"what happened?"

She was silent for a while, then turned and walked away.

enterprise:? ? ?


PS: A new week, a new day, a new update has begun, go ahead!Offer a reward to gkd! !

Chapter 387 Atago: Something is wrong with this port area 】

The attacker left suddenly, and it was a bit regrettable that he didn't have time to say thank you.

"Forget it, let's talk about it tomorrow."

The enterprise shook his head, the raider should be anxious to go back to read the novel, so he didn't care.

I will thank her well tomorrow, um, how about buying some physical novels as a thank you gift?

I don’t know how good those novels are. I was recommended to read one before, and it’s mostly about the story of the arrival of a domineering president. After reading more than a dozen chapters, the company can’t read it anymore.

Ask where the Raiders look good?What's not good about it?When asked rhetorically, I couldn't tell what it didn't look good, but I felt that it tasted weird.

In human terms, it seems to be 'too strong'?


I don't understand. At this time, the company tidied up the clothes that were piled on the bed before going out, and fiddled with the hair, feeling that it was about to be washed.

He took off his clothes, revealing a plump and sexy figure.

Jianniang is really the type that looks very fleshy but doesn't feel fat at all. In fact, companies also have meat, mainly concentrated on the chest, and many Jianniangs also, like Akagi, not only have meat on the chest, but also other There are also places, but at that time it was full of meat rather than full of fat. The best way to verify it is to press it with your hand and it will feel like a Q bomb.

Enterprises are under pressure and have flexibility. They didn't care much before, but now they feel that they should care.

Why should you care?In fact, it can be seen from the preparations before going out that people rely on clothes and saddles, and it is still useful to dress up.

Of course, you don't need to go out to show others, and you don't need to see it yourself. Showing the commander is the main thing.

At this time, the company stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror and looked at it. The skin is white and tender, like snow. I used to say that it feels as white as snow, and I feel a little happy. If the commander sees it, he should like it more?

No, no, it's strange that there is such an idea.

After touching the ring on his hand, the corners of Enterprise's mouth slightly raised.

Then she took off the ring and put it on the head of the bed, took off the last underwear, revealing her perfect figure.

It's a pity that it was only a few seconds, when she walked into the bathroom with a towel.

The sound of running water sputtering, the water wets the body, and the water stains are left along the smooth curve, converging at the drain to form a small vortex.

In fact, if you want to take a bath, it is not good if you only have a shower, but it is very comfortable to take a bath, and you can enjoy a moment of tranquility while taking a bath.

As a ship's mother, taking a bath is actually very common, but the conditions in the port area are limited, Su Hao doesn't know much about it, Richelieu didn't say it, and neither did everyone. After all, the port area can only do this now. If Su Hao knew, he would have to build a bathhouse for everyone if he sold his pot and sold his body.

Well, the main reason is to use it for bathing. It will be more convenient to build a bathhouse, so I have no other ideas.

At this time, Enterprise didn't stay in the bathroom for long in case it was taken away by some force.

After taking a shower, I came out wrapped in a towel.

I dried my hair, thought about it and put on the ring again. It felt a little addictive, so strange, even after wearing it, there would be no magical power.

"Huh ~ the ring."

Enterprise was lying on the bed, with long silver hair spread out, raised his hand, his light white fingers were facing the light, and the silver white ring shone brightly.

Ring, wedding ship.

Never thought of such a thing before.

"It's really left behind."

The voice was a little regretful, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Turning over, she took the phone over and made a call.

"Hello? Sister, that... There is something I want to tell you..."


On the other side, Atago was brought to the leftmost room on the third floor.

Dido was making the quilt for her, she went to the balcony to take a look, and said, "Why do you want to live in this room?"

There are only three floors in total, and the lower two floors are almost full, but there are rooms in the next door and the next door, so this place is almost alone, deserted.

Dido smiled and said, "I'm sorry, we have a lot of ship girls in the port area, and the owner can't help but use this as a guest room, so I can only wrong you."

Atago glanced at her, whether it was true or not, and asked at this moment: "Which room is your master in?"

"Master, he is on the right side of the second floor."

Which side is on the right?Atago thinks you should make it clear, there are so many on the right.

