Helpless, the girl could only ask him to send her to the seaside, and finally sail back, it was too late.

She hesitated for a moment, and slowly approached that side, trying to hear what the two of them were talking about.

She really wanted to know how Su Hao succeeded.

He actually didn't follow her master's decision and succeeded in the end, what was the reason?

But as soon as he got close, the voice of the company came over.

"You followed us all the way, should you come out?"


Found out?

The girl immediately stopped and held her breath.

"It started from the urban area. To be precise, after we came out of the aquarium, your Excellency has been following us. What is your plan?"

Enterprise looked down at Lin Zi with a serious expression.

Su Hao was stunned for a moment: "Is there anyone?"

"Well, Commander, a strange ship lady has been following us today, right there."

As a legendary ship girl with transcendent strength, how could she not even have this bit of vigilance?

However, considering the urban environment and Su Hao's safety, the company did not expose the other party.

After all, if there was a fight in the urban area, the scene would definitely be quite bad.

Unexpectedly, the other party actually followed to the port area.

If you say you don't have any intentions, you definitely don't believe it.

"Ah, it's indeed a legendary enterprise account."

Now that she was discovered, the girl did not intend to hide anymore.

She came out and looked at Su Hao and Enterprise with a smile on her face.

"First of all, I don't have any hostility. It's better to say that I am helping you all along the way."

In order to prevent being beaten, this point must be made clear.

After all, the ship girls in the port area are unreasonable.

"Help us?" Su Hao stared at her, the light was too dark and the distance was too far away, so he couldn't understand clearly.

But this outfit and the animal ears on her head must be the ship's mother.

Hanging a sword?

Sakura's ship girl?

"Of course, otherwise, brother, how could your date be so smooth?"


Su Hao was so frightened that he retreated tactically.

At this moment, the hormones produced in his heart when he just embraced the company instantly turned into cholesterol.

Shocked my sister!

"You are that pervert master!?"

The girl said displeased: "What, I'm a real ship girl, what do you think of me?"

"Ah no, I'm just...uh, talking nonsense."

Su Hao shook his head, he was scared to death.

I have been chatting with him emotionally, and the netizen who mistakenly thought that the uncle was picking his feet was actually a beautiful girl and a ship girl!

Oh my god!

Wait wait, it's not true, is it?This is not true, is it?

Look again, continue to look, well, it's true!

Su Hao really wanted to take out his friend records to verify one by one, to see if there were any other ship girls.

"Commander, do you know her?" Enterprise tilted his head.

"Well, that's right, she is..." Su Hao looked at the girl, "By the way, what's your name?"

The girl raised her mouth and said with a smile, "I am the second ship of the Kaohsiung-class heavy cruiser——Atago~"

what! ?

Su Hao opened his mouth and froze in place.


Love big dogs!


Chapter 386 Atago, Love Big Dog! [Ask for rewards for all kinds of tickets! 】

Big dog.





Well, these are not, after all, it is not Xili, how could it be like this?

But speaking of Atago, I have to say that there are so many ship girls in the blue world, no matter which commander this guy is, he has a deep impression on her, right?

After all, as a commander, who is not an old pervert?

Su Hao has a showdown, he is an old pervert.

Seeing Atago, the old color critic was of course pleasantly surprised...ah no, surprised.

It turned out that the foot-picking uncle I imagined turned out to be Ai Dagou who can be caught every time the anti-pornography scene!

Su Hao was completely dumbfounded.

At this time, he drove the car towards the harbor area.

Along the way, Atago began to complain.

"Obviously my plan is so perfect, brother, you really don't listen to me."

After complaining, there was another speechless speech.

"You're an enterprise, right? You look like an old-fashioned and serious character. Such a person was kidnapped to the hotel, and he definitely wouldn't resist the commander."

"So, brother, do you regret it? Of course, even if it's too late, it's okay in the port area, but it may be discovered by other ship girls... Well, or here? Don't worry about me, although I have no actual combat Experience, but it is still possible to guide you, hehe~"

Su Hao twitched.

Although what Atago said was very reasonable, if she didn't show up, maybe something would really happen to him and the company.

After all, the atmosphere at that time was so good.


Forget it, don't be angry, I am a dog lover.

Enterprise didn't think there was anything wrong, anyway, she had already got the ring and understood what she wanted.

It's just that I'm quite displeased with Atago, a stranger, pointing fingers.

"Even if the commander agrees to let you stay temporarily, it doesn't mean that you know us well."

The company is not polite, this person is old and coquettish, one can tell that she is not a serious ship girl.

"And the commander only has one older sister. Don't blame me for not reminding you, only she can use the title 'brother'."

"Ahh~ Is there anyone else who calls this kind of name? I want to see which ship girl it is."

The tone of the enterprise is flat: "You don't want to know."

Yes, there can be many ship girls in the port area, even many marriage ships, but Commander, there is only one sister.

This point is also the consensus of all the ship girls in the port area.

Richelieu, who has lived with the commander for ten years, will always be his 'Sister Li'.

The company didn't think there was anything wrong, after all, the ten-year relationship was not that simple.

Who is cute?

A guy popped up out of nowhere and called himself the commander's younger brother. Any other ship girl would be offended.

Enterprise is quite good-tempered. If it was Saratoga, he would have raised his staff and come here to fight for his life.

I didn't even call my brother-in-law!Why do you call me brother?

In the driver's seat, facing the communication between the two, Su Hao didn't know what to say.

Not long after, the car arrived under the office building.

He stopped at a random place.

"Hey! The commander is back!"

Not far away, after seeing his car, some ship girls immediately surrounded him.

"Hey, why is there someone else here?"

There is another person, certainly not a company.

After all, Richelieu said that Su Hao went out to work with the company.

Another person, Atago, Ai Dagou dragged the suitcase and got out of the car, waved to everyone without hesitation, and said with a smile: "Sisters in the Minato District, hello~ I am Atago, from your commander. Oh sister."

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