Saratoga?She never thought about it.

Looking far away, although the seaside beach is not very beautiful, it can be seen that it is well-maintained and there is no flaw in hygiene.

The wharf has just been built, and as a port area less than four months old, it is quite good.

"Excuse me, is Commander Su Hao at home? I'm his, um... friend."

"Girlfriend?" Saratoga asked.

"Hehe~ No, at least not now."

"It's so suspicious." Saratoga said immediately, "We will not tell you the whereabouts of the commander to such a suspicious guy. If you want to join the port area, you must pass the special test of Teacher Sara."

"Ms. Sara? Where?"

"It's me! It's me!" Saratoga jumped up, trying to show her presence, "I'm the Saratoga aircraft carrier, woman, please name me!"

The corner of the girl's mouth raised: "Hey~ Saratoga aircraft carrier, it's surprisingly small."

Saratoga suddenly felt a very aggressive gaze on his chest.

"Ahhhhhhh! Bastard, how dare you look down on me, you are miserable, you are miserable, let me tell you, you can't get out of the port area now!"

After finishing speaking, Saratoga raised her swimming ring and was about to rush over to fight to the death, Victory and Awesome hurriedly grabbed her.

"Gaga, what are you doing again?"

In the distance came the voice of Lexington.

"Sister?" With tears in the corners of Saratoga's eyes, she turned her head and cried, "Sister, this guy actually looks down on me and despises the majesty of our Lexington class!"


Lexington tilted his head.

The strange girl said, "I'm just looking for Commander Su Hao."

"Commander Su Hao, he's not here." Lexington shook his head, "He went out with the company."

"Ah "*3

The three of Saratoga suddenly wailed.

It's over, I changed my swimsuit and came here, but the person disappeared.

"Sister, where did they go?"

"I don't know. The one who drove out probably went to the city to do business."

Lexington didn't care.

"If that's the case, don't bother."

The girl chuckled, then started sailing and left.

Victory was slightly puzzled.

A ship girl, the commander's friend?

You came here with a suitcase, did you come here specially to find someone?

"What should we do now?" Kewei's tone was lost, "The person is gone."

"I've changed into my swimsuits, so I don't necessarily have to chase after them in a swimsuit?"

"It's all Sarah's fault."

"It's all Sarah's fault."

Saratoga was stunned, hey hey hey, it's obvious that you guys want to change into your swimsuits! !


On the other side, Su Hao drove into the urban area.

It's not far away, in fact, it's not as close as driving to the port, but if you take the sea route, it's much closer to the port.

When the car entered the urban area, Su Hao parked it on the side of the road.

Richelieu's strategy appeared in his mind.

"Dating a girl is nothing more than shopping, eating, walking and watching a movie. As long as you use it flexibly, you can't be too deliberate or too rigid." ——by Richelieu, a theory master who has no experience in love. After the car door was locked, he asked naturally: "Enterprise, where do you want to go? Whatever you say...huh?"

What about people?

Just locked the door and turned around, no one was there!

Su Hao swept his eyes and saw a company standing in front of a huge poster not far away.

It was a promotional image for the aquarium.

With sky blue as the base map, various marine life are depicted on it.

"What's wrong?" Su Hao walked over.

This aquarium, if I remember correctly, doesn't seem to be very good.

After all, the population of Lingshui City is not large in the first place, and most of the tourists who come to visit now are concentrated in the area near the sea.

The scale is not bad, but the turnover is worrying, it can be regarded as barely making ends meet.

But now that Lingshui City is rising rapidly, it is estimated that this aquarium will gradually improve.

"It's beautiful."

Enterprise looked up and saw the cute dolphin rolling in the water, with a smile on his face.

"As a ship's wife, I don't seem to have taken a good look at the underwater world. After all, for us, there is always a sense of fear underwater."

Su Hao was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said:

"In this case, let's go to the aquarium for the first stop on the date."


PS: Woke up early in the morning and continued to write, today is still a big update, I don’t know how many chapters there are in the future, see what my brothers Ollie gave!After looking at it, the word count of yesterday’s reward seems to be less than 8 words. For me, I can stand it. I will continue to offer rewards today, go for it!Everything! !

Chapter 382 A contest between two newcomers! [It's 6k, go! 】

After buying tickets to go inside, there were not many people as Su Hao expected.

"There are so few people." The company was very puzzled, "Is it because of the working day? But isn't there more and more people visiting Lingshui City recently?"

"It's a working day. In addition, this is an urban area. Most of the development of Lingshui City now revolves around the seaside, so it's normal that there are few people in the urban area. If you travel all the way to the beach, you won't be in the urban area. turn?"

The enterprise nodded thoughtfully.

She didn't say that if she travels somewhere by herself, she will really choose to go to the city.

Firstly, there are few people here, and secondly, the ship's mother has been at the seaside all the time. After a long time, she will have some curiosity about the inland.

At this point the two walked into the aquarium.

There is nothing special inside, just like the aquarium in Su Hao's impression.

Once inside, the lights dimmed.

There are not many people, basically men and women are matched, it looks like a couple-like combination.

Su Hao doesn't think these guys are really here to visit. They probably hold hands with their girlfriends in the name of visiting the aquarium and chat with each other. Heh~ After watching so many TV series and anime, do you think I watch them for nothing?

Um?Wait, I seem to be the same?

When Su Hao came back to his senses, he found that the company was standing in front of a huge transparent glass.

Along the way, there are always fish in a small space. When we get here, it is probably the same as the center, and there are more people staying onlookers.

"Commander, look."

The voice of the enterprise seemed a little excited.

"what happened?"

"Look." She lowered her voice slightly to avoid attracting too much attention, and pointed to a huge aquatic creature near the glass, "Look, the devil fish, it's so big."

"Ah, yes."

"Look, look, that dolphin!"

"And turtles!"

Enterprises are getting more and more energetic.


Su Hao didn't expect her reaction to be so strong.

Isn't it just marine life? It stands to reason that the "age" of the company is not young, so it should have seen a lot, right?

"Commander, what is that?"

There are a lot of marine life in the central pool, and the company couldn't recognize them all, so it pulled Su Hao's sleeve and asked him.

"Which one?"

"That, very fat, looks a little dull."

"That, um... just wait, I'll check."

Su Hao knows a ghost.

At this time, I was about to check and take a photo to ask the almighty sand sculpture netizens, but the company immediately shifted its target again.

"That jellyfish looks so weird."

"Which one?"

"It will change color... Hey! Commander, let's go over there!"

Enterprise goes after a dolphin.

Su Hao was a little messy for a while, so what exactly do you want to see in the enterprise?

No, Su Hao suddenly understood, at this moment, the important thing is not what to watch, but who to watch with!

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