting married at such a young age.

"Bro, I'm asking, don't change the subject."

"This is very important, don't underestimate the ship's mother, or you may be at a disadvantage, little brother... Cough~ Forget it, forget it, skip this topic, um, it's not easy to answer the post, you should add me chat number, 3794xxxxx."

Su Hao hesitated for a moment, but still added this chat account.

"Huh? Female?"

Su Hao was a little surprised to find that the gender was female.

But these days online men pretending to be women are everywhere.

It seems that he didn't refute when he called him a buddy just now, so it must be a shemale.

The level of the chat account is not low, and I have played for at least 10 years by visual inspection, no wonder the words are old-fashioned.

drop drop~

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