She was still regretting refusing to go to the mall just now.

Here's your chance, grab it!

The enterprise immediately nodded: "Okay."


Su Hao was also stunned.

He suddenly realized that this perverted netizen's routine seems to be more useful than Sister Li's routine!


PS: After writing a chapter, I will go to dinner later, and continue writing after dinner, emmmmm, look at my eyes, everyone understands, right?But having said that, the lottery draw is so pitiful. I saw that someone got a notebook md, so I got a 90 blade, and I lost money by voting for myself. I got a mouse pad, but I didn’t even get a pillow. Oh!

Chapter 383 It's always right to listen to the master on the date with the company

There is a specialization in the art industry, and this saying is always true.

Although Sister Li is a strategy guide, most of her strategies are based on theory.

Besides, although the ship girl is a strange creature, she is actually similar to a human being in this respect.

It doesn't mean that if you live for a long time, you will have experience. Su Hao must emphasize this point.

Like him, the two lives of zero and zero have lived for decades in total, and he is not like this bird.

In the past, Butter did not play less, and he also played a lot of strategy masterpieces of the pure love series, but when these experiences were applied in reality, it was suddenly different.

Why is it different?

Nonsense, how do you think I survived decades of single life?

So, for this kind of thing, it is really necessary to ask experienced people.

Su Hao felt that he, a perverted netizen, was an experienced person.

Judging from the current form, this guy should be a big guy who is around 30 years old.

Maybe I used to dream of becoming a commander, but unfortunately I didn't succeed in the end, but because I am passionate about this aspect, I know a lot about commanders and ship girls.

In normal times, I probably always imagined myself as a commander, so I developed this sickness.

As for the so-called 'sister', heh!Please, this is the Internet, if you believe it, you will lose.

But no matter what, for a 'scholar' with in-depth research, it is not an exaggeration to call him a master pervert at this time.

Therefore, Su Hao intends to temporarily change his policy and follow the method of a master-level pervert.

At this time, he and the company walked back to the mall.

Although it was a working day, there were quite a lot of people. Anyway, in a place like a shopping mall, no matter where there was no one, there must be people here.

He had been here with Sister Li once before, so he knew that there was a small game city on the second floor, which was similar to the port side, except that there was no fishing or the like.

Coin pushers, claw machines, racing cars, gun games, and shooting hoops.

There are quite a few people, most of them are young people. Some couples are playing racing together. They just sit on the seat and turn the steering wheel, but they can let them play the feeling of racing on the track. I really admire it.

There is a large dance machine inside, and two high girls are dancing on it, dressed very coolly.

The adults are playing with coin pushers and other things, but Su Hao is sure that this thing is definitely something that eats money, and he has never seen anyone make money.

At this time, he walked in with the company and immediately attracted the attention of many people.

No matter where the company goes, it is the focus of attention, and even Su Hao is in the limelight. Many girls cast their gazes, what?Girl, do you want to add my chat number?As for Sao Rui, my love can only be given to my girls.

Void rejected the girls' kindness, and Su Hao went to the front desk to buy a box of coins.

"Go play shootout."

Su Hao, who was about to walk towards the claw machine, received a message from the master.

"Shoot? Shoot zombies and dinosaurs, are you sure?"

Didn't you say that dating starts with dolls?

Fighting zombies and dinosaurs with my sister, what kind of trouble?

"Okay, listen to my sister."

Su Hao hesitated, and said to the enterprise, "Let's go over there and have a look."

Enterprise followed Su Hao, passing by those claw machines without even looking at them.

When it comes to the shooting area, some are standing in the open air, and some are sitting semi-enclosed, any posture is fine.

Su Hao picked a semi-closed one and asked, "Do you want to play with this?"

He just tried to ask, if he didn't play, he would grab the doll immediately.

The company looked at the game content and nodded: "Yes."

I'm here

Master, I was wrong!

Enterprises sit in and start to study how to play.

Su Hao explained: "Basically, it is to operate the machine to shoot. Have you seen the focal point on the screen? Point to it, and press the attack button to shoot there. In addition, there are 3 rounds of life every time. Grenade attack, that's about it."

"It doesn't seem complicated."

"It's just a game. If it's too complicated, no one will play it."

Su Hao put in the coin, and the game started.

"I chose this type to clear the level. Just follow the instructions and pass the level smoothly. Don't let those dinosaurs come close, especially those flying in the sky. They are faster. If you can't do it, use a grenade."

Having said that, after officially entering the game, the fierce battle began.

At first, Su Hao thought that the company was just trying out out of curiosity, but at the beginning, she became serious as if she had entered the battle mode.

chug chug chug...

There was a series of gunshots from the machine, and all kinds of dinosaurs roared. Sometimes I was really shocked when I watched it on the screen.

Su Hao didn't play this much at first, and he soon became GG, and the company he was with was still full of blood.

"I go!"

Su Hao didn't believe in evil, so he threw a coin and continued, but within a minute he was GG again.

There is no way, many people in this game use coins to pass the level. A large group of dinosaurs rushed over, and the blood bar disappeared before they could react.

Just experience the game of eating coins. If you can pass the level, how can the game city make money?

"Commander, let me protect you." Enterprise said while fighting.

"Uh, good."

Su Hao put in another coin.

This time, with the care of the enterprise, he persisted until the end of the first level, and died a second before the enterprise completed the task prompt.

Su Hao: "..."

What's the point of this game?

Isn't it just dead all the time?Who wouldn't!

I can do it too.

"It seems quite interesting." Beside him, the enterprise showed a smile, waiting for the next level.

Su Hao was silent for a while, and lost another coin.

Just let him die, as long as the company is happy.

ten minutes later.

Su Haosheng crawled out from inside without love.


md, took 15 lives, passed!

On the other hand, the enterprise, playing for the first time, actually passed the level with one life!

Throughout the whole process, Su Hao was basically responsible for attracting firepower for the company. After throwing the grenade and causing a wave of damage, he basically waited for GG.

"Well, it's more interesting than I imagined~" Enterprise stretched his waist, moved his body, and asked eagerly: "Commander, what shall we play next?"

"Uh." Su Hao pointed to the zombie-beating machine in the distance, "Or just play that one?"


So, the happy game of fighting zombies begins.


"Hehe~ You did a pretty good job."

In the game hall, the girl stood in the distance watching Su Hao's passionate battle with the company.

She is still very interested in this kind of thing of cultivating Mengxin to thrive.

Although sometimes it's more interesting to see Mengxin's younger brother at a loss.

"However, this younger brother is really powerful."

The girl lowered her head and swiped her phone, which was full of recent news from Lingshui City.

Since the second half of the year, there have been fewer accidents.

Especially in the past few months when Su Hao took office, Lingshui City can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes.

A lot of news reports are promoting the achievements of Su Hao Port District, which is a compliment that spares no effort.

Among them, some are reported by the Maritime Safety Administration, and many are inspired by the local government.

In a word, he changed Lingshui City.

The girl put down the phone and looked at Su Hao in the distance, as if looking at a beloved 'toy'.

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