Enterprise glanced at her and didn't say much.

"Ah! It's you!"

Among the crowd, Saratoga rushed out.

She stared at Atago, "It's you, that annoying guy who came during the day!"

"Ah~ It seems that you have misunderstood me, little sister~" Atago said with a smile, "Obviously, I'm not a bad person."

"Hmph~ You are so coquettish, you don't look like a good woman at first glance." Saratoga said to Su Hao, "Commander, why did you bring this kind of guy back?"

Sister Sara is still very accurate in seeing people.

Besides, Opie is so big, either coquettish or coquettish.

"Okay, okay, I'm a guest, I'm just using it temporarily for one night, don't say so much." Su Hao waved his hand, it's impossible to drive Atago out now, right?

Atago immediately laughed: "Hehe~ It's still my younger brother who knows how to love me, and it's not in vain that my sister is so good to you."

Saying this, a voice came from afar.

"Who is your brother?"

All of a sudden, the atmosphere seemed to be wrong.

The few ship girls who had been surrounding gave way one after another.

Afterwards, Richelieu came over with Dido.

She walked among the crowd and looked at Atago calmly, like a big sister looking at a younger brother.


The instinctive vigilance from the ship girl made Atago cheer up immediately.

This blonde woman has a strong oppressive force!

"Miss Li."

Su Hao and Richelieu looked at each other, and the latter subconsciously looked at the left hand of the enterprise. Although it was well hidden, he could still see the ring.

Richelieu smiled: "I'm back."

"Well, the movie is boring, so I came back early."

Richelieu nodded, and then looked at Atago, the smile disappeared immediately.

"Who did you call brother just now?"

Atago opened his mouth.

Rationality: You can't say it, you mustn't say it!Said it would kill the ship girl!

Nature: Heh!So what?Did she really dare to kill me?

Tangled for three seconds.

Atago said: "It's just a joke. It's a joke between me and your commander. If you don't like it, then I won't applaud it."

Saratoga immediately gave her the middle finger.


No, this is called strategic confession, not really afraid of the other party.

After all, there are so many people now, and she is alone, so the good girl doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

"That's good." Richelieu didn't pursue anything further, "No matter what your status is when you come to our port area, as long as Xiao Hao agrees, you are a guest, but guests must abide by the rules of the port area."


"What's the matter? Mistress Richelieu." Dido smiled and walked forward.

"Please prepare a room for this guest, choose a better one." Richelieu emphasized.

"Okay." Dido made an inviting gesture towards Atago, "Dear guest, please come with me."

Atago wanted to get mad.

But, reason, reason.

There is ample time.

Although at the beginning she just came here with curiosity and playfulness.

But now, she couldn't swallow this breath!

We must let this woman surnamed Li know how powerful she is!

Richelieu?snort!The war in the port area, the war of women, is not about being stronger than anyone else's guns!

just wait.

Wait and wait.

While thinking, Atago and Dido left.

Su Hao watched her leave, and then felt helpless: "Sister, don't scare her."

"Is there?" Richelieu tilted his head cutely, and then asked the others, "Do you think I scared her?"

"No no." *N

Saratoga yelled: "Miss Richelieu is so handsome! Let that ignorant woman have a taste of the power of our port area!"

"Hehe~" Richelieu chuckled lightly.

She is liking little sister Sara more and more.

"Okay, everyone, let's go and rest early."

The ship girls dispersed.

Enterprise glanced at Richelieu, and then walked towards the dormitory building.

Richelieu came over.

"Okay, don't read it, they're all gone." She said with a smile, "I'm in the port area every day, can't I get tired of watching it?"

Su Hao nodded: "I can't get tired of watching it. I can't get tired of watching any of you. It takes a lifetime to watch."

The younger brother also learned to be glib, Richelieu chuckled, "It seems to be going well, but why didn't you watch the movie in the end?"

"Well, I didn't want to look at it, so I came back. I gave the ring at the seaside in the end, and it succeeded."

Richelieu didn't delve into it, but asked, "What's the situation with that ship girl named Atago?"

Su Hao shook his head, he couldn't tell about his encounter with a pervert, and of course he couldn't tell Sister Li that he switched to Atago's strategy on the way.

"It's nothing, it's a netizen. I chatted a few words before, but I didn't expect to find it."

Speaking of this, he sighed a little: "There is also Jian Niang who likes to surf the Internet so much."

"What's so strange, isn't Vicious also playing games every day? Assaulter also reads novels on his mobile phone every day."

"Well, yes."

Su Hao and Richelieu walked towards the dormitory.

Richelieu suddenly asked: "Xiao Hao, where are you sleeping tonight?"



On the other side, Enterprise returned to the room.

Just as she breathed a sigh of relief, someone quietly entered her room.

"Enterprise, how is it?"

The assailant asked impatiently.

"How about what?"

"A date!" Before the two came back, the attacker had already made up several G images in his brain, "Did anything interesting happen? And what I said, is it useful?"

The enterprise thought for a while and nodded: "It is quite useful."

"Hey~ Right!"

The Raiders have some pride.

I don't read so many novels for nothing.

As far as theory is concerned, it is not lacking at all.

The only thing is actual combat experience, unfortunately... oh~ I am a mere assaulter, even though I have been remodeled, if I ask the commander for a ring, isn't it a little bit of an inch?

Never mind.

She asked, "In this case, why did you come back so early?"

"Because the commander said the movie was boring, I thought so too, so I came back."

"Huh!? Is the commander an idiot!! Is it an idiot? Is it a big idiot? How can you be so stupid!!"

The assailant suddenly froze.

The enterprise was slightly puzzled, "Why did you react so strongly?"

"Does it need to be said? According to the normal development, the hero and heroine went on a date, the relationship warmed up, and then went to watch a movie together. It was late at night, so I found a hotel to stay in, a single room, and finally got together under the right time, place and people." One! Isn't that the most beautiful script ever?"

"Sigh~ Such a good opportunity to confess is wasted. Really, you, you, I told you so much and you didn't remember it. Next time, next time, next time, I don't know when the next time will be!"

Enterprise support: "What kind of mess are you thinking about?"

It's really all in one...

The assailant stared: "This is the normal process of dating, you really, I don't know what to say about you..." As she spoke, she looked down, "Huh? Enterprise, what are you wearing?"

"Ah, this..." Enterprise raised his hand.

The Assaulter suddenly fell silent.

what to do.

Thought he was a loser, but turned out to be a winner in life?

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