Of course, she would not take the initiative to help Su Hao dig into Bai Ying's corner.

In this regard, businesses are nothing like some sister-in-law named Sarah.

"Come here together if you're free. It's good for you sisters to meet up."

Mrs. York City is coming, of course Su Hao raised his hands to welcome her.

If she comes over, Hahahahahahaman will also come back, buy one get one free.

But come here, I will not have the cheek to ask the company to help salvage the ship, even if it is a sister ship, it is not uncommon to separate the two places, as is the case with St. Louis and Helena.

After all, time is just a fuzzy number for Jian Niang, and they can be said to be a typical example of not caring about eternity.

Of course, you can't do cheeky things, but if you come, it's okay to let them feel the beauty of the port area.

"Did you encounter any trouble yesterday?" Su Hao asked casually.

"No, it went well." Enterprise shook his head, and he was a little puzzled, what did the commander ask him for?

"Sister Li told me that you haven't rested for many days recently."

After returning from the last mission, the enterprise immediately devoted itself to the new work.

Her workaholic appearance has been like this since Bai Ying's time, and it won't be easy to change it all at once.

The enterprise tilted its head: "Is there?"

"No? Think for yourself."


"How long has it been since you went out shopping?"

The company is very puzzled. Even when he is free, he seldom goes shopping.

Thinking of this, she saw Su Hao swiping his phone with his head down.

"I saw an event just now... Well, the newly opened movie theater, I grabbed two tickets with a [-]% discount, let's go see it together."

"See a movie?"

"Well, have you ever been to a movie theater?"

Enterprise shook his head: "No, I don't really like watching those things."

Sure enough, it was as Su Hao expected.

For enterprises, watching movies is a waste of time.

But this is good. The company has never seen the movie, and maintains a certain sense of freshness about these things. Su Hao, a newcomer, has room to play.

When dating a girl, he can't think of any god-level strategy at all. It's nothing more than pressing the road, eating, buying gifts, and watching a movie at the end.

I heard that it is best to choose the night show when watching movies. Su Hao doesn't understand why, anyway, he chose the 8:[-] p.m.

It could have been a little later, but I won't be able to come back any later, and I have to get up early tomorrow to be a diligent commander.

As for the proposal of a date, it was Richelieu who had told him.

"Since you don't know what to do, let's go on a date. Looking at the company, you may have never dated before. In this way, if two novices get together, maybe something interesting will happen."

So, Su Hao came.

The company originally wanted to refuse, but it didn't feel too good. It was rare for the commander to find time to accompany him.

And in comparison, watching movies doesn't matter at all, and I don't have much time to get along with Su Hao these days. As a ship girl, especially a ship girl who is full of favorability, it is inevitable that I feel a little disappointed.

Enterprise doesn't quite understand, but she feels that the reason why she is not in the right state must be related to Su Hao.

Because what she wants to do most now is to nod, agree, and then go out together, whether it's watching a movie or simply taking a walk.

"Okay." Enterprise responded, and then thought of something, "Commander, can you wait for me for a while? I have something to do, and I will be fine soon."

"Let's gather downstairs in the office building in half an hour."


The enterprise left quickly, and Su Hao didn't know where she went.

Just in time, take advantage of this time to drive the car over.

I originally wanted to borrow a sports car in St. Louis, but it felt too ostentatious. I drove a supercar to the movies, sparks and lightning along the way, and movies were second to none. It would be better to go for a ride.

So, it is still a commercial vehicle, unpretentious, connotative and boring, well, it suits me very well.


On the other side, the enterprise hurried back to the dormitory.

Soon, someone came to her room.

"Enterprise, what's the matter, in such a hurry?"

The attacker was a little puzzled, she was reading the novel just now.

The heroine lost her memory, woke up and saw the male lead, the male lead liked the female lead, their relationship sublimated under careful care, and even entered the palace of marriage, then the male lead appeared, and then, the company called up.

Said something was urgent, and the assailant came immediately.

But it's actually in the room, what's the rush in the room?

She glanced at the corporate room.

At this time, the company was fiddle with the closet, and one piece of clothing was thrown on the bed.

The assailant was puzzled, "What are you doing?"

"Assaulter." Enterprise held a long skirt in front of him for comparison, "How about this set?"

"What's the matter, what are you talking about?"

"Does it fit me well?"

The assailant shook his head decisively: "It's not appropriate."

A long white dress, pure and innocent?What kind of vision, the Assaulter feels that the brilliance wear should be very good.

What's more, the company immediately put down the long skirt and took a woolen shirt.


"Although it's good, it still doesn't feel right. Wait a minute." The attacker put his hands on his chest, "Let me ask, what are you going to do? Attend a party?"

The enterprise thought for a while and said, "Almost."

"Formal occasions?"

The enterprise nodded very seriously: "Very formal!"

"Then why don't you just wear what you usually wear in combat? It's very handsome, and it will definitely shock a group of people."

"No." The enterprise shook his head, "Not suitable."

How can anyone go on a date with the commander in formal attire?

The assailant's eyes lit up, and he felt that he had discovered Huadian.

"You won't... you went with the commander?" She asked with a smile.



The enterprise blushed, "It's just to go to the movies. The commander said that he got two discounted movie tickets. It would be a pity not to use them."

The assailant shook his head secretly, thinking, girl, do you believe this kind of excuse?

Believe it or not, I said the potato chips in the supermarket next door are half price?

"What time does the movie start?"

"I don't know, I didn't ask."

Assaulter: "..."

Well, it's very corporate.

The attacker comforted himself in his heart.

However, she soon discovered the problem.

These days, the news of the wedding ship has been rumored, Tiancheng Chicheng has a ring and turned into a wedding ship, so who will be next?

Marriage ship, the Assaulter hid his little thoughts.

Then she kept staring at the enterprise.

"What's the matter?" The company looked a little unnatural.

Because I have a good relationship with the Assaulters, I asked them to help.

After all, I am not good at this aspect at all, but if it is too casual, I don't feel very good.

All in all, it is better to do everything that can be done first. This is the standard of action for enterprises.

"It's nothing." Assault said with a smile, and then began to choose clothes from the bed, "Then, let me dress you up beautifully!"


Su Hao drove the car over and parked under the office building to wait.

It is said that women spend the most time before dating, but Jianniang is naturally beautiful, and most companies don't know how to put on makeup.

She doesn't seem to have even cosmetics in her room.

Generally speaking, Jianniang also buys cosmetics more or less, even Sister Li's room has them, and the price is not cheap.

Of course, they are basically in a very light shape, which is hard to see, but they can show their charm more perfectly.

At this moment, he waited here for a while, and St. Louis came over.

"Want to go out?"


"My car is idle, I can lend it to you."

"No, no, no." Su Hao smiled, "It's just a trip to the city, so it's not good to show off, and if you drive your car, I'm afraid I'll bump into something."

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