Hao seemed a little cautious. Although he said before that he would stay, he never said that he would join the port area as Su Hao's ship's wife.

In fact, during this period of time, he hadn't had a good chat with Hao because he was too busy, and he had been with George V during the last attack mission. As the commander of the fishing boat, Su Hao could only say that he had committed a crime.

I really should be hung up and beaten. Although she is not swollen, but such an eye-catching girl has come to the port area, the matter has not been settled, and she is thinking about other things. The characteristics of a man's turmoil are shown here by Su Hao.

Well, Kami Sangma, I am guilty and I repent.

"Who won?" Hood asked with a smile.

"Sister George V won." Howe shook his head in frustration, "Sure enough, there is no way to be like my sister."

George V smiled and said: "Haha~ I have achieved today's results under the training of many teachers in the port area. You are still far behind."

"Hmm, sister, although you are amazing, I won't admit defeat. One day I will surpass you!"

"Oh! The morale is good, come on girl!"

George V smiled and patted Howe on the shoulder.

The two seem to have a pretty good relationship, and they have officially become sister ships.

Su Hao asked suspiciously, "What are you guys comparing?"

"Ah, all kinds, the technology of the battleship, is the commander interested in taking a look? I will call you next time."

"Sure." Su Hao smiled, "Speaking of which, if you want to learn, Hao, I will ask Sister Li to teach you when I have time."

"Richelieu!" Hao's eyes lit up, and then he said a little cautiously: "This...forget it, Richelieu is so busy every day, and she is so powerful, it is a bit too much trouble for her to come to teach me a newcomer."

"No." Su Ha shook his head. "Sister Li is usually very gentle. If anyone in the port area is in trouble, tell her that she will usually help. You will understand after getting along with her."

"Yes, Richelieu has a very good personality, beautiful and generous, otherwise how could he become the only wedding ship in the port area, haha~"

King George V laughed out loud, but Su Hao was speechless.

"That's not the problem."

"Yeah, I know, I'm talking nonsense. In a word, you are lucky. You have returned from studying with Richet, and you can compare with me."

Howe blinked.

It is very tempting to be guided by super battleships.

Thinking of this, she bowed to Su Hao, "Then I'll leave it to you."

Be polite, girl, just promise yourself with your body.

Su Hao waved his hand, and left with Tiancheng under the gaze of the three of them.

"What do you say, what are the commander and Tiancheng doing?" Hood asked suddenly.

"Walk, what else can you do?" George V replied as a matter of course, "Take a walk on the beach, it's late, and I will go back to have a meal later, isn't it normal?"

"is it?"

"What do you think Hood is?"

"The commander's pockets were bulging just now."

George V: ? ? ?

"Put your phone and wallet?"

Hood smiled and shook his head.

Hao opened his mouth, and when his eyes touched Hood's smiling expression, he immediately chose to remain silent.

Sigh~ Miss George V is really innocent.


PS: It's over, I feel that this golden skin is going to get stuck in my Rubik's Cube, md, I want to build it early, and then go to the Wishing Pool! !

PPS: It's 919, Shuke has an anniversary celebration, let me see, let's open a reward during the day, return to normal state, it hasn't exploded for a long time, I don't know if there is anyone~


The long-lost reward~

Let me talk about the depressed things before. Someone asked if I was broken in love.Labor and management have so many wives, will they lose their love?

In fact, it is a matter of grades, because the grades of this book are very average. After all, it is a repetitive old subject, and the entry point is very subtle. It is also expected to adjust the mentality.

Almost a month ago, I ran to open a new book, and I won’t say what it’s called. No, it’s only 20 days without a month. Under the condition of double opening, the book has updated nearly 30 words.

In 20 days, this book was almost 9k every day, and that book was updated with nearly 30 words. You can imagine how much code words I have every day.

However, I failed, and there was no improvement after writing nearly 30 words, so I was quite depressed, and the failure after hard work was particularly uncomfortable.

That's about it. I adjusted my mentality these days and returned to normal.

I saw the editor yesterday saying that the celebration of the 919th anniversary will start at about 10 o'clock. As in the past, I will simply offer a reward.

The old rules, 100 blades, 1w tips plus 2000 words.

The monthly pass will not come, if you can't get other books, if you can't get on the list, there will be no rewards.

Basic data: word count 116.8w, blade 4997, reward 26.65w

The daily basic update counts as 2 more 6000 words, and the extra is repaid, please ask for a wave of support, Ollie, the code word has gone! !

Chapter 375 Tiancheng is willing to do anything for the Lord [Chapter 9k, offer a reward! 】

Here, Su Hao and Tiancheng continued to walk forward.

As we walked, the beach became empty and there was no one there.

The rays of the sun obliquely shone on the distant sea, and the turbulent sea had a brief moment of tranquility, the sea breeze was gentle, and the leaves were rustling.

The air became cooler and cooler. After summer, it turned to autumn. In November, after late autumn, Lingshui City began to cool down completely.

