PPS: I feel pretty good recently, the plot is very convenient, don’t rush to catch up with the plot, take your time~

Chapter 373 Sister Amagi, Sister Akagi

"Amagi, you look very happy."

On the side of the sweet-scented osmanthus grove, several people from the cherry blossoms sat on the grass drinking tea and chatting.

Fusang added a cup of tea to Tiancheng and asked curiously.

"Ah, is there?" Tiancheng said with a smile, "No, I do this every day."

"I can feel it."

Nagato tilted his head.

She is familiar with Tiancheng's character, how could such a "steady" person like Tiancheng make such an abnormal move?

"Has anything good happened recently?"

"No." Tiancheng held up the teacup and took a sip, "Well, it's probably because the battle is over and I can relax, so I think it's more pleasant."

"Sister Tiancheng, haven't you been back for a few days?" Chicheng was slightly curious, "I thought it was the commander who told you something."

From Chicheng's point of view, anything worth being happy must have something to do with Su Hao.

It has nothing to do with Su Hao, no matter how happy you are, where can you be happy?

"No, I haven't talked to the Lord much these two days."

"Then why are you still so happy?" Akagi's face was a bit tangled, "If it's my sister, then... Well, if this is the case, I'll call the commander over."

In Chicheng's heart, both Su Hao and Tiancheng are very important.

If it was Tiancheng, she would 100% be willing to share Su Hao with him.

"Okay, Akagi, sit down."

Amagi grabbed Akagi who wanted to stand up.

"Chicheng, you have to know that even if I don't stay with the Lord all the time, my relationship with the Lord will not fade because of this. My existence was born because of the Lord. My soul has the feelings injected by the Lord, even if I don’t say anything, I can still feel his thoughts.”


Obviously, he should have sympathized with Tiancheng, but Chicheng was very upset when he heard these words.

It was as if she was born to lose a lot compared to others.

If it was someone else, Chicheng would have rushed forward with his fox fire on fire, but this is Tiancheng, she can't do anything to her elder sister.

"Although I don't quite understand it, it looks so powerful." Nagato tilted his head, "Is this the so-called bondage of human beings?"

Tiancheng smiled and said: "It's about the same, but Nagato-sama, maybe it would be more appropriate to express it with 'love'."

"Love..." Nagato pondered slightly.

Strange thing, she had never felt love from a human being.

In other words, she doesn't really understand what love is.

The people around her must be her most important companions.

She raised her head and asked curiously, "Is it like the one between our Sakura companions?"

"Of course not. The relationship between Sakura's companions is a manifestation of friendship." Amagi took a sip of tea gracefully, put down the teacup, and continued: "But the love between the commander and the ship's wife is another kind of love that is more serious. A bond that is deep and engraved in the soul."

Nagato thought about it.

"This kind of bond will make the meaning of our ship girls' existence clearer. Why do everyone think the ship girls in the port area are weird? Because everything we do and think is for our commander, Simple but clear."

"If you don't even know why you exist, then it would be too pitiful. Our mother-in-law is a creature that transcends the common sense of this world. I am lucky to be a ship in this life. Naturally, I have to fight for the ideals in my heart. Nagato What do you think, my lord?"

"You're right." Nagato nodded. Although she didn't understand the first part, she understood the latter part, "We act for the ideals in our hearts, and we will never regret it until we die."

Amagi smiled lightly, and didn't speak any more.

Chicheng was slightly puzzled, she always felt that today's Tiancheng was unexpectedly active and in a surprisingly good mood.

As for Fusang, he turned his head and glanced at Yamashiro, who was playing with Mutsu in the distance, and smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Feng turned his head and saw a dog's head appearing in the distance.

The atmosphere on the grass is harmonious and calm.

"Speaking of which, Chicheng, can you help me get something from the room?"


Escaping from the harassment of internet perverts, Su Hao came downstairs.

When it was said that it was a marriage proposal, the purpose was naturally not simply to give away a ring.

In fact, to establish a relationship with Jian Niang, sometimes it is very serious and sometimes it is very serious.

