
"Here, what kind of person is the commander of Lingshui City?"

"Eh?" Pennsylvania was taken aback for a moment, "You mean Commander Su Hao?"

"Well, it's him."

It's strange that someone took the initiative to inquire about Su Hao.

Hey, girl, your behavior is very dangerous, please stop your free behavior!

Pennsylvania cried out in its heart.

Then she heard the girl say, "I heard that the commander here is an 18-year-old boy?"

"Ah, Commander Su Hao is indeed only 18 years old, what's wrong?"

"Then he has only been here for three or four months?"

"Yeah." It's something everyone knows.

"There are many ship girls in his port area?"

Pennsylvania frowned: "What's the matter? Although it's not confidential, we can't say much about other people's affairs. If you want to know more, you can go directly to the port area to ask."

"Ah, that's it."

"However." Pennsylvania shook her head slightly, "If you have other places you want to go, or something you want to do, I don't mind if you go to that port area."

The girl was slightly puzzled: "Why?"

Pennsylvania pursed her lips, looked into the distance, and said leisurely: "Because, when you go there, you probably don't want to leave. At that time, maybe you still have important things to do, but if you don't want to leave, you will Falling into a state of entanglement and difficulty in making a decision, understand?"

girl:? ? ?

Don't want to leave after you go?

"Is it a little exaggerated? Hehe~ I have never been to a place where I don't want to leave." The corner of the girl's mouth lightly raised, "I'm more interested when you say that."

Pennsylvania shook her head, she didn't want to talk about unnecessary things.

Anyway, she has already witnessed the fall of three colleagues.

Assaulters and Firefly, now go to Atlanta every now and then, and sometimes they don’t come back. I feel like I’m in Cao Ying and my heart is in Han. Only lmyj is missing, and Atlanta can officially become the ship girl in the port area.

She just reminded the girl that it would be rude to talk about unnecessary things.

After all, for the port area, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to find a boat for the free ship girl to visit.

As a member of the Maritime Safety Administration, you can't secretly trip the port area.

"Okay, it's time for me to leave."

When she asked what she wanted to ask, the girl waved her hand, said thank you, and prepared to leave.

Pennsylvania watched her off.

"By the way." The girl suddenly turned her head and said with a smile, "You guys are really free here. There is a powerful port area covering you, isn't it good? Hehe~"


Seeing the girl walking away, Pennsylvania wanted to unfurl her ship and give her a shot.

whispering sound!Who do you look down on?

Commander Su Hao's port area has not grown gradually under our care.

Also, who do you think you are?

Join Minato if you want to join Minato?

Just watch it, it's better for you.

Pennsylvania seems to have seen the picture of this guy trembling under the majesty of a group of bigwigs in the port area.

Then, find a good time to laugh at her.

Thinking about it this way, Pennsylvania's mood immediately improved a lot.

"Well, work, work~"

What she does the most every day is to allocate supplies from other places, and then make an inventory of them before sending them to the Suhao port area.


No, this is called joint operations!

Our Maritime Safety Administration cooperates with the port area to ensure the safety of Lingshui City's sea area, understand?

Su Hao didn't know about these things that happened in the Maritime Safety Administration.

At this time, he was facing a problem.

Chicheng after marriage is really clingy!


PS: I just finished writing a chapter at noon, and I haven't caught my breath yet. I saw all the bosses throwing blades for rewards, boss Yuyuko, boss Sanae, boss Chestnut, boss Dingdang, etc. I didn't list them one by one, so I immediately updated another chapter, which is already 1.8w words, rush! !Continue to code words, rewards are being offered, ask for rewards and blades, reborn from the ashes, I am the strongest! !

Chapter 379 Before Marriage After Marriage [Jia Geng Chong Chong Chong! ! 】

It is said that married men and women are completely different before and after marriage. In fact, from Su Hao's point of view, there seems to be no difference.

I married Sister Li before, what's the difference?no feeling.

Mostly, it's an extra title of Marriage Ship, but Su Hao still prefers to call her Sister Li.

