St. Louis smiled: "When you drove out on my yacht, didn't you think so?"

"Uh, isn't it very spacious at sea...Speaking of which, where is Helena?"

"She's with Cleveland." St. Louis tilted his head, "You want to get her idea?"

Su Hao immediately denied: "Where, I just asked casually, and if I want to fight, it's your idea, we are so familiar."

St. Louis blushed, but she quickly covered it up.

"Think beautifully."

After speaking, he turned his buttocks and left happily.

Alas, when it comes to business, Aunt Sheng finds an excuse to escape.

It's a pity in Su Hao's heart, it would be nice if Aunt Sheng can be brought into the port area sometime.

It's perfect to get a holy aunt and pretend to be an incomparable wealth.

Wait, no, my goal can't be so superficial. It's the commander's long-cherished wish to salvage the boat. As the commander's love for Aunt Sheng, this feeling will not be mixed with money.

Well, that's right.

Just as he was thinking, two figures came from a distance.

The Raiders are generous, while the Enterprise is twitchy.

Off-the-shoulder white bottom and long sleeves, black half-length skinny jeans, bubble socks and black and white striped cloth shoes, the brim of the hat is slightly pressed down, revealing a shy rosy cheek.

The whole person is dressed up, clean and fashionable.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment.

The Assaulter smiled and waved his hands: "Commander, have a nice date~"


PS: 2.4w words, huh~ I'm going to take a shower, when I come back... I don't know if I can write another chapter, if not, I can only continue tomorrow, gkd!Ask the blade to reward the recommendation ticket and the monthly ticket, and offer a reward to Oli, brothers, take me to fly! !

Oh, by the way, if you are free, please give me a thumbs up on the anniversary rankings, thanks~

No, I will write tomorrow

I originally wanted to write a chapter, but I was really sleepy. Halfway through the writing, I will get up early tomorrow morning and write again. I will continue to update tomorrow, rush! !

Finally, let me say that there is no upper limit for rewards now, please give a wave of rewards for the things you have drawn, and I will do my best to explode the update, um, that's it, good night~~

a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words a hundred words one hundred words one hundred words one hundred words

Chapter 381 You are miserable, you can't get out of the port area anymore! 【Explosion update! ! 】

In the urban area of ​​Lingshui City, to be honest, there is really not much good place to speak of here.

From Su Hao's point of view, this is a very ordinary third-tier city. In comparison, the port side is now a prosperous first-tier city.

In this way, the gap is immediately obvious.

However, being deserted also has the advantage of being deserted. At least if you come here with the company, you won't be so crowded that you have to walk together because of too many people.

In fact, there is also a movie theater at the port. Su Hao went to see it once, but only watched it from the outside, and then the scene of crowds of people inside made him immediately give up his plan to go in and have a look.

There are many people, which is a good thing for movie theaters, but it is different for couples who want to have sex with each other.

Other than that, the other stores seem to be pretty much the same.

It can be said that more than 60% of the economy of Lingshui City is near the sea.

Driving the car from the port area, the enterprise sat in the co-pilot, twisting and twisting all the time, feeling a little uncomfortable.

I feel that this outfit doesn't match her previous image at all.

But the assailant said it looked good, and he didn't have much experience. The commander just kept staring at it, so it probably looks pretty good, right?

"What's wrong?" Su Hao drove quite steadily, and he could still drift with one hand. He turned his head and asked, "Is it uncomfortable to sit?"

"No, no." The company immediately shook its head, "It's pretty good."

"Originally, I wanted to drive a St. Louis car, but you think about that sports car... Well, I always feel that no matter where I go, it will attract the attention of people from all over the world. It's better for us to keep a low profile."

"Well, that's fine."

Enterprises don't care if the car is good or bad, as long as it can be driven.

After all, the ship's wife doesn't have material things, as long as she follows the commander, even wandering around and living a poor life is fine.

The main thing is the companion, not anything else.

"By the way, I watched it just now, and the movie is only shown at night, so I bought it until the evening."

"Eh? At night? Then it's not late at night after watching it?"

Su Hao shook his head: "There's no way, this kind of discount, there are so many people, I managed to snatch these two tickets."

Enterprise suspicious: "Really?"


"There are very few people in the urban area, and it's not a weekend, so how could it be full of people?"

The company is not stupid, and cannot be fooled at all, so Su Hao can only bow his head and admit his mistake.

"Okay, it's fake. In fact, I want to have more fun with you in the urban area, go shopping, date, so I save watching movies until night."

Saying this, Su Hao glanced at the enterprise, for fear that she would not want to get out of the car.

However, the company does not seem to be unwilling.

At this time, she lowered her head, with a look of annoyance in her expression.

Sigh~ I shouldn't have said it just now, right?

How to do?It feels so bad.

Clearly the Assaulter said that women should be more clumsy when men and women are dating. Although I don't know the reason, as a "love guide" in Minato City, what she said must be more correct than a novice like her.

It's clearly felt now.

Su Hao's embarrassing emotions just now were caught by the company, and then she immediately thought of the words of the assailant.

Sure enough, it really should follow what the attacker said.

Su Hao was a little puzzled.

So does the company have any objections?

But what's with this expression?

Sigh~ If I knew it earlier, it would be better to say it frankly from the beginning.

Sister Li also said the same thing before. Although the company seems a little clumsy in this regard, when she is a type with a high IQ attribute, it is best not to play tricks.

And companies also like a calmer way of communication.

Sure enough, as expected, we should follow what Sister Li said.

Well, just do it! *2

Listen to Sister Li (Assaulter). *2

At this moment, the company decided to carry out this special date in accordance with the essentials that the raider told her.

And Su Hao also decided to follow the method Richelieu told him to carry out the date before the proposal.


Here, the three of Saratoga rushed to the beach.

The three of them all changed into swimsuits at this time, and even Saratoga even brought diving goggles and swimming rings.

"Huh? Where's the commander?"

Saratoga looked left and right.

Shengli was speechless: "It's all your fault, Sara. You have to wear glasses and swim rings. You wasted so much time."

"No way, it's obviously less than an hour!" Saratoga raised her head with her hands on her hips. "Isn't it common sense to give a woman at least an hour?"

Shengli squinted: "What does the word woman have to do with you?"

Saratoga said angrily: "Why doesn't it matter? I'm a decent woman, can't you see it?"

Shengli couldn't see it, from the children's diving goggles to the cartoon-patterned swimming ring, to this one-piece children's swimsuit, she really didn't see it at all.

"Okay, okay." Kewei puffed out his chest, feeling too tired, so he put the two lumps on Saratoga's head, and said, "The question now is where did the commander go?"

Saratoga: "..."

You speak as you speak, why press me down?


While the three of them were watching around, a strange girl appeared on the pier dragging a suitcase.


Saratoga squeezed out from under the formidable twin peaks, watching the girl in the distance.

"Who are you looking for?"

Ship girl, it's obvious, otherwise why did she appear on the pier.

"Excuse me, is Commander Su Hao here?" the girl asked.

Saratoga was immediately alert.

Animal ears, big breasts, buttocks.

This figure is obviously the first one to catch at the anti-pornography scene!

"Victory is terrible. Look, here comes a guy with a plan."

"What kind of plot is worthy." Victory is still very polite to outsiders. She is an elegant royal lady, and said at this time: "Our commander is indeed Su Hao. Do you have anything to do with him?"

"Ah, it really is."

The girl smiled slightly, her eyes flicked over the three of them.

Victory, awesomeness, emmmmm... don't know which one is the object of marriage proposal?

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