So far, Richelieu's time was a big scene, and Chicheng's time shocked my sister. If they won, it would be more relaxed and casual. They were suddenly attacked, kissed suddenly, and then suddenly became lovers.

Then what about the enterprise, is it a tacit understanding?Anyway, no one will believe it if they don't say they are lovers.

In fact, logically speaking, there is no stage of passionate love between the commander and the ship's mother.

When the favorability is reached, give the ring directly, and accepting the ring means that it is a wedding.

But now it's a little tricky with Chicheng and the company. Under normal circumstances, I have done that with Chicheng, and I have kissed the company, so it can be counted as marriage.

Then give the ring, go over and tell her, hey, we are all over, just accept the ring.

Although it seems a bit child's play, but from the actual situation, the result should be successful.

But if that's the case, it seems a little too insignificant.

Therefore, proper timing and careful preparation are necessary.

For victory, it feels like the time is too short, and the relationship needs to be cultivated slowly. In addition, Guanghui just said that he wants to stay, and suddenly there is an extra brother-in-law. Su Hao is afraid that she will not be able to bear it.

But now there is a problem, apart from Chicheng and the company, so far Su Hao has not confirmed any relationship with Tiancheng.

Therefore, the top priority is to settle the matter of Tiancheng.

At this time, when I went downstairs and walked on the road in the port area, a cold wind blew in front of me, and the leaves on the ground were tumbling, feeling quite like the rustling autumn wind.

If it is winter, snowflakes are falling from the sky, alone, with classic BGM, you can play a classic song.

In the distance, Richelieu and Joan of Arc walked by. They were heading towards the dormitory. They had told Sister Li about scientific research before, and they are probably discussing Gascogne now.

I didn't bother, and as I was walking, a dog's head came out.

"rua! Commander!"

Doghead, as well as Firefly and Oric.

"What are you doing here?"

"Not doing anything, just running in the port area."

Su Hao was slightly puzzled, not knowing what kind of novel gameplay this was.

"Aren't Lafite and the others here?"

"Laffi is in the vicious secret base. She must be playing games with Nicholas and Z23 again. I can't beat them again. I don't like playing video games."

Su Hao smiled. The dog head has nothing to do with electronic products. She doesn't even know how to play with mobile phones. She bought one before, but she accidentally bit it into pieces when she was playing around. , and then Xili caught it in mid-air.

And then, click~

"Wait, you said z23? Is she also in the vicious secret base?"

"Yeah! Oh, they play games together every day, eat potato chips, drink coke, and read comics. It feels good... good... good..."

Xi Li paused for a few moments, what's the matter?The little face is full of entanglements, but I just can't think of a suitable word to describe it. I can't help it. Illiteracy is too terrible.

Su Hao had a strange look on his face.

Game Potato Chips Coke Comics?


"You read it wrong, how could z23 do these things." Su Hao shook his head and said.

"It's true, if you don't believe me, ask Oreo."

"It's Orlik, not Oreo!" Orlik said loudly, and then said: "Yeah, yes, z23 stays there every day now, and doesn't even go to the beach."

Su Hao: ? ? ?

"Fireflies, don't you think so?"

"Yeah yeah."

I don't understand, but Su Hao felt that there must be some misunderstanding.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, have you seen Tiancheng?"

"Sister Amagi, where are you with Nagato-sama and the others?"

Xili pointed in the direction of the sweet-scented osmanthus forest.

Now the sweet-scented osmanthus is gone, but the courtyard has not been built, and Nagato and the others usually have no place to go, so they have always used it as a place to drink tea and chat.

Separated from Xili and the others, Su Hao walked towards the osmanthus forest.

I saw Tiancheng from a long distance, but fortunately Chicheng is not here, otherwise it would be troublesome.

With Akagi here, his own actions must not be launched.

Once Chicheng finds out, he will definitely stick to it.

What should I do then, give it together?

Give the ring to the sister in front of the sister, and then give the ring to the sister in front of the sister?

Hmm... seems unexpectedly good?

Pooh!I am not that kind of person.

At this time, he walked over, and the girls quickly paid attention to him.

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