"Master, why are you here?"

"Uh, come and have a look."

Nagato Fuso Jiangfeng is there, and both Yamashiro and Mutsu have restless personalities, and they don't know where they have gone for a long time.

Su Hao sat down, and Fusang poured him a cup of tea.

"Thank you~"

"Your Highness Su Hao, don't be so polite."

Fusang is very elegant and gentle, and it is quite healing just by looking at it. The maternity charm of Fusang can be said to be quite high, and it should be full in terms of female power.

But in terms of maternity charm, Dadi Mama is better.

It's a pity that after living in this world for so long, I have never heard of Emperor Frederick the Great.

After drinking a cup of tea, I chatted with Nagato about the heavy cherry blossoms. Kaga has been away for so many days, and I don't know if it will go well or not.

"Your Majesty, don't worry. If Kaga becomes serious, he will be a good general of Sakura, and he can handle everything well." Amagi reassured.

Indeed, Kaga's ability, um, not to mention the value of force must be full.

After chatting for a while, Amagi stood up and said that he was going to go for a walk.

Su Hao immediately said: "It's just right, I also want to take a walk casually, let's go together."

Tiancheng nodded with a smile: "Okay, my lord."

When the two left, Nagato suddenly asked curiously: "Fusang, didn't Tiancheng ask Chicheng to help her get things just now?"

Fusang was silent for a while.

Then he said: "Master Nagato, some things can't be seen on the surface... Well, as long as Mr. Nagato is like this, it will be fine."

Nagato: ? ? ?


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 374

The company went out and didn't come back. Chicheng's words were too enthusiastic, and Su Hao was afraid that he would not be able to bear it. Sure enough, it would be better to start with Tiancheng first.

But even though he decided to make a move, thinking about how he actually planned to give three rings to Jian Niang at once, it was really outrageous.

But the arrow was on the string and the ammunition was in the barrel, so it had to be fired.

"Master, let's go to the beach." Tiancheng said with a smile.

"Huh? Why don't you walk around the port area?"

Su Hao intends to take a look at the construction of the port area by the way.

In addition, in the autumn in the port area, the maple leaves are yellow, and the artistic conception comes. When the autumn wind blows the fallen leaves, they fall with a clatter, and a man and a woman make a vow under the tree. It sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?

Moreover, there are too many people at the main beach, so Su Hao is still very shy in front of everyone.

After all, the men of the Su family have always been introverted.

"You can go shopping in the port area at any time, but the seaside is very beautiful at this time."

Tiancheng raised his head, the time was approaching evening, and the seaside sky had already turned yellowish.

Su Hao suddenly remembered what that perverted netizen said, so he nodded, "Then let's go to the beach."

The two originally walked in, but now they turned to go out, and met other ship girls on the way, saying hello to Su Hao and Tiancheng.

Under the banyan tree in the distance, several little guys rolled into a ball, and heard the sound of laughing and laughing, it was very lively.

Beside him, Amagi always watched all this with a smile on his face.

It has to be said that Tiancheng is also very popular in the port area, it is not unreasonable for Richelieu to let Su Hao consider her.

Tiancheng is a big ship, even if it is placed in the game, many people can't ask for it. Su Hao spent a lot of effort to build her back then.

For some non-chiefs, that is simply bad news, this gentle big sister holding an umbrella, but many people are greedy for her body.

I have it now, and in reality, there are dozens of ship girls in the port area, which is not a small number, but it is far behind the game. In the game, you can still get married, why not here?

Su Hao cheered himself up in his heart, and then he heard Tiancheng's voice.

"This garden is beautiful."

It was a circular flowerbed, with different flowers planted in a circle, and there was a huge sprinkler in the middle, which looked very beautiful when it sprayed water.

"Cleveland made it specially. It's colorful. In the past, it was only green. Although it's environmentally friendly, it's a bit monotonous."

Tiancheng smiled and said: "Green is also good, but it has indeed changed a lot now, so we have less than four months in the port area, right?"

"Well, this is the fourth month."

"It's changed quite a bit."

Su Hao glanced at her, not knowing what to say.

The overall look has indeed changed a lot, the scenery and people, compared with many port areas, such as the one next door, Zhu Qiao will definitely turn around and leave when he comes to see it.

