He suddenly remembered what the perverted netizen had said, and he was startled, yes, it's a waste of time to check what to do at this time.

Simply, Su Hao stepped forward quickly, walked over and held the hand of the enterprise.

"What's wrong here?"

Enterprise didn't break free, and she didn't even care. She looked towards the middle of the huge reservoir, and a staff member wearing a diving suit entered the water, following the dolphin's swimming trajectory, and accompanying it.

"Commander, do you feel that the combination of that person and the dolphin is like our ship's mother and the commander?"

Su Hao looked at her, waiting for her to explain.

"In the water, dolphins are omnipotent, but humans are vulnerable. Humans accompany dolphins, and dolphins protect them. Although it seems incredible to outsiders, this relationship is only known to each other."

"It's like, everyone doesn't understand why the ship girl can give her life to fight for the commander, because only we know that as long as it is for the commander, everything is worth it."

"The commander takes care of everyone and stays with everyone. We fight to protect. As a ship, we are not afraid of any enemy."

The words of the enterprise are not so imposing, but they are extraordinarily serious, just like her usual behavior and style, with a simple and serious character, a strong and confident temperament, this is an enterprise.

Incomprehensible but natural feelings?

Su Hao didn't speak, and now he held her hand and accompanied her silently.

Not long after leaving this huge cistern and continuing to walk in, there is a corridor in the water.

Outside the transparent glass on all sides, you can see a huge shark swimming from a distance. There are sharks and other small fish. When the company asked if the small fish would be eaten, Su Hao didn't understand either. It seemed that they had never been.

After all, human beings' impression of sharks comes more from movies.

But Su Hao even saw the divers go into the water, so he stuck to the shark. Those tourists were so nervous that they stood still and dared not speak. The company also changed its expression, as if as long as the shark did something out of the ordinary, she would immediately break the glass Rush in to save people.

Of course, if the glass wall is really broken, the people inside will probably suffer accordingly.

In the end, however, the divers made it ashore unharmed.

From beginning to end, the shark bird did not bird him.

The company breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Hao immediately felt it was funny. A company that is serious about this kind of thing looks so cute.

"Go on." Su Hao said.


Enterprise reluctantly looked back at the big shark.

big shark:? ? ?

In less than an hour, the two finished visiting the aquarium.

There is actually a place to rest and eat inside, but Su Hao thinks that there are too many people and food is not very good, so he didn't eat.

Sister Li said that when eating, you must choose a quiet place, high-end but not too high-end, otherwise it will appear restrained.

Coming out of the aquarium, the two walked down the street.

"Where do you want to go next?" Su Hao asked, "Anywhere is fine."

Sister Li's dating book: Go where girls want to go, not where you want to go.

Enterprise immediately said: "Commander, you can decide."

Raider Dating Book: Boys usually make plans before dating, but in order to respect girls, they will symbolically ask them where they want to go. At this time, just let the other party decide.

When the company said that, Su Hao was in a difficult situation.

Dating is nothing more than shopping, eating, watching movies, walking the road to a hotel, at this point...

Because it came out at two o'clock in the afternoon, it was too early for dinner.

"Then let's go for a walk."

"OK, all right."

Su Hao held the hand of the enterprise.

Enterprise looked down and did not speak.

The two walked a distance, and a girl dragging a suitcase appeared where they were standing before.

"Hehe~ I found you."


Go shopping, eat, watch movies and walk along the road.

Su Hao silently recited the dating formula in his heart.

However, even so, I feel that I have memorized it backwards, but it is still a bit difficult.

Going shopping is too general. Just passing by a shopping mall, Su Hao suggested to go shopping and buy something from the company, but the latter resolutely refused.

There is no shortage of clothes, dolls are not wanted, decorations and the like have already been purchased in the room.

Helpless, finally had to come out.

Walking and walking, tired of walking, sat down in a fruit drink shop.

In the distance, the girl following them frowned.

"What is this all about?"

Along the way, the road was bare.

Don't tell her it's called a date?

If anyone goes on a date with her like this, she will definitely blow the other's head off.

It's so boring!

But soon the girl's eyebrows stretched again.

"It seems to be more interesting this way..."

Here, Enterprise sat on a chair, waiting for Su Hao to bring the drink over.

She lowered her head, reflecting on her words and deeds along the way.

Well, there seems to be no problem.

But... the current situation seems to be wrong for the attackers again. Didn't they say that there will be a lot of things at that time, and they may be in a hurry?

"What's wrong with that?"

Could it be because the commander refused when he invited me to the mall just now?

The company was taken aback, only to remember that the Assaulter had said that it is a normal procedure to go shopping in the mall on a date!


Just as he was thinking, Su Hao took the drink and put it down.

He said: "Later, let's go to the food street over there. There are many delicious things. Although it is not as lively as the port, it is also very good to hear people here."

"Food?" The company thought for a moment and said, "But it's not long before dinner, wouldn't it be good to eat these before dinner?"


It's over, it's over, I tried my best to ask the boss about the fun places just now, but it's gone.

"Let's have a drink first, and then we'll talk about it after a rest."


Businesses feel like they've screwed things up again.

Su Hao took out his mobile phone, ready for Aite to take a look at Sister Li.

As a result, he soon discovered that the perverted netizen had actually sent him a message.

Pervert: "Are you dating?"

"Uh, how do you know?"

Abnormal: "Guess, how is it going, is it going well?"

"It's not going well." Su Hao went to the doctor in a hurry, "Do you have any ideas? I don't know what to do now. I watch a movie at night, and there is still some time before dinner. I have already pressed 2 kilometers away just now. Malu is now at a standstill."

Pervert: "Hehe~ Little brother, don't worry, my sister is here."

Su Hao was speechless, returning to his sister and sister.

Forget it, for the sake of your emergency, I won't call you a dead ladyboy.

Abnormality: "It's actually very simple to pass the time. Take her to the park for a walk, but that's too boring. If there is a shopping mall nearby, take her to experience the entertainment facilities. Ship girls are usually very curious about such things. "

Su Hao twitched his lips, waiting in vain.

"That's it? I've used this trick a long time ago. She doesn't like going to the mall."

Pervert: "What did you tell her before?"

"I said go to the mall and buy something for her."

Perverted: "Idiot, if you want to buy something, of course she won't go, and she doesn't want anything... But the ship girl who is with you is stupid enough, she can't even detect your thoughts."


dead shemale.

Dare to scold my company.

Pervert: "Be tougher, just say go and have fun."

"Can it be done?"

Perverted: "It will definitely work, little brother, if you believe in your sister, you must be right."

"let me try."

Su Hao also felt that it made sense. The company was relatively straightforward in this regard, so he probably thought he wanted to buy something.

Thinking of this, he said to the company: "Let's go to the mall later, there is a small game mall inside, let's go and have a look."


The enterprise froze for a moment.

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