At this time, Atago stared at Dido and kept looking at her.

Is it really a maid?

It shouldn't be a hobby, I've heard that there are various identities in the ship girl, soldiers, maids, teachers, all of these.

Well, my image is probably that of a dignified soldier, right?

But the maid is really astringent. Is the nai so big that you want to suck it for your master?

Maid costumes are difficult enough, how can humans nowadays resist such things.

Maid outfit, what's under the skirt?There is a baby under the skirt, you can usually play games with your master.

But Atago thought about it again, his younger brother is so innocent, he has to ask someone to help him when he proposes a marriage, he probably doesn't know how to play this kind of game.

Thinking of this, she said, "Has your master ever given you a ring?"

"No." Dido shook her head, "But as a maid, I don't think about these things. Whether you give me a ring or not, I am the most loyal maid of the master."

The corner of Atago's mouth raised lightly: "Your master doesn't like you, but like other ship girls?"

"do not know."

"It must be, otherwise why would you give them rings but not you?"

Atago had a bad taste, she decided to find out the situation in this port area first, and then look for a chance to win the game.

Richelieu?And business?

Heh heh, I'll call your commander brother, call me if you want, hit me if you have the ability.

Thinking of this, she saw Dido looking over seriously.

"Miss Atago, please be clear about one thing."


"Diduo is just a mere maid. As a maid, a ring is a luxury. As a mere maid, Dido never thought of competing with other ship girls."

Atago:? ? ?

"If the master likes Dido, it must be the greatest blessing in Dido's life. If the master wants to give Dido a ring, Dido will accept it with sincerity. status."

Dido's words were sonorous and powerful, without any confusion.

Atago was shocked and licked the dog! ?

Look at this expression, listen to this tone, lick the dog properly!

Atago resolutely admit defeat.

Although she knew that many ship girls in the port area would protect the commander for no reason, and outsiders said they were licking dogs, she didn't think it should be. After all, she was a ship girl, so it should be some kind of emotional sustenance, right?Although I don't have it.

But if it's the unreasonable kind of dog licking in reality, it's almost the same feeling like Dido.

The heart of this kind of person cannot be shaken no matter what.

Not to mention, dog licking + ship girl, invincible, invincible.

Atago shook her head, the first attack failed, and she was about to change her target.


Back in the port area, he brought back an Atago. To be honest, Su Hao was quite delicate.

Somewhat fortunate that Akagi wasn't there when he came back, otherwise he would definitely have fought Atago.

Although Sister Li spoke harshly, she seldom actually did anything. Chicheng was different. She usually moved her hands before she moved her mouth. Su Hao had a deep understanding of this.

But having said that, if Akagi and Atago fight, what kind of picture will it be?

Rush forward, fall down, pull hair, tear clothes, brow bump forehead, roll over...

Su Hao sniffed, feeling that this kind of thing is still not good.

But even if he had a thousand and ten thousand reluctances in his heart, the worrying thing still happened.

I learned a cake-making technique from Fusang, castella, a soft and sweet little cake, because it is very convenient and it collides with Su Hao's technique. In the spirit of communicating and learning with the commander, Akagi learns Still very serious.

Pack Castilla in a beautiful bag and come to the office, wanting to surprise my dear Commander.

"Sigh~ my sis is so relaxed."

Complaining while walking, although as a wedding ship, Tiancheng's mentality is a bit too relaxed.

Don't you know that there are many enemies in Minato now?

Originally, they wanted to join forces with Tiancheng to rule the world, and even Chicheng had already thought about teaching Tiancheng the skills at night. After she learned it, the two sisters went into battle together, and they were sure to subdue the commander uniform.

It's a pity that the plan can't keep up with the changes.

Well, the days ahead are long, so don't be in a hurry, after Kaga comes back, let her come with her.

After all, Kaga listens to himself very much.

At this time, I came to the office building, walked to the office, the door was closed, raised my hand to knock on the door, and had to be polite before entering the door, the commander likes people who understand manners, otherwise why does he always stare at Guanghui?

"Hehe~ Brother, there is no one else here, so don't be so cautious~"

"As for my sister, I'm particularly interested in you."

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