"We're going to join forces now, you know?"

Shengli played with his hair and answered absently.

She looked left and right, trying to find Su Hao's figure.

I'm upset, I don't have much time to be alone with Su Hao recently, and I don't even have the chance to conduct 'experiments'.

"Shengli, please concentrate, we are in a meeting."

Saratoga hated iron and steel, and she turned to look terrible.

"Dreadful, didn't you keep pestering the commander to teach you how to make cakes before? Now we have to take the initiative and create more opportunities, you know?"

My sister-in-law is always a theoretical school. She speaks clearly and logically, but the result is terrible that she doesn't understand a few words at all.

"Sister Shengli, the swimsuit you wore recently is so beautiful, where did you buy it?"

"Ah? That one. I bought it at a store in the port area. It looks pretty, but it's a bit expensive."

"It's okay if it's more expensive. I don't want to buy one recently, and I don't want to go so far to the port. There are still many people there, and I have been looked at so annoying."

"Then you can go to the store in the port area. The things in it are very good."

"Yeah, I'll take a look later, you can go with me!"

The two sisters talked to themselves.

Saratoga got angry: "Did you hear me seriously!"

"Yes, yes." Shengli looked around, and suddenly his eyes lit up, "Look!"

"What are you looking at! Don't change the subject!"


For a moment, both Saratoga and Terrible looked over.


Chicheng stopped making trouble, Su Hao finally had his own moment.

I gave away two of the rings I bought before, and I didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

"Sister Li, there is one more for the company." He said this, and then glanced at Richelieu who was working beside him.

"Well, the company just didn't go to perform the task today, you can find a time." Richelieu put down his pen and said with a light smile, "However, it's much more difficult for the company than Tiancheng and Chicheng."

"I think so too."

Su Hao sighed.

Speaking of it, Akagi is the easiest.

As for Tiancheng, it is also very easy to think about it now, after all, her birth is like the kind of person who is born with a full degree of favorability.

Only the enterprise is not so sure.

Although the relationship between the two is very, very good now, they have kissed and hugged each other, but they are only close to the door.

It's just that compared with Tiancheng and Chicheng, the enterprises here are relatively 'staying'.

"Let me see first... um, where is she?"

"You can go to the beach and have a look at the pier."

Su Hao went downstairs.

It is better to act than to be moved. If a man has two, he will have three. Anyway, two are given away, and the three are also given away.

Marriage, what's the matter? You must know that in the game, he has made 5 marriages in one go.

Walking on the way to the pier, I greeted the ship girls passing by.

Behind him, three thieves followed.

"Look, where is the commander going?"

"Go to the beach, this direction."

"What are you doing at the beach?"

"Walking? Relaxing? Playing with everyone?"

"Then shall we go back and change into our swimsuits?"

"Don't worry, just take a look, maybe there are other things."

"No, I still have to go back and change." Shengli ran away.

Kewei thought about it and ran away too.

Saratoga remained where he was for a while.

You are all gone, what should I do?

So, she also went to change into a swimsuit.



On the newly built pier.

There is no plan for what to do here, but the concrete floor is poured, which is quite spacious.

On the side close to the shore, the construction of the large warehouse has already begun. Standing here, the company can see the construction is halfway through.

The construction team didn't come today, so the ship girls can come out to play with confidence.

A little further away, I saw a group of people from Volkran Ayanami.

Somewhat unexpectedly, I saw the trio of Lafite and the vicious Nicholas, no, the trio turned into a quartet, and there was also z23, laying on the beach mat and basking in his ass.

A head popped out of the water, looking at everyone quietly, it was U47, she was everywhere.

Everything seems very serene, and the company likes this atmosphere very much.

drop drop~

the phone is ringing.

"Sister." She called out after connecting.

On the other end of the phone, Yorktown's voice was a little helpless: "Someone finally answered your call. It's really hard to make your call. Nine out of ten times you don't answer."

The enterprise chuckled: "There is no way, sometimes there is no signal when performing missions at sea, so I just don't bring it."

"How can you not keep such a convenient thing with you at all times... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

For mobile phones, enterprises are not cold at all.

She never looks at those messy things on the Internet.

Don't play games, don't watch dramas, and don't read novels, pure Buddhism.

"Sister, you called, what's the matter?"

"You can't fight if you have nothing to do?" York City teased: "You are really focused on the port area now, and you are fascinated by the Commander, and you don't care about us anymore."


The enterprise sighed helplessly, how could it have such charm.

"What's the matter? Isn't it?"

"Hmm... let's not talk about this anymore. Speaking of which, does Baiying have any reaction to the meeting invitation from the Maritime Safety Administration?"

Sensing that the company's mood was not right, York City also followed her topic and said: "Well, what Baiying means is that you happen to be there, so let's be one of the representatives. When the time comes, a few more people will go over to participate. After all, it is The first joint meeting must be taken seriously."

"Well, that's what I thought too."

After a pause, York City asked, "Enterprise, have you thought about coming back recently?"

The enterprise was silent for a while, "Let's talk about it, now I..."

Before the words fell, Su Hao's voice came from a distance.


"Sister, I won't tell you anymore, I have something else to do."



York City opened his mouth, and then smiled helplessly.

It seemed that my younger sister would never come back.


PS: When I write about dinner, finish coding this chapter, have a meal and rest for a while and continue. I will post another chapter in the early morning. Now it is 2.1w words, emmmmm, continue to code! !During the reward, everyone who has drawn a prize, please vote for the props and blades, recommendation tickets and monthly tickets are all available, please, I will count them when the time comes, Jiang Zi~

Chapter 380 Date A Big Battle? [Continue to add more!Go, go, go! 】

The company was on the phone, and I found out later that Su Hao regretted calling that, which affected her from answering the phone.

But soon the company hung up the phone. I don't know why, is it a harassing call?

"Commander, is there anything I can do for you?" Enterprise asked.

If Su Hao hadn't come over, he would have continued to chat with York City for a while.

But how should I put it, the company has always felt weird in the past two days, and can't concentrate on doing anything.

Originally, I wanted to ask Yorktown, but when I heard the latter talk about Su Hao just now, the company immediately felt that something was wrong. Seeing Su Hao at this time, it hurriedly hung up the phone.

She asked like this, and then explained: "I called my sister just now."

"Oh, York City." Su Hao chuckled, "When will she come over to play?"

"I didn't say anything, but this time Baiying agreed to the meeting invitation of the Maritime Safety Administration, and I will probably stop by and have a look at the time. If I am too busy, I may not come."

The company didn't think much about it, but wanted to meet York City if possible.

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