If it’s winter and it’s covered with snow, I heard that there will be heavy snowfall in Lingshui City. The port area is so big and there are so many trees. You can look forward to the scenery at that time.

At this time, Su Hao touched his pocket and chatted with Tiancheng about some homework, feeling extremely nervous.

Please, don't let me, a child, bear the weight that I shouldn't bear.

Oh, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm an old fritter after counting my age, so there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Speaking of which, how is your health recently, Amagi?"

"It's good. After the master unlocked the authority last time, I feel that the control of the body is more free."

"I'll take a look."

Su Hao held Tiancheng's hand.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, so let's reduce the difficulty first. The two of them have long been used to this kind of contact, so Su Hao has no embarrassment.

And Tiancheng just looked at it with a smile and didn't speak.

Su Hao was a little puzzled, and felt that Tiancheng's smile today was inexplicably subtle.

Is it your own delusion?

After checking for a while, I didn't find any problems, so I took the opportunity to touch the handle and made a profit.

"If you have any questions, you must tell them in advance, you know?"

"Well, don't worry, the Lord cares about me so much, and everyone in the port area treats me so well, I am reluctant to leave."

Tiancheng just smiled, but there were too many things in this smile.

The sister's love, the companionship, and, for the man who woke her up from the darkness, this bond from the soul, but any obstacle will not stop.

Yes, I really want to be with the Lord all the time like this.

I really want to be like this, if I don't do anything, or if I go out to fight, and face thousands of sirens, I won't be afraid, no matter what.

My physical condition has never been better than it is now, and this power is still growing continuously, and this power will only exist for the existence of the Lord.

When I accidentally heard the words of Richelieu and the Lord, I was happy and excited. I knew that this kind of thing would come. It will happen sooner or later. I don’t care who the Lord likes. This is normal. Human beings come from deep in their hearts. The feelings at home, the yearning for beautiful things, which includes a lot.

For example, a beautiful face, slim figure, strong combat power, cute or soft, talented ship girls are not really needed, too talented to make the commander too stupid, then the gain outweighs the loss.

All in all, Amagi doesn't think there's anything wrong with wanting to marry many ship girls as a commander, it's a fetter, or to put it bluntly, as a commander, being greedy is also a kind of love, like ship girls, That must have included all of her.

It's as if I like the Lord, including everything, good and bad, which are shortcomings in the eyes of others but advantages in my own eyes.

At this time, Tiancheng knew clearly, she knew what Su Hao was going to do, but she looked a little clumsy along the way, but clumsy was very cute.

She smiled and listened to Su Hao's words. It was obvious that she was deliberately looking for a topic to talk about. She must be nervous, hee hee~ She wanted to play a prank.

"By the way, Tiancheng, the Maritime Safety Administration recently said that they want to hold a meeting in our port area. What do you think?"

Su Hao really had no other choice, as if he couldn't come up with any ideas.

There is no such feeling, just the feeling of the right time and place, the atmosphere is not up at all, if you take out the ring at this time, the fool will know that it is very bad.

"Well, I think it's pretty good."

No, I really want to laugh, the overwhelmed master is so cute.

Tiancheng pretended to purse his lips to hide his smile, and said: "The world structure, it is not an option to continue like this. Human beings can only compete with the sirens when they are truly united. If Azur Lane and Red Axis can be used as a If the opportunity produces more cooperation opportunities, it will be worth it.”

"Well, that being said, it's strange that everyone is coming to our port area by then."

Tiancheng chuckled: "Doesn't that just show the influence of our port area? My lord, as long as the current situation continues, maybe our port area will really be able to influence the direction of the world in the near future."

"At that time, Azur Lane and Red Axis will be united, and as the master of the central hub, he will become the most critical figure in this era. The so-called savior is not an exaggeration."

Su Hao rubbed his nose, he felt that he was a little carried away by what Tiancheng said.

"Savior or something, I never thought about it." He looked at the sea, facing the afterglow of the setting sun, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Bravely asked me what my wish was, and I answered her for world peace. World peace How should I put it, it doesn’t mean that there will be no wars or fights anywhere in the world, this kind of thing is simply impossible, what I expect is a relatively stable state.”

"Honestly speaking, I don't hope that the Siren will be extinct one day, because the Siren is gone, and the common enemy is lost, and even the superficial relationship between the countries is likely to break down. At that time, the war will continue, and the people who suffer It must be the ship girl, human desires will make the ship girl go the way of the siren, I don't want such a thing to happen."

Amagi was slightly taken aback.

It is somewhat bold for a commander to say that he does not want the sirens to be extinct.

If other humans heard it, they might be dubbed 'villains'.

But Tiancheng knew that this was Su Hao's true thoughts, this was his 'wish', and, as a commander, he liked his ship girl from the bottom of his heart.

Tiancheng walked up to Su Hao, gently held his hands, and said in a gentle tone: "Master, if this is the case, Tiancheng is willing to cut off the obstacles along the way for the sword in your hand, and Tiancheng is willing to cut off obstacles along the way for the sword in your hand. The shield will block all the damage for you."

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