Chatting casually all the way, I walked to the steps leading to the beach, stood on it and looked down, the sea pushed the waves to cover the beach, and washed the beach smooth and beautiful, but was soon stepped on by a few footprints .

There is a watchtower on the right side of the door, and a head pops out of it.

"Hey! Commander? And Amagi, hey hey hey~"

"Portland? Didn't you go to the Maritime Bureau today?"

"Hee hee~ It's two days off."

The sea breeze blew past, and there was a rattling sound above, followed by the sound of panic in Portland.

"Wow! My notebook! My notebook flew away!"

A thin 'book' fell from above, Su Hao picked it up and took a look, good guy, you don't even wear clothes?

Immediately after, Portland ran down in a hurry.

"Commander Commander!"

"Here, I don't know how to run, so what's the rush?"

Holding the notebook in her arms, Portland laughed: "Hey~" Then she said again: "Commander, when will you go to my room and help me draw the notebook."

Terrible words.

After sneaking a glance at Tiancheng, Su Hao coughed lightly: "We'll talk about this later."

Portland blinked and said with a smile: "Okay~ I wish Commander a happy date with Amagi!"

After finishing speaking, she ran up, in a hurry, didn't she just read a notebook?What a hurry.

Su Hao was speechless, "It would be great if I could find Indianapolis sometime."

"Ah~ If that's the case, won't the master lose the opportunity to study the book alone with Portland?" Tiancheng pursed his lips and teased with a light smile.

"It seems to be the same... Well, no, in fact, I just pointed out to her that Portland wants to paint, and I don't like this kind of thing."

"Hehe~ I understand, I understand."

"Really, don't lie to you."

The two went down the steps.

There are some dwarf shrubs planted on both sides of the steps, and then there is a forest, which connects to the pier. At this time, the open space of the pier is filled with some hollow concrete pillars, and a firefly drilled out of it.

At this time, she cautiously put her head out of the inside, looked left and right, as if she was avoiding someone, and then suddenly jumped off the pillar above Vokland, which made her raise her head in a hurry and hit the hollow pillar, and the pillar immediately fell A chunk is missing.

Su Hao shouted: "Don't break those pillars, they need to be used!"

"It's all fireflies!" said Vocklands.

"They're all fireflies." Little Shengfu said.

"They're all fireflies," said Fox.

The firefly crawled out with its head in its arms, its expression a little confused, looking left and right, not knowing what to say.

"Anyway, don't break it again, or you will lose your pocket money for next month."

"I know~~"*3

"Everyone said they knew it, but in a blink of an eye they didn't know it again."

It’s true that there are children in the family, but children’s nature is to play. If you don’t pay attention, the trees, houses, cars, etc. in the port area will all be destroyed.

In the past two days, the raiders have gone crazy, and those little guys are strictly forbidden to enter the kitchen outside the meal time.

Assault is the eldest sister, Naizi has an advantage when she is big, and the little ones are still very afraid of her.

Especially Xi Li, if you offend the attackers, the next meal will be made vegetarian for you, are you afraid?

At this time, I shouted a few times, and then remembered my mission. I can't go to the right, I can only go to the left.

Then came across Hood, who was enjoying the shade under an umbrella.

Wearing a white and black bikini swimsuit, the posture of sitting with side legs is enough to be called charming.

The long legs are white and soft, and it sounds a bit astringent, but Aunt Hood's breasts are indeed fruitful, like fishing, and those who wish to take the bait.

It's a pity that the wisher can't take the bait either. Even in the game, Su Hao also wants to take the bait, but the relationship doesn't allow it.

Although it is not as big and perfect as the Assaulter, it still feels quite amazing. Every time I look at it, I can't help but compare it with the usual tight clothes. It really makes you look thinner when you take off your clothes.

"Ah~ Commander, Amagi, good afternoon~"

Seeing them coming, Hood greeted them generously.

In the distance, King George V and Hao Talang came over, and after reaching the shallow water area, they stopped and set sail and landed. Bai Jie's feet stepped on the area where sea water and sand were mixed, and there was a sound of splashing water.


"George V, Howe."

Both of them were wearing swimsuits. They seemed to have just gone to the deep water area. Now that they came back, they were a little surprised to see Su Hao, but George V was still generous. After all, it was nothing strange for the ship's mother to wear a swimsuit in front of her commander.

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