I can't help Miss Li!

There is no change before and after marriage, and Sister Li's mood is similar. She still helps Su Hao manage the port area as a secretary, but sometimes she comes to Su Hao's room at night and becomes more calm.

Well, probably this one has changed the most.

After thinking about it, it's the soft feeling of the cheek buried between the mountains... No, no, I can't think about it.

Others, today's city is also a wedding ship, so it turns out that there is not much change.

It doesn't even mean that the marriage ship has to be repaired to sleep together, no, this kind of thing is completely unlocked under special opportunities.

Tiancheng is not Chicheng, her love is elegant and gentle.

Chicheng is fire, surrounded by you, with passion like fire.

This is true before marriage, and it is also true after marriage.

Su Hao won't talk about how crazy Chicheng was after getting the ring that night, but just talk about these two days, once Su Hao is free, Chicheng will definitely pounce on him and stick to him.

Although a beautiful and sexy girl, and a girl with animal ears, the feeling of dribbling into people with the ball is really great, but I can't stand it all the time.

"Commander Commander Commander, Akagi likes you the most~"

Su Hao has heard the same words countless times.

Although he repeatedly emphasized working hours and working hours, there was no way, even if he was standing by his side, the overflowing sense of happiness from Chicheng would be sweet to death. In the end, Richelieu was speechless and directly threw her out.

Being thrown out, of course Akagi was not convinced.

Why?You are a married ship and I am also a married ship, why can you stay in the office every day and do this and that with the commander?

In terms of ability, look at me, Yihangzhan, worse than you?

In terms of resourcefulness, Bai Ying Donghuang played tricks back then. I also have a sister who is a military adviser. This is the wisdom that comes down in the same line. Is it worse than you?

In terms of figure, have you ever seen a swimsuit, is it worse than yours?

Speaking of technology, Commander doesn't know how happy he is at night, worse than you?

In terms of identity, I am the beast ear girl, the favorite animal ear girl of mankind, worse than you?

But even though Chicheng could find out a hundred reasons, Richelieu was still indifferent.

The first marriage ship in the port area, the eldest wife, and the commander's sister, these titles are unshakable by Akagi no matter what.

"Look, my lord, what does Richelieu look like? Why does she have the right to occupy the commander?"

Seeing that he couldn't do it, Chicheng immediately asked Tiancheng for help.

Tiancheng is quite calm, in fact, nothing has changed after becoming a wedding ship.

"Sister!" Akagi couldn't turn himself into an insecticide in Minato, after all, Richelieu could kill the person who took the insecticide.

Black Rubik's Cube, a powerful ship girl with the ability of the wall of the temple's aurora.

If anyone in the port area can wrestle with her, probably only Amagi and Enterprise.

Tiancheng is not sure yet, she will use abnormal attack methods, and if she is anal, she will need Su Hao's Black Rubik's Cube to provide power.

The company itself has a black magic cube. Although she doesn't have many special methods, if the big E goes around the world, the damage may be doubled by 10 times.

Well, none of that matters.

The important thing is that Amagi didn't respond to Akagi's request for help.

Instead, he taught: "Chicheng, even if we are a married ship now, we can't always stick to the Lord. The Lord has things to do by himself. There are so many ship girls in the port area, and he has to take care of each of them. It would be unfair to the other sisters if you cling all the time."

How can a bowl of water be kept flat?Certainly not fair.

Tiancheng is well aware of the truth of this, they have already obtained the benefits that other ship girls do not have, so they should not be too greedy.

Although Chicheng was still upset, Tiancheng must be right when he said so.

After all, I can get the ring, but thanks to the help of my sister.

After all, Chicheng finally calmed down.

On the other side, Saratoga brought victory and fear together.

Originally, she still wanted to be called Hood, one of the original allies, but Hood has been training with George V and the others by the beach for the past two days, so there is no way.

The sister-in-law alliance attacked again, and the three of them got together with serious faces.

"Look, even Chicheng has a ring!"

"You two are stupid."

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