After figuring this out, Su Hao smiled and said, "Well, it's delicious, Chicheng, your craft is getting better and better."

"Yeah, as long as the commander likes it, Akagi is very happy~"

He would not tell others that this was done by forcing Fusang to help.

Su Hao smiled.

Akagi, as expected, is still so gentle.

sick?How is it possible, my Chicheng only has Jiao and is not sick!

Envy and jealousy are useless.

Su Hao drank the chicken soup calmly in his heart.

"Speaking of which, the commander gave my sister a ring today." Akagi said suddenly.

"Uh..." Su Hao paused, "Well, yes, I gave it away."

"Then if you have a ring, it's a wedding ship."

"Well, the wedding ship."

"But." Chicheng asked with a smile while holding his chin: "Why didn't the commander give Chicheng a ring? Obviously the commander and Chicheng have done it before, and now Chicheng's body and mind are all dedicated to the commander Oh."

"Or, is the commander just playing with Akagi? If that's the case..."


Without saying a word, Su Hao directly took out the ring box and placed it on the table.


PS: All right, all right, I’ve been back for two days, and there’s not a single drop left, so I’ll continue in the early hours of the night, not to mention that I’m going to be reckless if I don’t rest today! !Shu Ke's anniversary, everyone has drawn blades and reward props, please vote for it, the reward is on, it doesn't matter how much you come!

Chapter 378 Black Hair, White Clothes, Beast Ears, and Taidao

Su Hao felt that, as the commander of the port area, everyone relied on him, and the only man in the port area, he would naturally stand up when it was time to stand up.

Hesitating is not something a man should do.

So, even though Chicheng hadn't finished what she wanted to say, Su Hao immediately stood up like a man!

Yes, he's going to stand up like a man!

"Chicheng, be my wedding ship!"

He opened the ring box and took out the exquisite ring inside.

Then he looked at Chicheng with a sincere face, and said the words from his heart!

I, Su Hao, must marry Chicheng today, even Jesus can't stop me, I said it!

Different ship girls need different timings, such as the right time, place and people, Su Hao thinks now is the best time.

Isn't it what a commander should do to appease Akagi's easily hurt mind?

Even if someone scolds him, it doesn't matter if he is said to be married to Tiancheng before, and now he is married to Chicheng, a scumbag.

As long as he can make his mother-in-law happy, Su Hao has no fear of being a scumbag!

Well, Su Hao took out the ring for this reason, not because Chicheng's laughter was already a bit strange.

At this time, he raised his hand and put on the beautiful girl the vow that belonged to her for the rest of her life.

"Originally, I wanted to find a better opportunity to announce it in front of everyone, but I think it's good now."

Su Hao said with a light smile.

"Now, it's a vow site that belongs exclusively to the two of us."

Akagi was stunned.

Gosh!My sis came up with such a good idea, to get the ring from the commander so easily?

Am I dreaming?

It wasn't until the ring was put on her hand that Chicheng realized that he was really not dreaming!

ring!She has a ring!

"Woo~ Commander!"

Akagi rushed over at once.

The two fell to the ground, Chicheng hugged Su Hao tightly, and said in a sobbing voice: "Commander Commander Commander, you are so kind to Chicheng, Chicheng likes Commander the most!"

"Ah, Chi, Chicheng... I know, I know, let me go first, I'm a little out of breath!"

Buried on Chicheng's soft chest, Su Hao almost suffocated!

"No, Akagi will hold on to the commander for the rest of his life, and never let go o(*~︶~*)o"

Even so, in order to prevent Su Hao from suffocating, Chicheng still relaxed a little.

"Huh~ I thought I was going to die."

Su Hao took a few breaths, and the breath flowed in Chicheng's chest, which caused her to smile coquettishly.

"Hehe~ Commander, it's so itchy."


All in all, it was a dangerous... oh no, an important moment.

So I was caught off guard, but the effect of giving the ring out seemed surprisingly good.

Well, as expected, what perverted netizens said is not always correct.

"Alright Akagi, let me go."

"No, no, Chicheng wants to keep hugging Commander like this forever." Chicheng began to act like a child.

Su Hao was speechless: "I'm going to take a bath."

"That's right, Akagi will wash with the commander, and wipe his body for the commander by the way."


Su Hao thought to himself that you are going to help me wipe my body, I'm afraid the gun will go off.

No, no, no, it can't be like this, if you do it like this again, you'd be an idiot.

Just as he was thinking, he heard Chicheng continue to say: "Besides, since we are a marriage ship, isn't it normal for the marriage ship to sleep with the commander?"

Akagi licked his lips, and the tip of his red tongue slid across the thin lips, which was extremely alluring.

"Commander, Chicheng hasn't grown at all during this period, Commander, don't you want to try?"

Su Hao was silent.

Well, an idiot is an idiot.

So, it is the younger sister who enters the bridal chamber at night after she is married. There must be something wrong with this kind of thing, right?



From one city to another, appreciate the scenery, cultural differences, and feel the temperature and fun here.

Autumn is slowly approaching winter, and the temperature has been a bit low recently, especially at sea, where the wind is blowing at night, bringing a cold chill.

Although she is not afraid of the cold as a ship girl, she still wears a little more clothes like a human.

I saw a couple embracing on the side of the road, saying that they were keeping each other warm, how about going to the hotel to get them, the beds there must be warmer.

Ignoring the astonishing gazes of the people around her, the girl dragged her suitcase and walked on the pier.

Black hair, animal ears, white clothes, black silk, tachi.

In fact, the suitcase can be placed on the battleship, but it doesn't feel very good, dragging the suitcase for a walk-and-go journey.

Chuansheng, this is what I want.

After leaving the pier, I asked passers-by the way to the Maritime Safety Administration. This is the first time I have come to this city, and it is quite novel.

It's obviously just a small city with no special features, if it wasn't for some reason, she definitely wouldn't come here.

However, the port seems to be expanding, and I saw a lot of materials piled up on the beach, as well as various construction machines. The expansion is probably due to the needs of urban development, which means that the place has become better and better.

After inquiring, sure enough, I heard that the city's assessment will be upgraded. I don't know if it is true, but judging from the number of ships moored in the port, the safety index of this sea area is quite high.

Navigation is safe, no matter what, there will definitely be more ships, whether passenger ships or cargo ships.

The girl stretched her waist, her orange eyes swept over every detail here, um, it's a very nice atmosphere.

The Maritime Safety Administration is not far from here. It was originally a small city, and it arrived here soon after sailing from the port.

"who are you?"

As soon as I approached, I encountered an inquiry from the ship's wife of the Maritime Safety Administration.

On the dock in the distance, Pennsylvania, who was directing other ships to load and unload supplies, looked over.

"what's up?"

"Sister Pennsylvania, there is someone, ah no, a ship lady is here."

"Unfamiliar ship girl?"

Originally thought it was someone from the Suhao port area, but it turned out not to be a ship girl she had never seen before. Pennsylvania was surprised.

Oh my god, Lingshui actually has a free ship girl who isn't from Suhao Port!

"you are?"

"Haha~ It's just a ship girl passing by."

The girl smiled slightly.

"Ha... what's the matter?"

It seems that he is unwilling to report his name, and Pennsylvania is not reluctant. If he is here to join the job, he will know sooner or later, and if he is not, there is no need to know.

"Yes, I want to ask you about someone."

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